801 --- Fall 2001 Calendar
1-18 (August 20th - December 19th)
Explanation of homework
layout: All activities listed next to the date (not in bold)
is what we will do in class on that day. All assignments
which follow the abbreviated letters signifying homework
(HM) will be due the following class.
1: INTRODUCTIONS--to the class, to each other and to reading
August 20 - Mon: Introduction to class: syllabus,
policies, textbooks
In class, begin Journal
Part 1: Describe an early reading memory at home with
parents or siblings. What were your early attitudes and
feelings toward reading?
Part 2: Analyze yourself as a reader today. What role does
reading play in your life now? When and what do you read?
How have your reading tastes and attitudes changed over the
HM: Complete Journal 1 by answering "Part 1" and "Part
2" above. All journals that you will turn in must be a
minimum of one full, double-spaced, typed page.
August 22 - Weds: Share Journal 1 responses.
Brainstorm in class: What are the benefits of being a good
HM: In The Reader's Handbook, begin Chapter 1
"The Reading Process," pp. 3-10.
August 24 - Fri: Student Interviews
HM: In The Reader's Handbook, finish Chapter 1
"The Reading Process," pp. 11-20.
Journal 2:
re-read the 5 "Thinking Strategies for Reading" on p.13-14.
Filling one double-spaced typed page, examine each of the 5
strategies and explain in a paragraph for each why you think
each approach could be effective. How do you think each
strategy can or will help with reading comprehension? Do you
use any of these? Why or why not?
Review Chapter 1 (pp. 3-20) and be prepared for a quiz on
the reading on Monday
*** Journals 1-3
will be collected Wednesday, September 5th***
2: Unit "On Reading"
August 27 - Mon: In class quiz on Chapter 1 in The
Reader's Handbook
Going over Chapter 1
Half the class will preview "One Writer's Beginnings" by
Eudora Welty (p. 57) and the other half will preview "Prison
Studies" by Malcolm X (p. 68). In your preview, respond to
the following:
* What did you note in your preview? What information was
* Write 3 questions you have after completing the
Select Newsweek articles to read for Friday
HM: In The Short Prose Reader, read "One
Writer's Beginnings" (pp. 57-63) and read "Prison Studies"
(pp. 68-71). For Journal 3 respond to ONE of the prompts
(1) On "One Writer's Beginnings" (pp. 57-63): Explain in
your own words what the writer considers to be the relation
between physical sensations and learning words. According to
the author why is it important for parents to read to their
children? What do you think?
(2) On "Prison Studies" (pp. 68-71): Characterize the
writer's opinion of a college education. How does he compare
his education to a college degree? How did his education
influence his understanding of his place and role in
American society? What do you think?
August 29th - Weds: Discussion of "One Writer's
Beginnings" by Eudor Welty (p. 57) and "Prison Studies" by
Malcolm X (p. 68).
HM: Read the articles the class selected in
Newsweek (if you were absent, visit our discussion
board and the selected articles will be posted
Be prepared for a possible quiz on the Newsweek
articles on Friday.
August 31st - Fri: Possible quiz on the Newsweek
articles followed by a discussion.
HM: In The Reader's Handbook, read Chapter 9, pp.
159-174 and be prepared for a possible quiz on the reading
on Monday.
1-3 are due next class, Wednesday, Sept 5th. Each journal
must be typed, double-spaced and be a minimum of one full
page each. Below is a list of the journals that are due:
(1) Journal 1: Early and current reading experiences
(2) Journal 2: Response to "Thinking Strategies for Reading"
(Smith 13)
(3) Journal 3: Response to the article by Eudora Welty or
Malcolm X
3: Unit "On Reading" Continued
September 3rd - Mon: Labor Day--No
HM: In The Reader's Handbook, read Chapter 9,
pp. 159-174 and be prepared for a possible quiz on the
reading on Wednesday.
Journals 1-3 are due next class, Wednesday, Sept 5th. Each
journal must be typed, double-spaced and be a minimum of one
full page each. Below is a list of the journals that are
Journal 1: Early and current reading experiences
Journal 2: Response to "Thinking Strategies for Reading"
(Smith 13)
Journal 3: Response to the article by Eudora Welty or
Malcolm X
September 5th - Weds:
Journals 1-3 due!
