Reading 836 --- Fall 2004 Calendar
Weeks 2 – 19
(August 24th – December 14th)
Explanation of homework layout: All activities listed next to the date (not in bold) is what we will do in class on that day. All assignments which follow the abbreviated letters signifying homework (HM) will be due the following class.
WEEK 2: Getting Started
August 24th – Tues: Introduction to class:
syllabus, policies, texts
proper course placement
Activating Our Schema:
Freewrite on the following questions for 15 minutes:
Looking at the course theme “Two Americas" what do you
think this could mean? What is life
like living in the United States? Does
equality exist for everyone? Is
everyone treated the same and does everyone have the same opportunities? Can you think of any groups in particular
who may not receive the same economic, political and/or social opportunities?
over the homework
The Writing and Reading Lab
HM: Get the four course texts: Bluest Eye, Nickel and Dimed, Savage
Inequalities, and Growing Up Asian American. Also get the course reader and the
hour-by-arrangement folder at the Skyline Bookstore.
In the Course
Reader, do Exercise 1 (pp. 2-3), complete the “Student Survey” (p. 5), do
Exercise 3 (p. 10-12), Exercise 5 (p. 14), and do Exercise 6 (p. 16).
In Course
Reader, begin Chapter 2. Read Brenda
Smith’s article pp. 29-37.
WEEK 3: Growing Up Asian American
your past, present and future reading self (p. 18)
reading strategies--focusing on summary writing, pp. 38-46
schema for Growing Up Asian American
a KWL+ chart for the upcoming book (p. 41)
HM: In Growing Up Asian American, read
#1--"From Cebu" pp. 115-120, "Tragic Transition" pp.
127-130, #2--"From Farewell to Manzanar" pp. 131-144,
#3--"From Quiet Odyssey" pp. 161-173, and #4--"Father
Cures a Presidential Fever" pp. 175-190. Prepare for a possible quiz on the reading for Tuesday.
Also write a
summary based on the first letter of your last name: A-E Essay #1, F-K Essay #2, L-M Essay #3 and N-Z Essay #4. See page 44 in the reader for advice in
summary writing. All summaries must be typed
and over half a page.
In Chapter 3,
complete “Prefixes I” (p.115): add an additional word using each prefix
and use each of those words in a sentence—due 9/7. Prepare for a quiz on this set of Prefixes on 9/14.
WEEK 4: Growing Up Asian
September 7th – Tues: Sharing and discussing summaries
quiz on the reading followed by a discussion of the essays
off Prefix I. Also, figuring out words
in context (p. 125)
HM: In Growing Up Asian American, read "From The Joy Luck Club" pp. 223-230, "From Turning Japanese" pp. 231-234, "The Parrot's Beak" pp. 275-283, "From Clay Walls" pp. 301-318, and "First Love" pp. 380-392.
Write your first
journal entry. All journals must be
typed and be one-page minimum and will be collected usually 3 journals at a
time. Always bring your journal to
class for possible sharing. Complete Journal 1
and answer the following: Respond to
Kim Ronyoung's chapter from Clay Walls (pp. 301-318). First give a brief overview (summary) of her
story and then give your opinion and reaction to the piece. Possible questions to answer: What did you learn? What surprised you? What are the implications of the class
and/or race issues she raises? What
does this reveal about the Korean-American experience? About culture clash? About generation gaps?
Prepare for a
quiz on the Prefixes I (p. 115) next class and always be prepared for a
possible quiz on the reading.
** Reminder: the last day to drop a course without it
appearing on your record is 9/10 **
WEEK 5: Savage Inequalities
September 14th – Tues: Prefix I Quiz
reader, examining main ideas pp. 131-133
and collecting Journal 1
quiz followed by a discussion of the reading
HM: Begin Savage Inequalities, read “Looking Backward”
pp. 1-6 and Chapter 1: Life on the Mississippi pp. 7-39.
WEEK 6: Savage Inequalities
HM: Continue Savage Inequalities, read Chapters 2:
Other People’s Children pp. 40-82 and Chapter 3: The Savage Inequalities of
Public Education in New York pp. 83-132.
Complete Journal
2 (must be 2-3 typed pages) and answer the
following: Examining Chapters 1-3,
first in one paragraph briefly summarize each chapter (make the summaries
concise—no more than 4-5 sentences each).
