100 --- Fall 2001 Calendar
1 - 18 (August 20th - December
Explanation of homework
layout: All activities listed next to the date (not in bold)
is what we will do
in class on that day. All assignments which follow the
abbreviated letters signifying homework (HM)
will be due the following class.
1: Introductions & The Writing
August 21st - Tues: Introduction to class: syllabus,
policies, texts
Writing sample: Describe California. What makes this state
unique? What particular issues (political, economic,
social) are most prevalent in this state? Who are the people
who reside here?
Student Interviews (exchange phone #'s with partner for a
study buddy)
HM: Get--$5 Computer Card, Toward the Setting
Sun, California Time, Forever Foreigners or
Honorary Whites?, Macho!, and Five Fires
Begin Toward the Setting Sun, read the
Introduction xii-xv and Chapters "Snowbound in the Sierras"
to "Wild Roses for Louvina" (pp. 1-31).
August 23rd - Thurs: Possible quiz on the reading
Discussion of the writing process: freewriting,
brainstorming, clustering/listing
HM: Finish Toward the Setting Sun, read
Chapters "Heartbreak and Hope on the Applegate Trail" to the
end of the book (pp. 33-84).
Prepare for a quiz on Tuesday on the reading.
** Getting Prepared:
Paper #1 (2-4 pages) is due Tuesday, September 4th
2: Toward the Setting Sun by Mary Barmeyer
August 28th - Tues:
Meet in the Computer
Lab: bottom floor of blg 2--bring disk & fee card
Quiz on the reading followed by a
Journalists' questions, outlining, and thesis statements
HM: Complete the following in preparation for Paper
#1: (1) Complete the "Creating Thesis Statements" sheet
handed out in class-do the brainstorm, create questions,
answer them and "so what?" them (2) A formal typed outline
for Paper #1 with a thesis statement at the top.
August 30th - Thurs: Giving each other feedback on the
HM: Complete Paper #1 (2-4 pages), due next class:
(1) Bring 4 copies of your completed, typed, double-spaced
paper to class on Tuesday.
(2) Remember: titles of short works such as essays and poems
go in quotes and longer works such as books and plays are
either underlined or italicized.
(3) Students without papers will be asked to leave.
(4) Each workshop day counts as 2 absences
(5) If you do not turn a paper in on this due date, you
cannot turn in the revised version, due a week later, for a
grade. You cannot pass the class if you miss one of the
3: Workshopping
September 4th - Tues:
Paper #1 due (2-4
In Class: Workshopping (a
double absence day if missed)-meet in 2104
HM: Begin California Time, read Chapters 1-2
(pp. 1-27).
September 6th - Thurs: Possible quiz followed by a
discussion of reading.
Also practice with titles.
HM: Revised Paper #1 due 9/11. Please include the
(1) A title page using MLA format: (a) Title of paper (be
creative with this-draw your reader in) centered about a
third from the top of page (b) Your name centered in the
middle of the page (c) Course, instructor's name and date
centered near the bottom of page.
(2) Peer evaluations stapled to back
(3) Must be typed, double-spaced, have 1" margins, have 12
sized font, and be 2-4 pages in length. Please note: 10
pts are removed for each page the paper is under the
required minimum length and 5 pts for half a page under.
Don't go solely by word count but by actual length.
Continue California Time, read Chapters 3-7 (pp.
4: California Time by Ernest J.
September 11th - Tues:
Meet in the Computer
Lab: bottom floor of blg 2--bring disk & fee card
Paper #1 due (2-4 pages).
Possible quiz followed by a discussion.
HM: Continue California Time, read Chapters
8-10 (pp. 76-108).
September 13th - Thurs: Possible quiz followed by a
discussion of the reading
HM: Continue California Time, read Chapters
11-14 (pp. 109-151).
** Reminder: the last
day to drop a course without it appearing on your record is
9/14 **
5: California Time
September 18th - Tues:
Meet in the Computer
Lab: bottom floor of bldg 2
Possible quiz followed by a discussion of the
HM: Continue California Time, read Chapters
15-16 (pp. 152-202).
September 20th - Thurs: Possible quiz followed by a
discussion of the reading
HM: Finish California Time, read Chapters 17-18
(pp. 203-229).
** Getting Prepared:
Paper #2 (3-5 pages) is due Tuesday, October 2nd
6: California Time
September 25th - Tues:
Meet in the Computer
Lab: bottom floor of bldg 2
Possible quiz followed by a discussion of the
HM: Complete the following in preparation for Paper
#2: (1) Complete the "Creating Thesis Statements" sheet-do
the brainstorm, create ?'s and answer them (2) A typed
outline for Paper #2 with a thesis statement at the top.
