846 --- Fall 2003 Calendar
1 - 18 (August 20th - December
Explanation of homework
layout: All activities listed next to the date (not in bold)
is what we will do
in class on that day. All assignments which follow the
abbreviated letters signifying homework (HM)
will be due the following class.
1: Getting to Know Yourself as a Reader and a Writer
8/20-Weds: Introduction to class: syllabus,
policies, texts
Writing sample: Looking at the course theme "Living in
the U.S.A.," describe what this experience is like. What is
life like in the U.S.? Describe the people, the traditions,
the belief systems, quality of life, problems, benefits. How
does it compare to life in other countries?
HM: Get Course Reader (at Skyline Bookstore) and the four
course texts: Hate Crimes, Nickel and Dimed,
I'll Be Short, and Fast Food Nation.
In the Course Reader, read Chapter 1, pp. 1-18. Do Exercise
1 (pp. 2-3), complete the "Student Survey" (p. 5), do
Exercise 2 (p. 8-10), and do Exercise 3 (p. 11).
8/22-Fri: Checking off, collecting and discussing
Chapter 1: in class freewrites for Exercise 4 (p.12) and
Exercise 6 (p.15)
Student Interviews
HM: In Course Reader, begin Chapter 2. Read Brenda
Smith's chapter, pp. 19-27. Also, begin Hate Crimes,
read the "Introduction" pp. 1--7. Prepare for a possible
quiz on the reading for Monday.
2: Reading Strategies and Writing Processes
8/25-Mon: Possible quiz followed by a
discussion of Brenda Smith's Chapter, pp. 19-27
Going over Chapter 2: "Reading Strategies" pp. 28-36
Discussing the introduction to Hate Crimes
HM: Continue Hate Crimes, read Chapter One,
pp. 9-26 and Chapter Two, pp. 27-35.
Always be prepared for a possible in-class essay quiz on the
8/27-Weds: Possible quiz on the reading followed by a
Chapter 2-Introduction to the Writing Process: freewriting,
brainstorming, The Journalist's Questions, clustering, and
listing (pp. 37-44).
HM: Continue Hate Crimes, read Chapter Three, pp.
37-48. Be sure to annotate your text-write notes, key ideas
and questions in the margins! (review page 33 on
** Getting
Prepared: Paper #1 (2-3 pages) is due Monday, September
8/29-Fri: No Class
3: Hate Crimes by Jack Levin and Jack
9/1-Mon: No Class-Labor
HM: Continue Hate Crimes, read Chapter 4, pp.
49-65 and Chapter 5, pp. 67-75.
9/3-Weds: Possible quiz on the reading followed by a
Chapter 2-Writing Process: thesis statements and outlining
(pp. 45-50)
HM: Continue Hate Crimes, read Chapter Six, pp.
77-89, Chapter Seven, pp. 91-98, and Chapter Eight, pp.
9/5-Fri: Possible quiz on the reading followed by a
Chapter 2-Writing Process: introductions, the body of an
essay, conclusions (pp. 47-55)
HM: Continue Hate Crimes, read Chapter Nine, pp.
115-132 and Chapter Ten, pp. 133-142.
4: Introductions and Outlines
9/8-Mon: Possible quiz on the reading
followed by a discussion
Writing about Literature (pp. 57-58) and Quoting (p.
HM: Finish Hate Crimes, read Chapter 14, pp.
195-207 and Chapter 15, pp. 209-218. Do the following for
Paper 1-due Wednesday: (1) one full page of freewriting (can
be handwritten) on a specific aspect of the book you found
interesting (2) Complete the "Creating Your Own Argument
(Thesis) on a Topic" sheet on page 128 in the Course
Reader-do the brainstorm, create questions, answer them and
"so what?" them
9/10-Weds: Discussing freewrites, brainstorms, possible
paper topics and outlining
HM: Create a formal outline for Paper 1 (see pages 45-50
for advice on thesis statements and outlining). You must
have your thesis statement at the top of the outline and all
outlines must be typed and ready to turn in on Friday
9/12-Fri: Workshopping outlines and thesis
statements-write on your peers' outlines responding to the
questions on page 50 of your Course Reader
Going over "Good Practices" in peer review (p. 68-69)
HM: Complete Paper 1 (2-3 pages) due next class, Mon
(1) Bring 4 copies of your completed, typed, double-spaced
paper to class
(2) Don't put extra spacing between paragraphs; double-space
throughout the paper and indent 10 spaces at the beginning
of each paragraph.