Then describe some of the specific and the repeated problems, issues,
concerns and/or obstacles that Illinois and New York have in common. What do you think Kozol wants us to learn by
looking at the issues that face the educational systems in each of these cities? What do you feel are the causes and possible
solutions of the problems and struggles described?
In Chapter 3, complete
“Prefixes II” (p.117): add an
additional word using each prefix and use each of those words in a
sentence—due 9/28. Prepare for a quiz
on this set of Prefixes on 10/5.
WEEK 7: Savage Inequalities
HM: Continue Savage Inequalities, read Chapter 4:
Children of the City Invincible pp. 133-174.
Prepare for a quiz on the
Prefixes II (p. 117) next class and always be prepared for a possible quiz on
the reading.
Bring your 16 Hours-by-Arrangement folder to class on Tuesday, October
12th to be checked. You should have
about half (8) of your hours completed at this mid-semester point
WEEK 8: Savage Inequalities
HM: Finish Savage
Inequalities, read Chapters 5: The Equality of Innocence and Chapter
6: The Dream Deferred pp. 206-233.
Complete Journal
3 (must be 2-3 pages typed) and answer the
following: Select a particular issue in
the book that Kozol raises. Describe
the issue and make an argument of your own in regards to that issue. Do you agree/disagree/partially agree with
Kozol’s point? Explain using evidence
from the book and use evidence from your own analysis, observations, and
personal knowledge.
In Chapter 3, complete “Roots
I” (p. 119): add an additional word using each root and use each of
those words in a sentence—due 10/12.
Prepare for a quiz on this set of Roots on 10/19.
Bring your 16
Hours-by-Arrangement folder to be checked next class. You need to satisfy 16 hours outside of class to meet the
requirements for this course. This is
the mid-point in the semester, so you should have approximately half (8) of
your hours already completed.
WEEK 9: Finishing Savage Inequalities
October 12th – Tues: Checking off HBA folders: minimum of 4 hours needed
off Roots I. Also, figuring out words
in context (p. 127)
on the reading followed by a discussion of Chapters 5 & 6 and Journal 3
HM: Prepare for a quiz on Roots I (p. 119) next
class and always be prepared for a possible quiz on the reading.
Begin The
Bluest Eye, read the opening and "Autumn" pp. 9-58.
Complete Journal
4 (must be 2-3 pages typed) and answer the following:
Consider the description
of the Breedloves' home (34-37) and family (39-42). What is Morrison saying about the family environment in which
Pecola grew up? How does this family
setting account for Pecola's feelings and behavior? How does it connect to Morrison's larger themes in the novel that
you see emerging?
Journals 3 &
4 due next class -- Tues 10/19
WEEK 10: The Bluest Eye
October 19th – Tues: Roots I Quiz
3 & 4 Due
quiz followed by a discussion of the reading and Journal 4
HM: Continue The Bluest Eye, read
"Winter" pp. 61-93.
WEEK 11: The Bluest Eye
October 26th – Tues: In reader, making and understanding inferences, pp. 153-157.
quiz followed by a discussion of the reading
HM: Continue The Bluest Eye, read
"Spring" pp. 97-183.
Journal 5 (must be 2-3
pages typed) and answer the following:
The title of the
novel refers to Pecola Breedlove's intense desire for blue eyes. She believes herself ugly and unworthy of
love and respect, but is convinced that her life would be magically transformed
if she possessed blue eyes. Describe
how racial self-loathing corrodes the lives of Pecola and her parents, Cholly
and Pauline Breedlove. Also examine how
racial self-hatred manifests itself in characters like Maureen Peal, Geraldine,
and Soaphead Church.
In Chapter 3,
complete “Roots II” (p.121): add an additional word using each root and use
each of those words in a sentence—due 11/2.
Prepare for a quiz on this set of Roots on 11/9.
WEEK 12: The Bluest Eye
November 2nd – Tues: Check off Roots II. Also,
figuring out words in context (p. 128)
quiz on reading followed by a discussion
Finish The Bluest Eye, "Summer" pp. 187-205 &
Afterward pp. 209-216.
Prepare for a
quiz on Roots II (p. 121) next class and always be prepared for a possible quiz
on the reading.