September 27th - Thurs: Giving each other feedback on
the outlines for Paper #2
HM: Complete Paper #2 (3-5 pages), due next class:
(1) Bring 4 copies of your completed, typed, double-spaced
paper to class on Tuesday.
(2) Students without papers will be asked to leave and a
workshop day is 2 absences.
(3) If you don't turn a paper in on this due date, you
can't turn in the revised version, due a week later, for a
grade. You can't pass the course if you miss turning in a
7: Macho! by Victor
October 2nd - Tues:
Paper #2 due (3-5
In Class: Workshopping (a
double absence day if missed)-meet in 2104
HM: Begin Macho!, read Book One, Chapters 1-7
(pp. 14-68).
October 4th - Thurs: Possible quiz on reading followed
by a discussion.
HM: Revised Paper #2 due 10/9. Please include the
(1) A title page using MLA format.
(2) Peer evaluations stapled to back
(3) Must be typed, double-spaced, have 1" margins, have 12
sized font, and be 3-5 pages in length. Please note: 10
pts are removed for each page the paper is under the
required minimum length and 5 pts for half a page under (4)
If you used outside research, see my website for tips on
Continue Macho!, read Book Two, Chapters 1-4 (pp.
8: Macho!
October 9th - Tues:
Meet in the Computer
Lab: bottom floor of bldg 2
Paper #2 Due (3-5 pages)
Possible quiz followed by a discussion of the
HM: Continue Macho!, read Book Two, Chapters
5-9 (pp. 103-137).
October 11th - Thurs: Possible quiz followed by a
discussion of the reading
HM: Continue Macho!, read Book Two, Chapters
10-13 (pp. 139-177).
9: Macho!
October 16th - Tues:
Meet in the Computer
Lab: bottom floor of bldg 2
Possible quiz on reading followed by a
HM: Continue Macho!, read Book Two, Chapters
14-16 (pp. 179-206).
October 18th - Thurs: Possible quiz on reading followed
by a discussion.
HM: Finish Macho!, read Book Three, Chapters
1-3 (pp. 207-240).
** Start thinking about a
partner for Paper #4: you can choose someone, we can
compare schedules to find matches that way, or you can have
me pair you. We'll assign partners on Thursday, October
25th **
10: Macho!
October 23rd - Tues:
Meet in the Computer
Lab: bottom floor of bldg 2
Possible quiz on reading followed by a
HM: Review Macho!, annotate your text,
freewrite on the issues raised, prepare for the 75 midterm
exam on Tuesday, October 30th.
October 25th - Thurs: Sign-up partners for Paper #4:
exchange phone #'s, schedules and email.
Workshop: Timed Writing
HM: Prepare for open-book, closed note essay exam on
Tuesday, Oct 30th on Macho!. If you handwrite the exam,
bring lined paper, and if you type it, bring a disk.
** Meet in the Computer Lab of
Building 2 for exam **
11: Midterm on Macho!
October 30th - Tues:
Meet in the Computer
Lab: bottom floor of bldg 2
Midterm Examination (75
minutes)-open book, closed note
HM: Begin Forever Foreigners or Honorary
Whites?, read Introduction (p.1-20)
November 1st - Thurs: Possible quiz on reading followed
by a discussion.
HM: Continue Forever Foreigners, read Chapters
2-3 (pp. 21-75).
Before class on Tues 11/6, post a message to your partner on
the text.
Go to the discussion board to find the question to answer at
Please note: Your response will be part of your
participation grade. Failure to post will result in an
annoyed partner and a zero for this activity.
12: Forever Foreigners or Honorary Whites? by
Mia Tuan
November 6th - Tues:
Meet in the Computer
Lab: bottom floor of bldg 2
Possible quiz on reading followed by a
discussion of the reading and the postings.
HM: Continue Forever Foreigners, read Chapters
4-5 (pp. 76-126).
November 8th - Thurs: Possible quiz on reading followed
by a discussion.
HM: Finish Forever Foreigners, read Chapters
6-7 (pp. 127-167).
Before class on Tues 11/13, post a message to your partner
on the text.
Go to the discussion board to find the question to answer at
Again note: Your response will be part of your participation
grade. Failure to post will result in a bad grade and a
very disappointed partner.
13: Writing the Collaborative Paper
November 13th - Tues:
Meet in the Computer
Lab: bottom floor of bldg 2
Possible quiz on reading. Discuss postings
with partner. Thinking about paper topics
HM: With your partner, complete the following in
preparation for Paper #4:
(1) Complete the "Creating Thesis Statements" sheet handed
out in class-do the brainstorm, create questions, answer
them and "so what?" them
(2) A formal typed outline for Paper #4 with a thesis
statement at the top.
November 15th - Thurs: Giving feedback on outlines
HM: Complete Paper #4 (4-6 pages), due next class:
(1) Bring 4 copies of your completed, typed, double-spaced
paper to class on Tuesday.
