100 --- Fall 2002 Calendar
1 - 17 (August 20th - December
Explanation of homework
layout: All activities listed next to the date (not in bold)
is what we will do
in class on that day. All assignments which follow the
abbreviated letters signifying homework (HM)
will be due the following class.
1: Introductions & The Writing Process
August 20th - Tues: Introduction to class:
syllabus, policies, texts
Writing sample: What do you think of when you hear the term
"marginalized peoples"? What do you think this means and who
do you think it includes? What do you think are some
reasons/causes for their marginalization?
Student Interviews
HM: Get Course Reader, The Red Camp, Tell
Them Who I Am, Homophobia, Makes Me Wanna
Holler, and The Body Silent
Begin The Red Camp, read the Introduction 7-9 and
pp. 15-46.
In the Course Reader, read Chapter 1, pp. 1-10. Do Exercise
1 (pp. 2-3), complete the "Student Survey" (p. 5), and do
Exercise 2 (p. 8).
August 22nd - Thurs: Possible quiz on the reading
followed by a discussion
Checking off Chapter 1 homework: Exercises 1 & 2
Going over the "Reading Strategies" section in Chapter 2 in
Course Reader (pp. 11-16)
Introduction to the "Writing Process" section in Chapter 2:
Freewriting (pp.17-20)
HM: Continue The Red Camp, read pp. 47-90.
Prepare for a quiz on Tuesday on the reading.
** Getting Prepared:
Paper #1 (2-4 pages) is due Thursday, September 5th
2: The Red Camp by Debra
August 27th - Tues: Quiz on the reading followed by a
Introduction to the Writing Process--continued:
brainstorming, Journalists' questions, clustering, &
listing (pp. 21-24)
HM: Finish The Red Camp, read pp. 91-126.
August 29th - Thurs: Possible quiz on the reading
followed by a discussion
Writing Process--continued: thesis statements and outlining
(pp. 25-30)
HM: Do the following in preparation for Paper #1-due
Tues 9/3:
(1) Complete the "Creating Your Own Argument (Thesis) on a
Topic" sheet on page 80 in the Course Reader-do the
brainstorm, create questions, answer them and "so what?"
(2) Create a formal typed outline for Paper #1 with a thesis
statement at the top (see pages 25-30 for advice on thesis
statements and outlining).
3: Workshopping
September 3rd - Tues: Workshopping outlines
and thesis statements-write on your peers' outlines
responding to the questions on page 30 of your Course
Going over "Good Practices" in peer review (p. 48)
HM: In the Course Reader from Chapter 2, read about
introductions, the body of the essay, conclusions, and
writing about literature on pages 31-37.
Complete Paper #1 (2-4 pages), due next class:
(1) Bring 4 copies of your completed, typed, double-spaced
paper to class on Thursday.
(2) Remember: titles of short works such as essays and poems
go in quotes and longer works such as books and plays are
either underlined or italicized.
(3) Students without papers will be asked to leave.
(4) Each workshop day counts as 2 absences
(5) If you do not turn a paper in on this due date, you
cannot turn in the revised version, due a week later, for a
grade. You cannot pass the class if you miss one of the
September 5th - Thurs:
Paper #1 due (2-4
In Class: Workshopping (a
double absence day if missed)
HM: Begin Tell Them Who I Am, read the
"Preface" vii-xxi, the "Introduction" pp. 1-21, and Chapters
1-3, pp. 25-79.
4: Tell Them Who I Am by Elliot
September 10th - Tues: Creating titles (pp. 38-40)
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a discussion
HM: In Chapter 2, read pp. 41-64 (pay close attention
to revision advice & explanation of grades).
Also, continue Tell Them Who I Am, read Chapters 3-4
(pp. 81-147).
Revised Paper #1 due 9/12. Please include the
(1) A title page using MLA format: (see pg. 40)-be creative;
win the title contest!)
(2) Peer evaluations stapled to back
(3) Must be typed, double-spaced, have 1" margins, have 12
sized font, and be 2-4 pages in length. Please note: 10 pts
are removed for each page the paper is under the required
minimum length and 5 pts for half a page under. Don't go
solely by word count but by actual length.