WEEK 13: Nickel and Dimed
November 9th - Tues: Roots II Quiz
practice with making inferences: “Solving the Jewelry Disappearance,” p. 160
on reading followed by a discussion of “Summer” and the Afterward
our schema for Nickel and Dimed
Begin Nickel and Dimed, read
the Introduction pp. 1-10 and
1: Serving in Florida pp. 11-49.
After reading the Introduction, complete Journal 6 (1 typed page
minimum) and answer the following question: In the Introduction Ehrenreich
says, “…there was no way I was going to ‘experience poverty’ or find out how it
‘really feels’ to be a long-term low-wage worker. My aim here was much more straightforward and objective—just to
see whether I could match income to expenses, as the truly poor attempt to do
everyday.” (6). What do you think of
her undertaking? Do you feel she will
be able to have accurate results? Do
you feel what she is attempting to prove necessary? Important? What do you
think she will discover? What obstacles
do you think she will or will not face?
** Journals 5
& 6 due next class -- Tues 11/16 **
WEEK 14: Nickel
and Dimed
November 16th
– Tues: Journals 5 & 6 Due
Question Game, p. 161
quiz on the reading followed by discussion
In Chapter 3,
complete “Suffixes” (p.123): add an additional word using each suffix
and use each of those words in a sentence—due 11/23. Prepare for a quiz on this set of Suffixes on 11/30.
** Reminder: The last day
to withdraw from a course is 11/16 **
WEEK 15: Nickel
and Dimed
23rd – Tues: Check off Suffixes. Also, figuring out words in context (p. 129)
Rubric, p. 165
HM: Continue Nickel and Dimed, read
Chapter 3: Selling in Minnesota
pp. 121-191.
Complete Journal 7 (in 2-typed pages minimum) and
answer the following: So far, are your perceptions of poverty and prosperity in
the U.S. changing? How or how not? Analyze particular elements of Ehrenreich’s
experience and explain how they have changed, confirmed or contradicted your
previous beliefs or understanding of poverty in the U.S..
Prepare for a
quiz on Suffixes (p. 123) next class and always be prepared for a possible quiz
on the reading.
The final folder check is on Tuesday 12/7. Bring your completed
should have the 8 by arrangement hours completed.
WEEK 16: Nickel
and Dimed
November 30th
– Tues: Suffixes Quiz
Circles, p. 168-169 (creating possible final exam questions)
quiz on reading followed by a discussion
HM: Finish Nickel and Dimed, read Evaluation pp. 193-221.
final hours-by-arrangement folder check will be Tuesday 12/7.
sure to bring your HBA folders to the next class!
Also, prepare
for the Make-up Quiz next class (this quiz score will replace
your lowest 2 quiz
Bring all four of the course texts to the next class: Growing Up Asian American, Savage Inequalities, The Bluest Eye and Nickel and Dimed.
bring a
self-addressed stamped envelope, to get a full printout of your grade
Final Folder check!! You must have 8 hours completed to get full credit!
quiz on reading followed by a discussion
Timed Exams advice
for final exam
HM: Complete Journal 8 (in 1 typed page minimum): From reading the 4 books that you have in
this class, what have you learned about life in the United States? Have your views and understandings
changed? Explain how they have or have
not. What has reading these texts made
you reassess? Be specific and address
each book in your discussion.
Prepare for
open-book, closed note 2 ˝ hour essay exam on Tuesday, December 14th. Bring all 4 books we have read.
Think about the theme for the course "Two Americas." Highly Recommended: do a practice
timed-essay exam uniting the texts we have read under this theme.
** Meet
in the Computer Lab of Building 2, room 2117B
for exam **
you handwrite the exam, bring lined paper, and if you type it, bring a
If you haven’t already, bring a self-addressed stamped envelope to get your
course grade
December 14th – Tues: Journals 7 & 8 Due
Final Exam: 7:00-10:00pm
in Computer
Lab: bottom floor blg 2, room 2117b
Part 1:
Prefixes, Roots and Suffixes (closed note, closed book)
Part 2: Essay exam on the 4 books:
Growing Up Asian American, Savage
Inequalities, The Bluest Eye and Nickel and Dimed (open book, closed note)