165 --- Spring 1999
1 - 19 (January 21st - May 26th)
Explanation of
homework layout: All activities listed next to the date (not
in bold) is what we will do in class on that day. All
assignments which follow the abbreviated letters signifying
homework (HM) will be due the following class.
1: Introductions
January 20th - Weds: Introduction to class: syllabus,
policies, textbooks
Writing sample: What does Critical Thinking mean or imply to
HM: Get textbooks: The Critical Reader, Thinker,
and Writer, Writing Logically, Thinking
Critically & In the Lake of the Woods
January 22nd - Fri: Student Interviews
HM: In Winterowd, read "Reading and Writing"
pp.1-9, "The Achievement of Desire" pp.10-16
2: Reading and
January 25th - Mon: Possible quiz on the reading followed
by discussion.
HM: In Winterowd, read "I Developed the Ability
to Read Closely" pp.17-26, "From Outside, In" pp.27-36, and
"From Narrative of the Life
" pp.37-41. Prepare for a
quiz on Weds on the reading
January 27th - Weds: Quiz on reading followed by
HM: In Winterowd, read "Opinion and Beliefs"
pp.42-47, "Profits vs. Injury" pp.48-54 & "On Boxing"
January 29th - Fri: Possible quiz on reading followed by
HM: In Winterowd, read "Hackers in Jail"
pp.64-66 & "Media Virus" pp.67-76
** Getting Prepared: Paper #1 (3-5 pages) is due Monday,
February 8th
3: Opinions and Beliefs
February 1st - Mon: Possible quiz on reading followed by
HM: In Winterowd, read "The Creation of
Patriarchy" pp.77-93 & "The Declaration of independence"
February 3rd - Weds: Possible quiz on reading followed
by a discussion.
Introduction to the Writing Process and brainstorming for
Paper #1
HM: In Cooper, read Chapter 1 pp.1-16.
February 5th - Fri: Thesis statements and outlining:
preparing for Paper #1
HM: Complete Paper #1 (3-5 pages), due next class:
(1) Bring 4 copies of your completed, typed, double-spaced
paper to class on Mon & Weds.
(2) Remember: titles of short works such as essays and poems
go in quotes and longer works such as books and plays are
either underlined or italicized.
(3) Students without papers will be asked to leave.
(4) Each workshop day counts as 2 absences
(5) If you do not turn a paper in on this due date, you
cannot turn in the revised version, due a week later, for a
(6) You cannot pass the class if you miss one of the
required papers for the course.
4: Workshopping
February 8th - Mon: Paper #1 due (3-5 pages). In Class:
HM: Continue feedback on "Peer Response" sheets. Bring
these sheets, your paper and your group members' papers on
Weds to continue workshopping.
February 10th - Weds: Workshopping Continued
HM: Revised Paper #1 due 2/17. Please include the
(1) A title page using MLA format: (a) Title of paper (be
creative with this-draw your reader in) centered about a
third from the top of page (b) Your name centered in the
middle of the page (c) Course, instructor's name and date
centered near the bottom of page. (2) Peer evaluations
stapled to back (3) Must be typed, double-spaced, have 1"
margins, have 12 sized font, and be 3-5 pages in length.
Please note: 10 pts are removed for each page the paper is
under the required minimum length and 5 pts for half a page
under. Don't go solely by word count but by actual length.
(4) If you used outside research, see pp.574-594 for how to
incorporate and cite works.
February 12th - Fri: Holiday: Lincoln's Birthday -- No
** Reminder: the last day to drop a course without it
appearing on your record is 2/16
5: Inferences
February 15th - Mon: Holiday: Washington's Birthday -- No
February 17th - Weds: Revised Paper #1 due (3-5 pages)
Reconstructing the Lost Tribe and drawing inferences, p. 28.
"The Hostess" p. 33.
HM: In Cooper, read Chapter 2 pp.17-35 and on a
separate sheet of paper to turn in, do Exercise 2B, #'s
February 19th - Fri: Possible quiz on the reading and
going over homework.