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a
Also practice in annotating, summary writing, note-taking,
outlining and mapping
HM: In The Short Prose Reader, read "'See Spot
Run': Teaching My Grandmother to Read" (pp. 77-80) and
"Apostles of the Faith that Books Matter" (pp. 84-89). For
Friday, write a half page summary for "Apostles of the Faith
that Books Matter" (pp. 84-89) to turn in.
September 7th - Fri: Summaries on "Apostles of the Faith
that Books Matter" due
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a discussion.
Continued practice in annotating, summary writing,
note-taking, outlining and mapping
Select Newsweek articles to discuss on Monday
HM: Read the Newsweek articles selected by the
class. The selected articles will always be posted on our
online class discussion board---http://www.smccd.net/common/post.asp?BoardID=363).
For Monday, choose ONE of the Newsweek articles and
create an outline OR a map for it.
** Last day to drop a
course without it appearing on your record is Friday,
September 14th **
4: Finding Main Ideas and Begin Unit on
September 10th - Mon: Outlines and/or maps of one of the
Newsweek articles due
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a
HM: In The Reader's Handbook, read Chapter 3 "Main
Idea" (pp. 53-70) and do Practice 3 (pp. 57-58), Practice 5
(p. 60), and Practice 6 (p. 64).
September 12th - Weds: Going over homework: Practices 3, 5
and 6.
Going over Chapter 3
Previewing next unit on gender in The Short Prose
Reader and activating schema
HM: In The Short Prose Reader, read "What I've
Learned from Men" (pp. 175-179) and "The Tapestry of
Friendships" (pp. 217-219). For
Journal 4: in a
minimum of one double-spaced, typed page, answer the
following on Barbara Ehrenreich's article "What I've Learned
from Men": Ehrenreich seems to want us to distinguish
between the servile characteristics of what is ladylike and
the more robust qualities of women. Describe her portrait of
a lady. Do you feel it is fair and accurate? Why or why
September 14th - Fri: Possible quiz on the reading
followed by a discussion
Select Newsweek articles to read for Monday
HM: Read the Newsweek articles selected by the
class. The selected articles will always be posted on our
online class discussion board--http://www.smccd.net/common/post.asp?BoardID=363).
For Monday, be able to locate or describe in your own words
the main idea for each article.
5: Prefixes
September 17th - Mon: Possible quiz on
Newsweek articles followed by a discussion of the
Introduction to prefixes
HM: In The Reader's Handbook, read Chapter 4
"Details and Organizational Patterns" (pp. 71-89) and do
Practice 4 (p. 84) 1-6 and Practice 5 (p. 87) 1-15.
Fill out the Prefixes sheet handed out in class: provide an
additional word for each prefix and use that word in a
sentence-due Friday
September 19th - Weds: Possible quiz on the reading
followed by a discussion
Going over the homework: Practices 4 and 5
Checking the Prefix sheets-complete these sheets which are
due on Friday
HM: In The Short Prose Reader, read "Why
Marriages Fail" (pp. 357-361) and "I Want a Wife" (pp.
395-397) and for Journal
5: in a minimum of one double-spaced,
typed page, answer the following: examine both Anne Roiphe's
article "Why Marriages Fail" and Judy Brady's "I Want a
Wife" and explain which organizational pattern or patterns
the authors use (provide a minimum of a half page of
discussion for each article). Use examples from the articles
to illustrate the organizational pattern(s) they used. Are
these organizational patterns effective? Why or why not?
Be sure your Prefix handout is completed-due Friday
September 21st - Fri: Select Newsweek articles to
read for Monday
Going over Prefix sheets-Quiz on Monday!
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a discussion
HM: Read the Newsweek articles selected by the
class for discussion and a possible quiz on Monday.
The selected articles will always be posted on our online
class discussion board--http://www.smccd.net/common/post.asp?BoardID=363
6: Inferences
September 24th - Mon: Quiz on Prefixes
Possible quiz on Newsweek articles followed by a
discussion of the articles
HM: In The Reader's Handbook, read Chapter 5
"Inference" (pp. 90-104) and do Practice 10 (p. 100) and
Practice 11 (p. 102).