(3) Those without papers will be asked to leave.
(4) Reminder: Workshop days count as 2 absences.
(5) If you do not turn a paper in on this due date, you
cannot turn in the revised version, due a week later, for a
grade. You can't pass if you miss one of the required
** Friday, Sept 12th
is the last day to drop without it appearing on your record
5: Workshopping Paper 1
Paper #1 Due (2-3
In Class: Workshopping (a double absence
day if missed)
HM: Continue feedback on "Peer Response" sheets. Bring
these sheets, your paper and your group members' papers on
Wednesday to continue workshopping.
9/17-Weds: In Class: Workshopping (a
double absence day if missed)
HM: In Chapter 3, complete "Prefixes I-Set
Two" (p.107): add an additional word using each prefix and
use each of those words in a sentence-due Friday 9/19.
Prepare for a quiz on this set of Prefixes on Wednesday
9/19-Fri: Check off Prefix I-Set Two. Also, figuring out
words in context (p. 117)
Creating titles (pp. 58-60)
Activating our schema for our next text Nickel and
Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich
HM: In Chapter 2, rd pp. 61-84 (pay close attention to
revision advice & explanation of grades)
Revise Paper #1 due Mon, 9/22. Please include the
(1) A title page using MLA format (see pg. 60)-be creative
with your title; win the title contest!)
(2) Peer evaluations stapled to back
(3) Must be typed, double-spaced, have 1" margins, have 12
sized font, and be 2-3 pages in length. Please note: 10 pts
are removed for each page the paper is under the required
minimum length and 5 pts for half a page under. Don't go
solely by word count but by actual length.
6: Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich
Revised Paper 1 due
(2-3 pages)
Activating our schema for our next text Nickel and
Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich
Finish Bowling for Columbine by Michael Moore
Discussing Moore's film
HM: Prepare for Prefix Quiz next class-review page
Also, begin Nickel and Dimed, read the Introduction
pp. 1-10 and begin Chapter 1: "Serving in Florida" pp. 1-21.
Complete Journal
1 and answer the following question: In
the Introduction Ehrenreich says, "
there was no way I
was going to 'experience poverty' or find out how it 'really
feels' to be a long-term low-wage worker. My aim here was
much more straightforward and objective-just to see whether
I could match income to expenses, as the truly poor attempt
to do everyday." (6). What do you think of her undertaking?
Do you feel she will be able to have accurate results? Do
you feel what she is attempting to prove necessary?
Important? What do you think she will discover? What
obstacles do you think she will or will not face? All
journals must be typed and be one-page minimum and will be
collected usually 3 journals at a time. Always bring your
journal to class for possible sharing.
9/24-Weds: Prefix I Quiz
In Course Reader, Chapter 4: "Thesis Statements and Topic
Sentences" pp. 123-127.
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a discussion and
sharing Journal 1
HM: Continue Nickel and Dimed, finish Chapter 1:
"Serving in Florida" pp. 22-49.
9/26-Fri: In Chapter 4: "Writing Strong Topic Sentences"
pp. 130-131.
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a discussion
HM: Continue Nickel and Dimed, begin Chapter 2:
"Scrubbing in Maine" pp. 51-86.
7: Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich -
9/29-Mon: Chapter 5: "Paragraphs,
Organizational Patterns, and Transitions" pp. 133-134.
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a discussion
HM: Continue Nickel and Dimed, finish Chapter 2:
"Scrubbing in Maine pp.86-119.
10/1-Weds: In Course Reader, Chapter 8: "Working with
Sentences": Subjects and Verbs pp. 191-193.
Continuing Chapter 8: Fragments pp. 194-196.
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a discussion
HM: In Chapter 3, complete "Prefixes II-Set Two" (p.109):
add an additional word using each prefix and use each of
those words in a sentence-due Friday 10/3. Prepare for a
quiz on this set of Prefixes on Monday 10/6.
Continue Nickel and Dimed, begin Chapter 3: "Selling
in Minnesota" pp. 121-155. Complete
Journal 2 (in
one-typed page minimum) and answer the following: So far,
are your perceptions of poverty and prosperity in the U.S.
changing? How or how not? Analyze particular elements of
Ehrenreich's experience and explain how they have changed,
confirmed or contradicted your previous beliefs or
understanding of poverty in the U.S..