September 12th - Thurs:
Revised Paper #1 due
(2-4 pages)
Possible quiz followed by a discussion
HM: Continue Tell Them Who I Am, read Chapters
5-7 (pp. 151-234)
** Getting Prepared:
Paper #2 (3-5 pages) is due Tuesday, September 24th
** Reminder:
the last day to drop a course without it appearing on your
record is 9/13 **
5: Tell Them Who I Am by Elliot Liebow
September 17th - Tues: Possible quiz followed
by a discussion of the reading
HM: Finish Tell Them Who I Am, read The
Appendices, pp. 237-328.
Do the following in preparation for Paper #2-due Thurs
(1) On a separate sheet of paper, complete the exercise
outlined in "Creating Your Own Argument (Thesis) on a Topic"
sheet on page 80 in the Course Reader--do a brainstorm,
create questions, answer them and "so what?" them
(2) Create a formal typed outline for Paper #2 with a thesis
statement at the top (see pages 25-30 for advice on thesis
statements and outlining).
September 19th - Possible quiz followed by a discussion
of the reading
Workshopping outlines and thesis statements--write on your
peers' outlines responding to the questions on page 30 of
your Course Reader
HM: Complete Paper #2 (3-5 pages), due next
(1) Bring 4 copies of your completed, typed, double-spaced
paper to class on Tuesday.
(2) Remember: titles of short works such as essays and poems
go in quotes and longer works such as books and plays are
either underlined or italicized.
(3) Students without papers will be asked to leave.
(4) Each workshop day counts as 2 absences
(5) If you do not turn a paper in on this due date, you
cannot turn in the revised version, due a week later, for a
grade. You cannot pass the class if you miss one of the
6: Workshopping
September 24th - Tues:
Paper #2 due (3-5
In Class: Workshopping (a double absence
day if missed)
HM: Begin Homophobia: How We All Pay the Price,
read the "Introduction" pp. 1-18 and "Squeezed into Gender
Envelopes" pp. 23-38.
September 26th - Thurs: Possible quiz followed by a
discussion of the reading
HM: Review revision advice in Chapter 2, pp. 41-64
Revised Paper #2 due 10/1. Please include the
(1) A title page using MLA format: (see pg. 40)-be
(2) Peer evaluations stapled to back
(3) Must be typed, double-spaced, have 1" margins, have 12
sized font, and be 3-5 pages in length. Please note: 10 pts
are removed for each page the paper is under the required
minimum length and 5 pts for half a page under. Don't go
solely by word count but by actual length.
(4) If you used outside research, see Chapter 6 on how to
cite your sources and how to create a Works Cited page (pp.
7: Homophobia by Warren J. Blumenfeld
October 1st - Tues:
Revised Paper #2 due
(3-5 pages)
Chapter 3: pp. 75-77 and Chapter 4: pp. 85-86
and Chapter 7: pp. 143-145
HM: Continue Homophobia: How We All Pay the
Price, read "Racism and Homophobia as Reflections on
Their Perpetrators" pp. 57-66, "From Silence to Suicide:
Measuring a Mother's Loss" pp. 79-92.
October 3rd - Thurs: Possible quiz on reading followed
by a discussion
In-class: Questioning Circles (p. 112-113 in reader)
Chapter 4: "Transitions" pp. 95-96
HM: Continue Homophobia: How We All Pay the
Price, read "It Has Nothing to Do with Me" pp. 95-113,
"In the Best Interests of the Child" pp. 114-129, and
"Appearances" pp. 157-166.
Prepare 2 questions you have that are connected with issues
of homophobia and homosexuality. Be prepared to ask them in
class for discussion.
8: Homophobia -- Continued
October 8th - Tues: Possible quiz followed by
a discussion of the reading
HM: Continue Homophobia: How We All Pay the
Price, read "Lesbian Baiting as Sexual Harassment: Women
in the Military" pp. 167-173, "True to Our Tradition" pp.
187-203, and "Homophobia and AIDS Public Policy" pp.