(2) Students without papers will be asked to leave and
workshop days are 2 absences.
(3) If you don't turn a paper in on this due date, you
can't turn in the revised version, due a week later, for a
grade. You can't pass the course if you miss turning in a
** Also, if you
both go to a writing tutor in The Learning Center (bldg 5)
for your collaborative paper, you can get 3 points of extra
credit added to your essay score. Attach a tutor slip to
the front of the final draft of the paper due Tuesday,
November 27th. Students enrolled in English 853 can see a
writing tutor in 2108f other than myself to get this credit;
ask for a receipt. **
** Reminder: The last day
to withdraw from a course is Friday, Nov 16th **
14: Workshopping
November 20th - Tues:
Paper #4 Due (4-6
In Class: Workshopping (a double
absence day if missed)-meet in 2104
HM: Revised Paper #4 due 11/27. Please include the
(1) A title page using MLA format.
(2) Peer evaluations stapled to the back.
(3) Must be typed, double-spaced, have 1" margins, have 12
sized font, and be 4-6 pages in length. Please note: 10
pts are removed for each page the paper is under the
required minimum length and 5 pts for half a page under (4)
If you used any outside research, be sure to cite it
properly-see my web site for citation guides and links (5)
If you saw a tutor, staple the receipt to the front.
November 22nd - Thurs:
Thanksgiving Holiday-no
15: Five Fires by David
November 27th - Tues:
Meet in the Computer
Lab: bottom floor of bldg 2
Revised Paper #4
Due (4-6 pages)
Freewrite: How did the collaborative process
work? What were both the positive as well as negative
aspects of the process? Did you feel the work was equally
shared? Would you do a collaborative paper again?
Library Tour - 1-1:50pm (2nd floor of building 5)
HM: Begin Five Fires, read the Prologue (pp.
1-9) and Chapter 4: "The San Francisco Earthquake and Fire"
(pp. 107-134).
November 29th - Thurs: Possible quiz on reading
followed by a discussion.
HM: Continue Five Fires, read Chapter 7:
"Relocation, The Japanese, and the Twice Divorced" (pp.
182-203). For Tuesday, bring two pieces of outside research
pertaining to either the San Francisco Earthquake of 1911 or
the Japanese Relocation during World War II.
* If you want a
review of the "Timed Writing Tips" I gave in-class for the
midterm, attend one of these workshops in 2108F: Mon 12/3
from 12:10-1pm or Weds 12/5 from 5:30-6:30pm. You get
extra credit for all workshops attended.
16: Five Fires
December 4th - Tues:
Meet in the Computer
Lab: bottom floor of bldg 2
Possible quiz followed by a discussion of the
reading and the research
HM: Finish the assigned reading for Five Fires,
read Chapter 8: "From Watts to South Central" (pp. 204-236).
Prepare for make-up quiz on Thursday-this score will
replace your lowest quiz score.
December 6th - Thurs: Make-up Quiz
HM: Complete Paper #5 (5-7 pages), due next class:
(1) Bring 4 copies of your completed, typed, double-spaced
paper to class on Tues.
(2) Students without papers will be asked to leave and a
workshop day is 2 absences.
(3) If you don't turn a paper in on this due date, you
can't turn in the revised version, due a week later, for a
grade. You can't pass the course if you miss turning in a
(4) You must include a minimum of three outside sources.
** Bring a
self-addressed stamped envelope, so I can send you a full
printout and breakdown of your course grade. **
17: Workshopping
December 11th - Tues:
Paper #5 Due (5-7
In Class: Workshopping (a
double absence day if missed)-meet in 2104
HM: Revised Paper #5 due 12/18. Please include the
(1) A title page using MLA format.
(2) Peer evaluations stapled to back
(3) Must be typed, double-spaced, have 1" margins, have 12
sized font, and be 5-7 pages in length. Please note: 10
pts are removed for each page the paper is under the
required minimum length and 5 pts for half a page under (4)
A "Works Cited" stapled to the back listing your minimum of
three outside sources. See my web page for MLA
Prepare for final on Five Fires--open book, closed
note exam
+ If you haven't
already, bring a self-addressed stamped envelope to receive
a full printout and explanation of your course grade
December 13th - Thurs: Review
for Final Exam
HM: Prepare for open-book, closed note 2 ½ hour
essay exam on Tuesday, Dec 18th on the assigned readings
from Five Fires. If you handwrite the exam, bring
lined paper, and if you type it, bring a disk.
** Meet in the Computer Lab of Building 2 for exam **
18: Final Exam - 2 ½ hours
December 18th - Tues:
Meet in the Computer
Lab: bottom floor of bldg 2
Final Exam:
11:10-1:40pm in Computer Lab: bottom floor blg 2
Closed book, open note, 2 ½ hour essay exam
on Five Fires
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