846: Reading & Writing Connections
Theme: Living in the
Course Meetings: M W F 11:40-1:05pm
Room 1219, Units 5.0
Schedule #89511 - Engl 846AC
"Words set
things in motion. I've seen them doing it. Words set up
atmospheres, electrical fields, charges."
--Toni Cade Bambara
Prerequisites: Writing Prereq: Completion of ENGL
826 or ESOL 840 or 841/842 with a grade C or higher or
appropriate scores on approved college placement tests.
Reading Prereq: READ 826 with credit or a grade of C or
higher, or eligibility for READ 836 on approved Reading
placement test.
Classification: Credit course applicable to the
Associate Degree. This course integrates ENGL 836 and READ
836 satisfying requirements for both.
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to integrate the
teaching of reading and writing skills. This course will
guide students toward becoming more critical readers,
writers, and thinkers through recognizing the effective
writing strategies of other writers, through becoming aware
of their own processes of writing, and through learning to
discern logical relationships between words, ideas, and
arguments. The course will also guide students toward
becoming more active, purposeful, and confident readers. To
achieve this goal, we will work on strengthening and
developing study skills as well as reading strategies. By
the end of this course, students will be able to read and
write more effectively, distinguish the main ideas from
supporting details, apply strategies to increase retention,
evaluate a writer's argument or reasoning, and draw from a
larger vocabulary.
Materials: all texts center around the course
theme: Living in the U.S.A.
Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich
I'll Be Short by Robert B. Reich
Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser
Hate Crimes by Jack Levin & Jack McDevitt
Course Reader (at Skyline's bookstore)
Course Policies:
(1) Attendance-Your
active participation is necessary for you and your
classmates to realize the objectives of this course.
Therefore your attendance is crucial. A maximum of 5 (five)
absences is permitted; each absence after the fifth will
significantly lower your grade.
(2) Late Assignments-No
late work will be accepted. All due dates are given well in
advance; therefore I feel that it is unfair to the students
who complete their work on time to accept the work from
those who do not. However, because "life happens," each
student will be allowed two "late tickets" during the
semester; twice students may choose to turn an assignment in
the following class period after the due date. Late
assignments beyond this will not be accepted.
(3) Class
participation-Remember that participation
counts--both for your grade and in your life. It is
essential that you become consciously involved in class by
participating in discussions and contributing thoughtful
comments, questions, and answers.
(4) Disabled
Students-Reasonable accommodation will be
provided for eligible students with disabilities. Contact
the DSPS office for an accommodation letter (650)
best reason for putting anything down on paper is that one
may then change it." -- Bernard De Voto
In this course we will be keeping reading journals, taking
in-class quizzes, working on vocabulary building exercises,
completing reading strategy assignments, and writing the
following essays.
Papers: Five major papers will be written for this class.
The requirements are as follows:
(1) Due Dates--Paper #1
(2-3 pages, 500-750
words).........Draft due 9/15,
Revised 9/22
........................ Paper
#2 (3-5 pages, 750-1250
words)........Draft due 10/13,
Revised 10/20
#3 In class Midterm essay exam on Friday, November 7th
#4 (4-6 pages, 1000-1500
words)......Draft due 12/8,
Revised 12/15
........................ Paper
#5 In class 2 ½ hour written final exam on 12/15,
Monday 11:10-1:40pm
(2) Revision-- E.B.
White said, "The best writing is rewriting." Because
revising or "re-seeing" a piece of writing is such an
important aspect of the writing process, each of the papers
has two due dates. Each student will receive feedback and
suggestions on each of his/her papers through class
workshop/discussion groups; then each student will be asked
to revise each paper based on peer feedback. Please note: if
the first due date for a paper is missed, the paper cannot
be turned in at all.
(3) Workshopping-- Each
paper will be read, discussed, and commented upon by small
student workshop groups. Workshop days are very important,
and therefore a missed workshop day will count as two (2)
absences and a late paper will not be accepted. Students
without a completed paper (meeting page and format
requirements) will not be allowed to participate in the
workshop. Below are the workshop dates--students must bring
a copy of their paper for themselves as well as for the
other members of their group:
Workshops for Paper #1: Mon, Sept
15th & Weds, Sept 17th
Workshops for Paper #2: Mon, Oct 13th & Weds, Oct
Workshops for Paper #4: Mon, Dec 8th & Weds, Dec 10th
(4) Format-Papers must meet the required minimum length or
run the risk of not being accepted. All papers must be
typed, double-spaced, have 1" margins, and have a font of
"On September
11, 2001, Americans witnessed the most violent incident of
hate-motivated violence in this country's history. The
attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center were
inspired by an intense hatred of Americans and a desire to
eliminate as many American citizens as possible
One of
the lessons learned from that attack on America was that to
ignore hate is to risk the potential for unimaginable
tragedy" (3). - Jack Levin and Jack McDevitt
Your Own
for Paper
x .10 = _____
for Paper
x .10 = _____
for Paper
x .10 = _____
for Paper
x .15 = _____
Paper 5-Final
for Paper
x .15 = _____
Journal score______ x .15 = _____
______ x .10 = _____
of HM
x .5 = _____
x .10 = _____
* Participation includes being prepared each day,
total to %) ________
with me at least once during the course of the
Deduct 1% for each absence over allowed 5.
adding to daily discussion, and giving your
as follows: A=100-90, B=89-80,
thoughtful responses to their writing in
D=69-60, F=59-0
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