** Start thinking about a
partner for Paper #4: you can choose someone, we can compare
schedules to find matches that way, or you can have me pair
you. We'll assign partners on Tuesday, October 15th **
October 10th - Thurs: Probable quiz followed by a
discussion of the reading
Chapter 7: "Fragments" pp. 146-148
HM: Finish Homophobia: How We All Pay the
Price, read "On Being Heterosexual in a Homophobic
World" pp. 235-247, "Homophobia and the Healing of Society"
pp. 249-256, and "Benefits for Nonhomophobic Societies: An
Anthropological Perspective" pp. 258-273.
Start reviewing the 12 essays we read in Homophobia: How
We All Pay the Price. Annotate your text, freewrite on
the issues raised, and prepare for the 75 midterm exam on
Thursday, October 17th. The exam will be held in the
computer lab on the bottom floor of building 2 (two floors
below the cafeteria).
9: Midterm Exam
October 15th - Tues: Sign-up partners for
Paper #4: exchange phone #'s, schedules and email (fill out
p. 117 in course reader with your partner)
Possible quiz followed by a discussion of the reading
Workshop: Timed Writing (pp. 69-74 in
HM: Prepare for open-book, closed note essay exam on
Thursday, Oct 17th on Homophobia: How We All Pay the
Price. If you handwrite the exam, bring lined paper, and
if you type it, bring a disk.
** Meet in the
Computer Lab of Building 2 for exam **
October 17th - Thurs:
Midterm Examination (75 minutes)-open
book, closed note
HM: Begin Makes Me Wanna Holler, read pp.
10: Makes Me Wanna Holler by Nathan McCall
October 22nd - Tues: Possible quiz on reading
followed by a discussion
Chapter 7: "Coordinating and Subordinating Sentences" pp.
HM: Continue Makes Me Wanna Holler, read pp.
October 24th - Thurs: Possible quiz on reading followed
by a discussion
Chapter 7: "Run-ons and Comma Splices" pp. 152-154
HM: Continue Makes Me Wanna Holler, read pp.
** Looking Ahead:
Paper #4 (4-6 pages) is due Tuesday, November 12th
11: Library Tour
October 29th - Tues:
Quiz on the reading followed by a discussion
HM: Continue Makes Me Wanna
Holler, read pp. 211-285.
Next class, meet in the
library-2nd floor of building 5.
October 31st - Thurs:
Library Tour -
12:35-1:50pm (2nd floor of building 5)
HM: Continue Makes
Me Wanna Holler, read pp. 286-349. For Tuesday, you and
your partner are responsible for bringing in a minimum of 3
possible outside texts you could use in your paper to
support/strengthen your argument. The texts cannot be all
from the same type of source.
12: Writing the Collaborative Paper
November 5th - Tues:
Possible quiz on reading followed by a discussion
Discussing outside research and reviewing pp. 121-125
Brainstorming paper topics and partners set up meeting
HM: Finish Makes Me Wanna Holler, read pp.
349-416. With your partner, create a formal, typed outline
for Paper #4 with a thesis statement at the top (see pages
25-30 for advice on thesis statements and outlining).
November 7th - Thurs: Possible quiz on reading followed
by a discussion
Workshopping outlines and thesis statements--write on your
peers' outlines responding to the questions on page 30 of
your Course Reader
HM: Complete Paper #4 (4-6 pages), due next class:
(1) Bring 7 copies of your completed, typed, double-spaced
paper to class on Tuesday.
(2) Students without papers will be asked to leave and
workshop days are 2 absences.
(3) If you don't turn a paper in on this due date, you can't
turn in the revised version, due a week later, for a grade.
You can't pass the course if you miss turning in a
** Also, if
you go to a writing tutor in The Learning Center (bldg 5)
for your collaborative paper, you can get 3 points of extra
credit added to your essay score. Attach a tutor slip to
the front of the final draft of the paper due Tuesday,
November 19th. Students enrolled in English 853 can see a
writing tutor in 1219b other than myself to get this credit;
ask for a receipt. **
13: Workshopping
12th - Tues:
Paper #4 Due (4-6 pages)
In Class:
Workshopping (a double absence day if missed)
HM: Meet with your
partner to review the revision advice you got from your
peers and begin revision of Paper #4. Also, use the time
during next class to meet with your partner to work on the
November 14th - Thurs: No Class - time given to meet
with your partner!