September 26th - Weds: Possible quiz on the reading
followed by a discussion
Going over the homework: Practices 10 and 11
Backpack exercise: making inferences
HM: In The Short Prose Reader, read Susan
Jacoby's "When Bright Girls Decide That Math Is a Waste of
Time" (pp. 375-379) and Anna Quindlen's "Women Are Just
Better" (pp. 438-440) and for
Journal 6: in a
minimum of one double-spaced, typed page, answer the
following: examine both of the above articles and in a
minimum of a half page for each, describe the inferences
that the authors are making. Also what inferences can you as
the reader make from the author's ideas, assumptions and
arguments. Are they valid inferences? Do you agree?
September 28th - Fri: Possible quiz on the reading
followed by a discussion
Select Newsweek articles to read for Monday
HM: Read the Newsweek articles selected by the
class for discussion and a possible quiz on Monday.
The selected articles will always be posted on our online
class discussion board--http://www.smccd.net/common/post.asp?BoardID=363
Journals 4-6 are due next class, Monday October 1st. Each
journal must be typed, double spaced and be a minimum of one
full page each. Below is a list of the journals due:
Journal 4: Response to "What I've Learned from Men" by
Barbara Ehrenreich (p.175)
Journal 5: Organizational patterns in Anne Roiphe (p.357)
and Judy Brady's (p.395) articles
Journal 6: Inferences in Susan Jacoby (p.375) and Anna
Quindlen's (p.438) articles
7: The Minority Experience
October 1st - Mon:
Journals 4-6
Due. Possible quiz on
Newsweek articles followed by a discussion.
HM: In The Reader's Handbook,
read Chapter 6 "Point of View" (pp. 105-122) and do Practice
3 (p. 110), Practice 4 (p. 112) 1-5, and Practice 8 (p.
120-121) 1-6.
Fill out the second Prefixes sheet handed out in class:
provide an additional word for each prefix and use that word
in a sentence-due Friday
October 3rd - Weds: Possible quiz on the reading
followed by a discussion
Going over the homework: Practices 3, 4 and 8
HM: In The Short Prose
Reader, read "Mother Tongue" (pp. 27-33). Be prepared
for a possible quiz on the reading on Friday.
Complete your Prefix handout-due Friday
October 5th - Fri: Select Newsweek articles to
read for Monday.
Going over Prefix sheets-Quiz on Monday!
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a
HM: Read the Newsweek articles selected by the
class for discussion and a possible quiz on Monday.
The selected articles will always be posted on our online
class discussion board--http://www.smccd.net/common/post.asp?BoardID=363
8: Prefixes continued
October 8th - Mon: Quiz on
Possible quiz on Newsweek articles followed by a
discussion of the articles
HM: In The Reader's
Handbook, read Chapter 7 "Critical Thinking" (pp.
123-141) and do Practice 1 (p. 125) 1-4, Practice 5 (p. 134)
1-5, and Practice 6 (p. 138-139).
October 10th - Weds: Possible quiz on the reading
followed by a discussion
Going over the homework: Practices 1, 5 and 6
HM: In The Short Prose
Reader, read "Catfish in the Bathtub" (pp. 103-105) and
"The Struggle to Be an All-American Girl" (pp. 129-131) and
for Journal 7: in a minimum of one double-spaced, typed
page, answer the following: In Elizabeth Wong's article "The
Struggle to Be an All-American Girl," what is she saying
about culture clash? What do her last two lines mean (page
131) and what is she saying about culture clash and
assimilation? What do you think?
October 12th - Fri: Possible quiz on the reading
followed by a discussion
Select Newsweek articles to read for
HM: Read the Newsweek articles selected by the
class for discussion and a possible quiz on Monday.
The selected articles will always be posted on our online
class discussion board--http://www.smccd.net/common/post.asp?BoardID=363
9: The Minority Experience -- Continued
October 1st - Mon: Possible quiz on
Newsweek articles followed by a discussion of the
HM: In The Reader's
Handbook, read Chapter 10 "Reading in the Humanities"
(pp. 175-197) and do Practice 2 (p. 182) 1-5, Practice 4 (p.