10/3-Fri: Check off Prefix II-Set Two. Also, figuring
out words in context (p. 118)
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a discussion and
sharing Journal 2
HM: Prepare for Prefix Quiz next class on Monday-review
page 109
Continue Nickel and Dimed, finish Chapter 3: "Selling
in Minnesota" pp.156-191.
8: Creating Brainstorms and Outlines for Paper 2
10/6-Mon: Prefix II Quiz
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a discussion. Also,
in-class brainstorming on the book.
HM: Finish Nickel and Dimed, read "Evaluation"
Do the following for Paper 2-due Wednesday: (1) one full
page of freewriting (can be handwritten) on a specific
aspect of the book you found interesting (2) On a separate
sheet of paper, do the "Creating Your Own Argument (Thesis)
on a Topic" exercise on page 128 in the Course Reader-create
a brainstorm, create questions, answer them and "so what?"
them (3) Complete the sheet "Testing Thesis Statements" for
your argument on page 129.
10/8-Weds: Discussing possible paper topics and thesis
statements for Paper 2. Beginning outlines and introductions
for Paper 2.
HM: Create a formal outline for Paper 2 (see pages 45-50
for advice on thesis statements and outlining). You must
have your thesis statement at the top of the outline and all
outlines must be typed and ready to turn in on Friday
10/10-Fri: Workshopping outlines and thesis
statements--write on your peers' outlines responding to the
questions on page 50 of your Course Reader
HM: Complete Paper 2 (3-5 pages) due Monday 10/13:
(1) Bring 4 copies of your completed, typed, double-spaced
paper to class
(2) Don't put extra spacing between paragraphs; double-space
throughout the paper and indent 10 spaces at the beginning
of each paragraph.
(3) Those without papers will be asked to leave.
(4) Reminder: Workshop days count as 2 absences.
(5) If you do not turn a paper in on this due date, you
cannot turn in the revised version, due a week later, for a
grade. You can't pass if you miss one of the required
9: Workshopping Paper 2
Paper 2 due (3-5
In Class: Workshopping (a double absence
day if missed)
HM: Continue feedback on "Peer Response"
sheets. Bring these sheets, your paper and your group
members' papers on Wednesday to continue workshopping.
10/15-Weds: In Class: Workshopping (a
double absence day if missed)
HM: Work on revising Paper 2: come see me, or
a writing tutor in The Writing and Reading Lab (bldg 5), and
don't forget about the online/phone-in tutoring (call
650-738-4241or email writetutorskyline@yahoo.com: Mon &
Weds 8-12pm, 1-3pm & 7-10pm, Thursday 7-10pm, and Friday
10/17-Fri: In Course Reader, Chapter 5: "Paragraphs" pp.
135-137 and "Organizational Patterns" pp. 138-141.
Also, activating our schema for I'll Be Short: Essentials
for a Decent Working Society by Robert B. Reich
HM: Begin I'll Be Short, read the Preface vii-viii
and Chapter 1: "Whatever Happened to the Social Contract?"
pp. 3-22.
**Please bring TWO copies of your final paper for
Revised Paper #2 due Mon, 10/20. Review Chapter 2, pp. 61-84
and include the following:
(1) A title page using MLA format (see pg. 60)-be creative
with your title)
(2) Peer evaluations stapled to back
(3) Must be typed, double-spaced, have 1" margins, have 12
sized font, and be 3-5 pages in length. Please note: 10 pts
are removed for each page the paper is under the required
minimum length and 5 pts for half a page under. Don't go
solely by word count but by actual length.
10: I'll Be Short by Robert B. Reich
Revised Paper 2
due (3-5 pages)
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a discussion
HM: Continue I'll Be Short, read "Corporate
Citizenship" pp. 23-45. Since the midterm exam in open-book,
closed-note, you'll want to annotate your text very
thoroughly. Write in your books!
10/22-Weds: In Course Reader Chapter 5: "Transitions"
pp. 143-144.
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a discussion
HM: Continue I'll Be Short, read "Work That Pays,
Insurance if it Doesn't" pp. 46-61.
Complete Journal 3: (in
one-typed page minimum) and answer the following: In this
chapter, Reich gives many arguments why we should have
social insurance, and he follows these arguments with ways
we can implement this insurance. List 3 of his arguments for
social insurance and 2 of his solutions and analyze each
one. Give your opinion on each of the points you select and
tell us why or why not each is a valid argument (you can
provide counter-arguments, examples, your own analysis,
real-life examples, etc.).