HM: In Winterowd, read "Reading and Writing
About Events" pp.98-103 and "Under the Snow"
Topics for Paper 1
- due Feb 8th - 3-5 pages
For paper #1, compare two of the following
"The Achievement of Desire" pp.10-16,
"On Boxing" pp.55-63
"I Developed the Ability to Read Closely" pp.17-26
"Hackers in Jail" pp.64-66
"From Outside, In" pp.27-36
"Media Virus" pp.67-76
"From Narrative of the Life
" pp.37-41
"The Creation of Patriarchy" pp.77-93
"Profits vs. Injury" pp.48-54
"The Declaration of independence" pp.94-97
In your comparison, be sure to make a clear argument
stating your reason for comparing the two essays. Be sure
answer "so what?" Why should we as readers be interested or
concerned about the connection you see between these essays?
What can be learned?
6: Writing about Events--answering What? and
February 22nd - Mon: "Interpreting the Facts," p. 98
& "Under the Snow"; answer 1, 2, 3, 6-p. 109
HM: In Winterowd, read "Street Scene" p. 111,
"The Fire" p. 139 and "The Death of the Moth" p. 156
February 24th - Weds: Possible quiz on reading followed
by a discussion.
HM: In Cooper, read Chapter 3: The Structure of
Argument" pp. 36-60 and do Exercise 3A, numbers 1-10 (p. 40)
and Exercise 3E, numbers 1-8 (p. 55).
February 26th - Fri: Possible quiz. Then going over the
homework and discussing Chapter 3.
HM: In Winterowd, rd "Reading/Writing about People"
pp. 164, "State-Raised Convict" p.170, "On Going Home"
p.193, & "The Yellow Wallpaper" p.221.
** Reminder: Paper #2 (3-5 pages) is due Monday, March
7: Writing about People & Places--
answering Who? Why? Where? When?
March 1st - Mon: Possible quiz on reading followed by a
HM: In Winterowd, read "Writing about Places"
pp. 235-238, "Hell Factories in the Field" pp. 239-246 and
"The Platte and the Desert" pp. 278-286.
March 3rd - Weds: Possible quiz on reading followed by a
March 5th - Fri: Discussion of reading and Paper #2
HM: Complete Paper #2 (3-5 pages), due next class:
(1) Bring 4 copies of your completed, typed, double-spaced
paper to class on Mon & Weds.
(2) Students without papers will be asked to leave and each
workshop day is 2 absences.
(3) If you don't turn a paper in on this due date, you can't
turn in the revised version, due a week later, for a grade.
You can't pass the course if you miss turning in a
8: Workshopping
March 8th - Mon: Paper #2 due (3-5 pages). In Class:
HM: Continue feedback on "Peer Response" sheets. Bring
these sheets, your paper and your group members' papers on
Weds to continue workshopping.
March 10th - Weds: Workshopping Continued
HM: Revised Paper #2 due 3/15. Please include the
(1) A title page using MLA format. (2) Peer evaluations
stapled to back (3) Must be typed, double-spaced, have 1"
margins, have 12 sized font, and be 3-5 pages in length.
Please note: 10 pts are removed for each page the paper is
under the required minimum length and 5 pts for half a page
under (4) If you used outside research, see p. 574-581 to
see how to incorporate quotations/cite works.
March 12th - Fri: Work on Paper #2
HM: In Cooper, rd Chap 4, p.61-88. Do Ex 4A (p.64), 4B
(p.73), & 4C (p.74)
9: Reading and Writing Explanations
March 15th - Mon: Revised Paper #2 Due (3-5 pages).
Possible quiz. Then going over the homework and discussing
Chapter 4.
HM: In Winterowd, read "The Country of the
Mind" p.332 & "Angry Winter" p. 345
March 17th - Weds: Possible quiz on reading followed by
a discussion.
HM: In Winterowd, "Politics and the English
Language" pp. 361-372 and "How it Feels to Be Colored Me"
pp. 374-377.
March 19th - Fri: Possible quiz on reading followed by a
HM: In Winterowd, rd "The Nature of Theories" p.397
& "The First Cure" p. 402
** Open book, in-class midterm exam on Friday of next
week, 3/26
10: The Midterm
March 22nd - Mon: Possible quiz on reading followed by a
March 24th - Weds: Workshop: Timed
HM: Prepare for Midterm and review "Explanations"
reading (see list below)
March 26th - Fri:
In-Class Midterm - on Explanations Unit - 50
HM: In Cooper, read Chapter 5, pp. 89-100 and do
Exercise 5B (p. 97) numbers 1-8. Read Chapter 6, pp. 101-123
and do Exercise 6A (p. 103) numbers 1-7 and Exercise 6B (p.