186) 1-5, and so the Comprehension Questions (pp. 194-196)
Fill out the Roots sheet handed out in class: provide an
additional word for each root and use that word in a
sentence--due Friday
October 3rd - Weds: Possible quiz on the reading
followed by a discussion
Going over the homework: Practices 2, 4 and Comprehension
HM: In The Short Prose
Reader, read "Nightwalker" (pp. 167-170) and "A Word's
Meaning" (pp. 253-256. Be prepared for a possible quiz on
the reading on Friday.
Complete your Roots handout-due Friday
October 5th - Fri: Select Newsweek articles to
read for Monday
Going over Roots sheets-Quiz on Monday!
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a
HM: Read the Newsweek articles selected by the
class for discussion and a possible quiz on Monday.
The selected articles will always be posted on our online
class discussion board--http://www.smccd.net/common/post.asp?BoardID=363
10: Word Roots
October 8th - Mon: Quiz on
Possible quiz on Newsweek articles followed by a
discussion of the articles
HM: In The Reader's
Handbook, read Chapter 11 "Reading, Literature, Poetry
and Drama" (pp. 198-220) and do Practice 2 (p. 205) 1-5,
Practice 3 (p. 207) 1-5, and Practice 5 (p. 217-) 1-2.
October 10th - Weds: Possible quiz on the reading
followed by a discussion
Going over the homework: Practices 2, 3 and 5
HM: In The Short Prose
Reader, read "I Have a Dream" (pp. 429-432) and for
Journal 8: in a minimum of one double-spaced, typed page,
answer the following: Examine Martin Luther King's style and
rhythm of writing. Describe what you observe. Also, describe
his dream? Do you think his dream is realized today?
October 12th - Fri: Possible quiz on the reading
followed by a discussion
Select Newsweek articles to read for
HM: Read the Newsweek articles selected by the
class for discussion and a possible quiz on Monday.
The selected articles will always be posted on our online
class discussion board--http://www.smccd.net/common/post.asp?BoardID=363
11: Farewell to Manzanar by Wakatsuki Houston
& Houston
October 29th - Mon: Quiz on
Discussion of Newsweek articles
HM: Begin Farewell to
Manzanar, read the foreward, the Chronology and Chapters
1-2 (pp. ix-22).
October 31st - Weds: Possible quiz on the reading
followed by a discussion
HM: Continue Farewell to
Manzanar, read Chapters 3-5 (pp. 23-46).
9: in a minimum of
one double-spaced, typed page, answer the following:
Describe the conditions of the camps using specific details
from the book. Explain how the Japanese and
Japanese-Americans who were interned reacted. Why was the
situation particularly insulting and humiliating for many of
November 2nd - Fri: Select Newsweek articles to
read for Monday
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a
HM: Read the Newsweek articles selected by the
class for discussion and a possible quiz on Monday.
The selected articles will always be posted on our online
class discussion board--http://www.smccd.net/common/post.asp?BoardID=363
7-9 are due next class, Monday November 5th. Each journal
must be typed, double spaced and be a minimum of one full
page each. Below is a list of the journals due:
Journal 7: Response to "The Struggle to Be an All-American
Girl" by Elizabeth Wong (p.129)
Journal 8: Response to "I Have a Dream" by Martin Luther
King Jr. (p.129)
Journal 9: Response to Farewell to Manzanar, Chapters 3-5
(pp. 23-46)
12: Farewell to Manzanar
November 5th - Mon:
Journals 7-9
Possible quiz on Newsweek
articles followed by a discussion of the articles
Get Suffix sheet-due Friday
HM: For Friday, continue
Farewell to Manzanar, read Chapters 6-7 (pp. 47-64).
Complete the Suffix sheet-due Friday and the quiz is
Wednesday 11/14
November 7th - Weds:
No Class-I have
to attend a conference at UC Berkeley
November 9th - Fri:
Suffix sheet due (quiz Weds because Monday is a holiday)
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a
HM: For Wednesday, continue
Farewell to Manzanar, read Chaps 8-10 (pp.
13: Farewell to Manzanar
November 12th - Mon:
Class-Veteran's Day
HM: Continue Farewell to
Manzanar, read Chapters 8-10 (pp. 65-80).
