100: College Composition -- Spring
Meetings: MWF 10:10-11am
Room 7312, Units 3.0
Schedule #37022 - Engl 100AP
"A mind
stretched to a new idea never returns to its original
dimension." -- Oliver Wendell Holmes
"Language is the mother, not the handmaiden, of thought;
words will tell you things you never thought or felt
before." -- W.H. Auden
Prerequisites: Writing Prereq: Completion of
ENG 800 or 400 with a grade C or higher or appropriate
scores on approved college placement tests. Reading Prereq:
READ 802 with credit or a grade of C or higher, or ENGL 400
(taken at Skyline) with a grade of C or higher, or
eligibility for 400-level Reading courses on approved
Reading placement test, or other means measures as
Course Classification:
Applicable to AA. Meets A2 & A3 for CSU GE and Area 1,
Group A for IGETC.
Puente Mission: To
increase the number of educationally underserved students
who enroll in four-year colleges and universities, earn
degrees, and return to the community as leaders and mentors
to future generations. The Puente program consists of
several components: the writing course; regular access to a
counselor, Jacqueline Escobar; and each student is paired
with a mentor, a local professional connected with the
student's interests. The purpose for this is to create a
support network, "una familia," in the classroom, on campus,
and extending beyond into the local community in order to
ensure Puente student success.
Course Objectives: The
purpose of this course is to help students develop their
ability to write thoughtfully and effectively. The premise
of this course is that writing is an integral part of the
thinking process and that successful essay writing depends
on a mixture of creative thinking and an awareness of
writing styles and forms. The objective of this course is to
guide students toward becoming critical readers, writers,
and thinkers through recognizing the effective writing
strategies of other writers, through becoming aware of their
own processes of writing, and through learning to discern
logical relationships between words, ideas, and
Required Materials:
The Latino/a Condition eds. Delgado and Stefancic
(for those who were not enrolled in Puente last semester, do
not buy this large text. There will be copied packet of
selected readings available)
Harvest of Empire by Juan Gonzalez
Growing Up Chicano/a by Tiffany Ana Lopez
Course Reader (available at Skyline's Bookstore)
Course Policies:
Attendance-- Your active
participation is necessary for you and your classmates to
realize the objectives of this course. Therefore your
attendance is crucial. A maximum of 5 (five) absences is
permitted; each absence after the fifth will significantly
lower your grade.
(2) Late Assignments-No
late work will be accepted. All due dates are given well in
advance; therefore I feel that it is unfair to the students
who complete their work on time to accept the work from
those who do not. However, because "life happens," each
student will be allowed two "late tickets" during the
semester; twice students may choose to turn an assignment in
the following class period after the due date. Late
assignments beyond this will not be accepted.
(3) Plagiarism--
Paraphrasing or directly copying any text and using it as
your own without proper attribution, done intentionally or
not, is plagiarism and is unacceptable and can result in
(4) Class
participation---It is essential that you become
consciously involved in class by participating in
discussions and contributing thoughtful comments, questions,
and answers.
Papers: Six major
papers will be written for this class. The requirements are
as follows:
(1) Due Dates--Paper #1
(2-4 pages, 500-1000
words).........Draft due 2/4,
Revised 2/11
#2 (3-5 pages, 750-1250
words).........Draft due 2/25,
Revised 3/4
#3 Midterm essay exam on Friday March 22nd 10:10-11am
...Collaborative Paper #4 (4-6
pages, 1000-1500
words)........Draft due 4/22,
Revised 4/29
#5 (5-7 pages, 1250-1750
words).......Draft due 5/13,
Revised 5/20
#6 Final essay exam-2 ½ hours on Monday, May 20th
(2) Revision-- E.B.
White said, "The best writing is rewriting." Because
revising or "re-seeing" a piece of writing is such an
important aspect of the writing process, each of the papers
has two due dates. Each student will receive feedback and
suggestions on each of his/her papers through class
workshop/discussion groups; then each student will be asked
to revise each paper based on peer feedback. Please note: if
the first due date for a paper is missed, the paper cannot
be turned in at all.
(3) Workshopping--Each
paper will be read, discussed, and commented upon by student
workshop groups. A missed workshop day will count as two (2)
absences and a late paper will not be accepted. Students
without a completed paper will not be allowed to participate
in the workshop. Below are the workshop dates--students must
bring a copy of their paper for themselves and for the other
members of their group:
......... Workshops for Paper
#1: Mon 2/4 & Weds
2/6.........Workshops for Paper
#4: Mon 4/22 & Weds 4/24
......... Workshops for Paper
#2: Mon 2/25 & Weds
2/27.....Workshops for Paper
#5: Mon 5/13 & Weds 5/15
(4) Format-Papers must
meet the required minimum length or run the risk of not
being accepted. All papers must be typed, double-spaced,
have 1" margins, and have a font of 12.
Your Own Grades:
for Paper 1 ______ x .10 = _____
for Paper 2 ______ x .10 = _____
Paper 3-In Class
for Paper 3 ______ x .10 = _____
for Paper 4 ______ x .20 = _____
for Paper 5 ______ x .20 = _____
Paper 6-In Class
for Paper 6 ______ x .10 = _____
Quizzes &
Quiz/HM score ______ x .10 = _____
x .10 = _____
* Participation includes being prepared each day,
meeting......*TOTAL: (convert
total to %) ________
with me at least once during the course of the
semester,.......* Deduct 1% for
each absence over allowed 5.
adding to daily discussion, and giving your
as follows: A=100-90, B=89-80,
thoughtful responses to their writing in
D=69-60, F=59-0
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