Skyline College
Theme: Science
Office: Building 5, Room 5108
Computers and Tutoring in TLC: Bldg 5, Room 5100 Room PH-405, Course Dates: 1/17 – TBA
Engl 853: Get help writing papers—enroll now
CRN #37247 Schedule #30341 – Engl 836AI, Units 3.0
"Few people realize the immensity of
vacancy in which the dust of the material universe swims." --H.G. Wells
one's different, one's bound to be lonely.
--Aldous Huxley Brave
New World
"We are an impossibility in an
impossible universe." — Ray Bradbury
Course Prerequisites: Writing Prereq: ENGL 826 or ESOL 840 or 841/842 with grade C or better, or appropriate scores on approved college placement tests and other measures as necessary. Reading Prereq: READ 826 with Credit or a grade of C or better, or eligibility for READ 836 on approved college Reading placement test, or other measures as necessary. ENGL 836 prepares students for ENGL 100/105.
course applicable to the Associate Degree.
objective of this writing course is to guide students toward becoming more
critical readers, writers, and thinkers through recognizing the effective
writing strategies of other writers, through becoming aware of their own
processes of writing, and through learning to discern logical relationships
between words, ideas, and arguments.
New World
by Aldous Huxley
Game by
Orson Scott Card
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
by Arrangement folder & Course Reader (both are in Skyline's bookstore)
Papers: Five major papers will be
written for this class. The
requirements are as follows:
(1) Due Dates-- Paper
#1 (2-3 pages, 500-750 words) Draft due
2/14, Revised 2/21
Paper #2 (3-5
pages, 750-1250 words) Draft due 3/21,
Revised 3/28
Paper #3 In class Midterm essay exam on Tuesday,
April 25th
#4 (4-6 pages, 1000-1500 words) Draft
due 5/16, Revised 5/23
Paper #5 In class 2 ˝ hour written final exam on
Tuesday, May 23rd 8:10-10:40am
Revision-- E.B. White said, “The
best writing is rewriting.” Because
revising or “re-seeing” a piece of writing is such an important aspect of the
writing process, each of the papers has two due dates. Each student will receive feedback and
suggestions on each of his/her papers
through class workshop/discussion groups; then each student will be asked to
revise each paper based on peer feedback.
Please note: if the first due
date for a paper is missed, the paper cannot be turned in at all.
(3) Workshopping-- Each paper will be read, discussed, and commented upon by small
student workshop groups. Workshop days
are very important, and therefore a missed workshop day will count as two (2)
absences and a late paper will not be accepted. Students without a completed paper (meeting page and format
requirements) will not be allowed to participate in the workshop. Below are the workshop dates--students must
bring a copy of their paper for themselves as well as for the other members of
their group:
Paper #1: Tues,
Feb 14th Paper #2: Tues, March 21st Paper
#4: Tues, May 16th
(4) Format—Papers must meet the required minimum length
or run the risk of not being accepted.
papers must be typed, double-spaced, have 1” margins, and have a font of
Grade: Record
Your Own Grades:
1 10% Score for Paper 1 ______ x .10 = _____
Paper 2 10% Score for Paper 2 ______ x .10 = _____
3 10% Score for Paper 3 ______ x .10 = _____
4 20% Score
for Paper 4 ______ x .15 =
5--Final Exam 20% Score
for Paper 5 ______ x .20 =
Quizzes 10% Average Quiz ______ x .10 =
Homework 10% % of HM completed ______ x .10 = _____
Folder 5% %
of HBAs completed ____ x .5
= _____
Participation 5% Participation ______ x .05 =
* Participation includes being
prepared each day, meeting *TOTAL: (convert total to %) ________
with me at least once during the
course of the semester,
* Deduct 1% for each absence over allowed 4.
adding to daily discussion, and giving
your classmates
as follows: A=100-90, B=89-80,
thoughtful responses to their writing
in workshops. C=79-70, D=69-60, F=59-0