November 14th - Weds: Suffix Quiz
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a
HM: Continue Farewell to
Manzanar, read Chapters 11-12 (pp.
10: in a minimum of
one double-spaced, typed page, answer the following:
Describe what the Japanese Loyalty Oath was and explain why
it was more divisive than the riots. What role did the JACL
play? What do you think about the internal division the
Japanese faced at this time?
** The last
day to withdraw from a course is Friday, November 16th
November 16th - Fri:
Select Newsweek articles to read for Monday
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a
HM: Read the Newsweek articles selected by the
class for discussion and a possible quiz on Monday.
The selected articles will always be posted on our online
class discussion board--http://www.smccd.net/common/post.asp?BoardID=363
14: Farewell to Manzanar
November 19th - Mon: Possible quiz
on Newsweek articles followed by a discussion of the
HM: Continue Farewell to
Manzanar, read Chapters 13-14 (pp. 104-120).
November 21st - Weds:
November 23rd - Fri:
15: Farewell to Manzanar
November 26th - Mon: Get Suffix II
Sheet-due Friday
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a
HM: Continue Farewell to
Manzanar, read Chapters 15-17 (pp. 121-141).
11: in a minimum of
one double-spaced, typed page, answer the following:
Explain why many of the internees did not want to leave the
camps when the camps started to close. What changed them to
make them want to stay? What was the "outside" world like
for the returning Japanese once they left the camps? What
does this being torn between staying and returning reveal?
November 28th - Weds: Possible quiz on the reading
followed by a discussion
HM: Continue Farewell to
Manzanar, read Chapters 18-19 (pp. 142-156).
Complete Suffix II sheet-due Friday and quiz on Monday 12/3.
November 30th - Fri: Suffix II sheet due (quiz on
Select Newsweek articles to read for Monday
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a
HM: Read the Newsweek articles selected by the
class for discussion and a possible quiz on Monday.
The selected articles will always be posted on our online
class discussion board--http://www.smccd.net/common/post.asp?BoardID=363
16: Farewell to Manzanar
December 3rd - Mon: Suffix II
Possible quiz on Newsweek articles followed by a
discussion of the articles
HM: Continue Farewell to
Manzanar, read Chapters 19-21 (pp. 157-182)
December 5th - Weds: Possible quiz on the reading
followed by a discussion
HM: Finish Farewell to
Manzanar, read Chapter 22 (pp. 183-203).
Journal 12:
in a minimum of one
double-spaced, typed page, answer the following: What
struggles does the author face due to her internment? Why
does she return to Manzanar so many years later? What does
she learn about herself and her family? What have you
learned from reading this story?
December 7th - Fri: Possible quiz on the reading
followed by a discussion
Select Newsweek articles to read for
HM: Read the Newsweek articles selected by the
class for discussion and a possible quiz on Monday.
The selected articles will always be posted on our online
class discussion board--http://www.smccd.net/common/post.asp?BoardID=363
17: Farewell to Manzanar
December 10th - Mon: Possible quiz
on Newsweek articles followed by a discussion of the
HM: Review Farewell to
Manzanar and mark up your text for the final exam.
December 12th - Weds:
Final Exam
HM: Prepare for final exam and
review the following:
(1) Review all 6 vocabulary sheets: 2 prefixes, 2 roots, 2
(2) Review the various reading strategies in Smith's The
Reader's Handbook
(3) Review Farewell to Manzanzar and be prepared
to answer short fill in the blank questions as well as essay
questions on the book
December 14th -
Fri: No
Class-Skyline Final Exams week begins Thursday, December
10-12 are due at the final exam, Wednesday December 19th.
Each journal must be typed, double spaced and be a minimum
of one full page each. Below is a list of the journals due:
Journal 10: Response to Farewell to Manzanar, Chapters
11-12 (pp. 81-103)
Journal 11: Response to Farewell to Manzanar, Chapters
15-17 (pp. 121-141)
Journal 12: Response to Farewell to Manzanar, Chapter 22 (
pp. 183-203)
18: Final Exam
December 19th - Weds:
Journals 10-12 due
Final Exam:
11:10-1:40pm (2 ½ hours)
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