Theme: American
Values and Ideologies
Instructor: Rachel Bell
Web page:
Office Hours: TTh 1-3pm & M 6-7pm, Room 1215
Computers and Tutoring in TLC: Bldg 5, Room 5100 Room 1124, Course Dates: 8/19 – 12/16
LSKL 853: Get help writing papers—enroll now
CRN #89422 Schedule #88926 – Engl 100AG, Units 3.0
"I love the United States, but I see here everything is
measured by success, by how much money it makes,
not the satisfaction to the
-- John Fellows Akers, former
president and CEO of IBM
American lives even more for his goals, for the future, than the European.
Life for him is always becoming, never being." -- Albert Einstein
Prerequisites: Writing Prereq: Completion
of ENG 836 or 400 or ENGL/READ 846 with a grade C or higher or appropriate
scores on approved college placement tests. Reading Prereq: READ 836
or 400 or READ/ENGL 846 with a grade of C or higher, or eligibility for
400-level Reading courses on approved Reading placement test, or other means
measures as necessary. Transfer:
UC; CSU (A2).
Objectives: The
purpose of this course is to help students develop their ability to write thoughtfully
and effectively. The premise of this
course is that writing is an integral part of the thinking process and that
successful essay writing depends on a mixture of creative thinking and an
awareness of writing styles and forms.
The objective of this course is to guide students toward becoming
critical readers, writers, and thinkers through recognizing the effective
writing strategies of other writers, through becoming aware of their own
processes of writing, and through learning to discern logical relationships
between words, ideas, and arguments.
"An American is a man with two arms and four wheels." -- A Chinese
American Values: Opposing Viewpoints
ed. Mary E. Williams
Culture Jam: How to Reverse
America’s Suicidal Consumer Binge by Kalle Lasn
America Street: A Multicultural
Anthology of Stories ed. Anne Mazer
The Argument Culture:
Stopping America’s War of Words by Deborah Tannen
Course Reader—available at Skyline's Bookstore
English Hour-by-Arrangement
Folder—available at the Skyline Bookstore
(1) Attendance—Your active participation is necessary for you and
your classmates to realize the objectives of this course. Therefore your attendance is crucial. A maximum of 4 (four) absences is permitted; each absence after the fourth will
significantly lower your grade.
(2) Late
Assignments—No late work will be
accepted. All due dates are given well
in advance; therefore I feel that it is
unfair to the students who complete their work on time to accept the work from
those who do not. However, because “life
happens,” each student will be allowed two “late tickets” during the semester;
twice students may choose to turn an assignment in the following class
period after the due date. Late
assignments beyond this will not be accepted.
(3) Class
participation—Remember that
participation counts--both for your grade and in your life. It is essential that you become consciously
involved in class by participating in discussions and contributing thoughtful
comments, questions, and answers.
(4) Disabled
accommodation will be provided for eligible students with disabilities. Contact
the DSPS office for an accommodation letter (650) 738-4280.
"I like
America, just as everybody else does. I love America, I gotta say that. But
America will be judged."
-- Bob Dylan, singer songwriter
Papers: Five
major papers will be written for this class.
The requirements are as follows:
(1) Due Dates-- Paper
#1 (2-4 pages, 500-1000 words) Draft
due 9/2, Revised 9/9
Paper #2 (3-5 pages, 750-1250 words) Draft
due 9/30, Revised 10/7
Paper #3
Midterm essay exam on Thursday, October 30th
Collaborative Research Paper #4 (4-6 pages,
1000-1500 words) Draft 12/9, Revised
Paper #5
Final essay exam—2 ½ hours on Tues, December 16th 11:10-1:40pm
(2) Revision-- E.B. White said, “The best writing is rewriting.” Because revising or “re-seeing” a piece of
writing is such an important aspect of the writing process, each of the papers
has two due dates. Each student will
receive feedback and suggestions on each of his/her papers through online class
workshop/discussion groups; then each student will be asked to revise each
paper based on peer feedback.
Please note: if the first due
date for a paper is missed, the paper cannot be turned in at all.
(3) Workshopping--Each paper will be read, discussed, and commented upon by student
workshop groups. Students without a
completed paper on the day of the workshop will not be allowed to participate
in the workshop. Students not
participating in workshops will lose their peer participation points for that
activity, they will not receive the benefit of commentary on their writing, and
if they do not turn a paper in on the workshop date, they cannot turn in a
revised paper a week later for a grade.
You cannot pass the course if you fail to turn in one of the five (5)
major papers for the course. Below are
the workshop dates--students must upload a copy of their paper for their group
members and comment on the writing of their group members on the day specified:
Paper #1
Workshop: Tues, 9/2 Paper #2
Workshop: Tues, 9/30 Paper #4 Workshop: Tues, 12/9
(4) Format—Papers must meet the required minimum length or run
the risk of not being accepted. All
papers must be typed, double-spaced, have 1” margins, and have a font of
must stop talking about the American dream and start listening to the dreams of
-- Reubin Askew, former Florida governor
and desegregationist
Grade: Record Your Own Grades:
Paper 1 10% Score for Paper
1 ______ x .10 =
Paper 2 10% Score for Paper
2 ______ x .10 =
Paper 3—Midterm 10% Score for Paper
3 ______ x .10 =
Paper 4 20% Score for Paper 4
______ x .20 = _____
Paper 5—Final on 12/16 15% Score for Paper 5 ______ x .15 =
Presentation 10% Presentation
score ______ x .10 =
HBA Folder 5% %
of HBAs completed ______ x .05
= _____
* Participation
10% Participation ______ x .10 =
(convert total to %) ________
Participation includes being prepared each day, meeting
with me at
least once during the course of the semester, * Deduct
1% for each absence over allowed 4.
adding to
daily discussion, and giving your classmates Scoring as follows: 100-90=A, 89-80=B
responses to their writing in workshops. 79-70=C, 69-60=D, 59-0=F