108) numbers 1-10.
11: Spring Break -- No Classes -- March 29th to April
12: Reading and Writing Arguments
April 5th - Mon: Possible quiz. Then going over the
homework and discussing Chapters 5-6
HM: In Winterowd, read "Reading and Writing
Arguments" pp. 470-489, "Ethics and Animals" p. 490, and
"The Freedom of Susan Smith" p. 502
April 7th - Weds: Possible quiz on reading followed by a
HM: In Winterowd, read "The Vanishing Classics
and Other Myths" pp. 510-526 and "What Campus Radicals?" pp.
April 9th - Fri: Possible quiz on reading followed by a
HM: In Cooper, read Chapter 7, pp. 124-139 and do
Exercise 7A (p. 133) numbers 1-6 and Exercise 7C (p.
Essays to write on
for Paper 2 - due March 8th - 3-5 pages
"Under the Snow" p.104
"On Going Home" p.193
"Street Scene" p. 111
"The Yellow Wallpaper" p.221
"The Fire" p. 139 and
"Hell Factories in the Field" p. 239
"The Death of the Moth" p. 156
"The Platte and the Desert" p. 278
"State-Raised Convict" p.170
Essays to know for
the Midterm on Friday, March 26th
"The Country of the Mind" pp.332
"How it Feels to Be Colored Me" pp. 374
"The Angry Winter" pp. 345
"The Nature of Theories" pp. 397
"Politics and the English Language" pp. 361
"The First Cure" pp. 402
13: Collaborative Papers
April 12th - Mon: **Sign-up for Paper #4 collaborative
writing teams**
Possible quiz. Then going over the homework and discussing
Chapter 7.
HM: In Winterowd, read "You Say You Want a Devolution"
pp. 533-537 and
"The Naturalist and the Supernaturalist" pp. 538-543.
April 14th - Weds: Possible quiz on the reading followed
by a discussion
**Please note: next
class, meet in the library
April 16th - Fri:
Library Tour - Meet in
the library (2nd floor of building 5)
HM: In Winterowd, read "Can the G.O.P. Take America
Back" pp. 446-455 and
"Empowering Species" pp. 457-460.
Continue work on Paper #4 with your
partner-due Weds 4/28 **
**The original date for Paper #4 was April 21st, but
an additional week is being added in order to complete the
novel and to provide time for collaborative writing partners
to meet. The new due date for Paper #4 is Wednesday, April
14: Writing Arguments
April 19th - Mon: Possible quiz on the reading followed
by a discussion
HM: In Cooper, read Chapter 8, pp. 140-167 and do
Exercise 8A (p. 154) numbers 1-12 only. Be sure to read the
essays on pages 159-164.
**Also, continue your research on your topic for Paper
#4. Please bring to class Wednesday a minimum of two pieces
of photocopied outside research. Each member of the
collaborative writing teams must have two sources of his/her
own different from his/her partners.
April 21st - Weds: Possible quiz on the reading followed
by a discussion.
HM: In Winterowd, read "A Modest Proposal" pp. 462-468
and "Things You Can Do to Fight Human Rights Abuses" pp.
April 23rd - Fri: Possible quiz on the reading followed
by a discussion.
HM: In Cooper, read Chapter 9, pp. 168-197 and do
Exercise 9C (p. 186) numbers 1-10 and Exercise 9D (p. 193)
numbers 1-4.
15: Workshopping
April 26th - Mon: Possible quiz on the reading followed
by a discussion
HM: Complete Paper #4 (4-6 pages), due next
(1) Bring 4 copies of your completed, typed,
double-spaced paper to class on Weds & Fri.
(2) Students without papers will be asked to leave and each
workshop day is 2 absences.
(3) If you don't turn a paper in on this due date, you can't
turn in the revised version, due a week later,
for a grade. You can't pass the course if you miss turning
in a paper.
April 28th - Weds: Paper
#4 due (4-6 pages). In Class:
HM: Continue your feedback on the "Peer Response"
sheets. Bring these sheets, your paper and your group
members papers to class on Fri.
Begin In the Lake of the Woods, read Chapters 1-7,
pp. 1-46.