HM: Begin The Body Silent, read the Preface pp.
xi-xiii and read Chapter 1 pp. 1-34.
Revised Paper #4 due 11/19. Please include the
(1) A title page using MLA format
(2) Peer evaluations stapled to the back.
(3) Must be typed, double-spaced, have 1" margins, have 12
sized font, and be 4-6 pages in length. Please note: 10
pts are removed for each page the paper is under the
required minimum length and 5 pts for half a page under
(4) You must include a minimum of two outside sources in the
paper and a "Works Cited" page stapled to the back. In the
Course Reader see pp. 126-140 on MLA formatting and p. 142
for a model of a "Works Cited" page
(5) If you saw a tutor, staple the receipt(s) to the
** Reminder:
The last day to withdraw from a course is Friday, Nov 15th
14: The Body Silent by Robert F. Murphy
November 19th - Tues:
Revised Paper #4
Due (4-6 pages)
Possible quiz on reading
followed by a discussion
HM: Complete "Evaluating the
Members of the Team" in the Course Reader, pp. 119-120. You
must both complete these forms separately in order to have
your paper graded.
Continue The Body Silent, read Chapters 2-3, pp.
November 21st - Thurs: Collecting Team Evaluations
Possible quiz on reading followed by a discussion
HM: Continue The Body
Silent, read Chapters 4-5 pp. 85-136.
15: The Body Silent
November 26th - Tues:
Possible quiz on reading followed by a discussion
HM: Continue The Body Silent, read Chapters 6-7,
pp. 137-194.
November 28th - Thurs:
Holiday-NO CLASS
HM: Finish The
Body Silent, read Chapter 8-9, pp. 195-231. Create a
formal, typed outline for Paper #5 with a thesis statement
at the top (see pages 25-30 for advice on thesis statements
and outlining).
+ Bring a
self-addressed stamped envelope, so I can send you a full
printout and breakdown of your course grade.
16: Workshopping
December 3rd - Tues:
Possible quiz on reading followed by a discussion
Workshopping outlines and thesis statements-write on your
peers' outlines responding to the questions on page 30 of
your Course Reader
HM: Complete Paper #5 (5-7 pages), due next class:
(1) Bring 4 copies of your completed, typed, double-spaced
paper to class on Tues.
(2) Students without papers will be asked to leave and a
workshop day is 2 absences.
(3) If you don't turn a paper in on this due date, you
can't turn in the revised version, due a week later, for a
grade. You can't pass the course if you miss turning in a
(4) You must include a minimum of three outside sources.
December 5th - Thurs:
Paper #5 Due
(5-7 pages)
In Class:
Workshopping (a double absence day if missed)
HM: Prepare for
open-book, closed note 2 ½ hour essay exam on Thursday,
Dec 12th on The Body Silent. If you handwrite the
exam, bring lined paper, and if you type it, bring a disk.
** Meet in the Computer Lab of Building 2 for exam **
Revised Paper #5 due 12/12. Please include the
(1) A title page using MLA format.
(2) Peer evaluations stapled to back
(3) Must be typed, double-spaced, have 1" margins, have 12
sized font, and be 5-7 pages in length. Please note: 10
pts are removed for each page the paper is under the
required minimum length and 5 pts for half a page under
(4) You must include a minimum of two outside sources in the
paper and a "Works Cited" page stapled to the back. In the
Course Reader see pp. 126-140 on MLA formatting and p. 142
for a model of a "Works Cited" page
+ If you haven't
already, bring a self-addressed stamped envelope to receive
a full printout and explanation of your course grade
17: Final Exam
December 10th - Tues:
No Class-Review and Prepare for Final Exam
December 12th - Tues:
Final Exam:
11:10-1:40pm in Computer Lab: bottom floor blg 2
book, open note, 2 ½ hour essay exam on The Body
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