10/24-Fri: In Course Reader Chapter 8: Coordinating
Sentences, p. 197-198
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a discussion and
discussing Journal 3
HM: Continue I'll Be Short, read "Lifelong Learning:
Education for the Twenty-First Century" pp. 62-87.
Also, revise Journals
1-3-due Weds Oct 29th.
11: Reading Journals due
10/27-Mon: Possible quiz on the reading
followed by a discussion
In Course Reader Chapter 8: Subordinating Sentences, p.
HM: Continue I'll Be Short, read "The Day I Became
a Feminist: Real Family Values" pp. 88-107. Journals 1-3 due
Wednesday, October 29th. Each must be one, double-spaced,
typed page minimum.
Journals 1-3
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a discussion
HM: In Chapter 3, complete "Roots I-Set Two" (p.111): add
an additional word using each root and use each of those
words in a sentence-due Friday 10/31. Prepare for a quiz on
this set of Prefixes on Monday 11/3.
10/31-Fri: Check off Roots I-Set Two. Also, figuring out
words in context (p. 119)
Discussing the upcoming midterm exam and going over Chapters
HM: Finish I'll Be Short, read "The Long View: A Decent
Working Society" pp. 111-121.
12: Midterm Exam
11/3--Mon: Roots I Quiz
Possible quiz followed by a discussionCreating possible
midterm questions in class
HM: Review all the chapters in I'll Be Short. Do a
practice timed exam using one of the questions we generated
in class. Read the "Timed Writing" advice in the reader, pp.
11/5-Weds: Preparing for the midterm exam and discussing
"Timed Writing Advice"
HM: Prepare for the in-class midterm next class on
I'll Be Short. **Don't forget to meet on the bottom
floor of building 2 (two floors below the cafeteria) in room
2117A. If you are going to take the exam on the computer,
bring a disk and if you are going to handwrite your essay,
bring lined paper.
Midterm Exam (85
minutes, open book, closed note essay exam)
Building 2, room 2117A
HM: Begin Fast Food Nation, read the "Introduction," pp.
13: Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser
11/10-Mon: In the Course Reader, Chapter 8
"Run Together Sentences" pp. 200-202
Discussing the Introduction to Fast Food Nation and
Activating Schema for the book
HM: In Fast Food Nation, read Chapter 1, pp.
11/12-Weds: In Course Reader, Chapter 6 "Inferences":
pp. 145
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a discussion
HM: In Fast Food Nation, read Chapter 2, pp.
Complete Journal 4: (in
one-typed page minimum) and answer the following: In this
chapter, Schlosser compares the founders of Disneyland and
McDonalds. Explain the specific connections he makes
between these two men and these two companies. What does he
want us to learn? What do you think of his arguments?
11/14-Fri: In Course Reader, Chapter 6 "Inferences": pp.
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a discussion.
Discussing Journals.
HM: In Chapter 3, complete "Roots II-Set Two" (p.113):
add an additional word using each root and use each of those
words in a sentence-due Monday 11/17. Prepare for a quiz on
this set of Prefixes on Wednesday 11/19.
In Fast Food Nation, read Chapters 3 & 4, pp.
** Reminder: Tuesday, November
18th is the last day to withdraw from classes
14: Fast Food Nation - Continued
11/17-Mon: Check off Roots II-Set Two.
Also, figuring out words in context (p. 120)
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a discussion
HM: In Fast Food Nation, read Chapter 5, pp.
111-131.Prepare for Roots Quiz next class.
11/19-Weds: Roots II Quiz Possible quiz on the reading
followed by a discussion
HM: In Fast Food Nation, read Chapter 6, pp.
11/21-Fri: Possible quiz on the reading followed by a
Library Tour-bldg 5
HM: In Fast Food Nation, read Chapters 7 & 8,
pp. 149-190.
Complete Journal 5: (in
one-typed page minimum) and answer the following: What
elements according to Schlosser make working in a
slaughterhouse the "most dangerous job"? What details did
you find most alarming or informative or surprising? Do you
feel what he discusses here is important? Why or why
15: Thanksgiving Break
11/24-Mon: Possible quiz on the reading
followed by a discussion. Discussing journals.
HM: In Fast Food Nation, read Chapters 9 &
10, pp. 193-252.
In Chapter 3, complete "Suffixes-Set Two" (p.115): add an
additional word using each suffix and use each of those
words in a sentence-due Monday 12/1. Prepare for a quiz on
the Suffixes on Wednesday 12/3.