** Also, if you both go to a
writing tutor in The Learning Center for your collaborative
paper, you can get 3 points of extra credit. Attach a tutor
slip to the front of the final draft of the paper due
Wednesday, May 5th. **
** Reminder:
The last day to withdraw from a course is 4/29
April 30th - Fri: Workshopping
HM: Continue In the Lake of the Woods, read
Chapters 8-11, pp. 47-93.
16: In the Lake of the Woods
May 3rd - Mon: Possible quiz followed by a discussion of
the reading
HM: Continue In the Lake of the Woods, read
Chapters 12-15, pp. 94-134.
Revised Paper #4 due 5/5. Please include the
(1) A title page using MLA format. (2) Peer evaluations
stapled to back (3) Must be typed, double-spaced, have 1"
margins, have 12 sized font, and be 4-6 pages in length.
Please note: 10 pts are removed for each page the paper is
under the required minimum length and 5 pts for half a page
under (4) To cite outside research, see p. 1477-1487 (5) If
you saw a tutor, staple receipt to the front.
May 5th - Weds:
Revised Paper #4 Due (4-6
pages). Possible quiz followed by a
Freewrite: How did the collaborative process work? What were
both the positive as well as negative aspects of the
process? Did you feel the work was equally shared? Would you
do a collaborative paper again?
HM: Continue In the Lake of the Woods, read
Chapters 16-18, pp. 135-174.
May 7th - Fri: Possible quiz followed by a discussion of
the reading
HM: Continue In the Lake of the Woods, read
Chapters 19-21, pp. 175-216.
17: In the Lake of the Woods
May 10th - Mon: Possible quiz followed by a
HM: Continue In the Lake of the Woods, read
Chapters 22-25, pp. 217-266.
May 12th - Weds: Possible quiz followed by a
HM: Finish In the Lake of the Woods, read
Chapters 26-31, pp. 267-303.
May 14th - Fri: Possible quiz followed by a discussion
of the reading
HM: Complete Paper #5 (5-7 pages), due next
(1) Bring 4 copies of your completed, typed,
double-spaced paper to class on Mon & Weds.
(2) Students without papers will be asked to leave and each
workshop day is 2 absences.
(3) If you don't turn a paper in on this due date, you can't
turn in the revised version, due a week later, for a grade.
You can't pass the course if you miss turning in a
(4) You must include a minimum of three outside
18: Workshopping
May 17th - Mon: Paper
#5 due (5-7 pages). In Class:
HM: Continue working on "Peer Response" sheets. Bring
these sheets, your paper and your group members papers to
class on Wednesday to continue.
May 19th - Weds: Workshopping -
HM: Bring a self-addressed stamped envelope, so I can
send you a full printout and breakdown of your course
May 21st - Fri: Preparation for final
HM: Prepare for final on In the Lake of the
Woods--open book, closed note exam
Revised Paper #5 due 5/26. Please include the following:
(1) A title page using MLA format. (2) Peer
evaluations stapled to back (3) Must be typed,
double-spaced, have 1" margins, have 12 sized font, and be
5-7 pages in length. Please note: 10 pts are removed for
each page the paper is under the required minimum length and
5 pts for half a page under (4) To cite your minimum of
three sources, see p. 1477-1487.
19: Final Exam
May 24th - Mon: Holiday: Memorial Day -- No Classes
HM: Bring a self-addressed stamped envelope to receive
course grade
May 26th - Weds:
Revised Paper #5 Due (5-7
Final Exam: 11:10-1:40pm
Due Weds, April 28th:
For the
Collaborative Paper #4 (4-6 pages):
Create an argument of your own analyzing one or more
of the following essays:
"Ethics and Animals" p. 490
"The Naturalist and the Supernaturalist" p. 538
"The Freedom of Susan Smith" p. 502
"Can the G.O.P. Take America Back" p. 446
"Empowering Species" p. 457
"The Vanishing Classics and Other Myths" p. 510
"What Campus Radicals?" p. 527
"You Say You Want a Devolution" p. 533
"A Modest Proposal" p. 462
Fight Human Rights Abuses" p. 299
Due Mon, May 17th:
For Research Paper
#5 (5-7 pages): You must use a minimum of
three (3) outside sources
Analyze an aspect or theme in In the Lake of the
Woods by Tim O'Brien
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