11/26-Weds: Possible quiz on the reading followed by a
discussion. Discussing journals.
11/28-Fri: No Class-Thanksgiving (no
classes meet at Skyline)
16: Preparing for Paper 4
12/1-Mon: Check off Suffixes-Set Two. Also,
figuring out words in context (p. 121)
Possible quiz on the reading followed by a discussion
HM: Finish Fast Food Nation, read the Epilogue
& Afterword, pp. 255-288.
Also, complete Journal
6: (in one-typed page minimum) and answer the
following: What does reading the Epilogue and Afterword add
to your understanding of or experience with Schlosser's
book? Respond to some specific details or arguments that
you found valuable, informative or perhaps that you
disagreed with. How do these final chapters offer closure
to Schlosser's overall argument?
** Upcoming: Journals 4-6 will be due Monday, December 15th.
Each must be one, double-spaced, typed page minimum.
Prepare for Suffix Quiz next class.
12/3-Weds: Suffix Quiz Possible quiz on the reading
followed by a discussion
Brainstorming Paper Topics for Paper 4 and discussing
HM: Create a formal outline for Paper 4 (see pages 47-50
for advice). You must have the thesis statement at the top
and all outlines must be typed and ready to turn in on
Friday 12/5. Prepare for the Make-Up Quiz on Fast Food
Nation next class; this quiz will replace your lowest quiz
12/5-Fri: Make-Up QuizWorkshopping outlines and thesis
statements for Paper 4
HM: Write Paper 4 (4-6 pages) due Monday 12/8:
(1) Bring 4 copies of your completed, typed, double-spaced
paper to class
(2) Don't put extra spacing between paragraphs; double-space
throughout the paper and indent 10 spaces at the beginning
of each paragraph.
(3) Those without papers will be asked to leave.
(4) Reminder: Workshop days count as 2 absences.
(5) If you do not turn a paper in on this due date, you
cannot turn in the revised version, due a week later, for a
grade. You can't pass if you miss one of the required
17: Workshopping Paper 4
Paper 4 Due (4-6
In Class: Workshopping (a double absence
HM: Continue feedback on "Peer Response"
sheets. Bring these sheets, your paper and your group
members' papers on Wednesday to continue workshopping.
** Also, if you go to a writing tutor in The Learning Center
(bldg 5) for Paper 4, you can get 3 points of extra credit
added to your score. Attach a tutor slip to the front of
the final draft of the paper due Mon, Dec 15th. You can
see any tutor other than myself for credit **
12/10-Weds: In Class: Workshopping
(a double absence day if missed)
HM: Revised Paper #4 due Mon, 12/15. Please
include the following:
(1) A title page using MLA format
(2) Peer evaluations stapled to the back.
(3) Must be typed, double-spaced, have 1" margins, have 12
sized font, and be 4-6 pages in length. Please note: 10
pts are removed for each page the paper is under the
required minimum length and 5 pts for half a page under
(4) You must include a minimum of one outside sources in the
paper and a "Works Cited" page stapled to the back. In the
Course Reader see pp. 174-188 on MLA formatting and p. 189
for a model of a "Works Cited"
(5) If you saw a tutor, staple the receipt to the front.
**Please bring TWO copies of your final paper for
+ Bring a self-addressed stamped envelope, so I can send you
a full breakdown of your grade
12/12-Fri: No Class-Skyline's Final Exam schedule begins
on Dec 13th
HM: Prepare for the 2 ½ hour final exam for Mon
12/15. See below for details on the exam. If you're going
to type it, bring a disk. If you are going to handwrite it,
bring paper or a bluebook.
18: Final Exam
12/15-Mon: Meet in
Computer Lab (2108f) - building 2, two floors down from the
Journals 4-6 due and
Paper 4 due (4-6 pages)
Final Exam for English 846: open book,
closed note, essay exam on all four books assigned in the
course in room 2117B at 11:10-1:40am (the exam is 2 ½
Part I: Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes (approx 30
* Defining prefixes,
roots and suffixes from sheets given earlier
* Creating words and sentences using them
* Figuring out and defining entire words based on
Part II: Writing on Reading-All four books in the course
(approx 2 hours)
* Main task: writing a
focused in-class essay connecting the four books we have
read (Hate Crimes, Nickel and Dimed, I'll Be Short and
Fast Food Nation) according to the prompt given.
* As you write your essay you can use the books to include
quotes in your