Scavenger Hunt

Learning about the History of the Dominican Republic

The setting for In the Time of the Butterflies

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Using the information provided on the web site below, paraphrase and/or cut and paste
answers to the questions below:

(1) What first attracted Christopher Columbus to the island of Hispaniola? (Hispaniola is the island where
what is now called The Dominican Republic is located)

(2) How did the "discovery" of this island by Columbus and the Spanish lead to what was nearly the genocide of the natives on this island? (genocide means the systematic killing of an entire people)

(3) Later, the French become jealous of this rich possession of the Spaniards so captured part of the island.
What happened under French occupation and what does Napoleon attempt to do?

(4) Briefly characterize the first 70 years after independence from the Spanish and French was declared
in the Dominican Republic.

(5) How and why does the United States become involved in the affairs and rule of the Dominican Republic?

(6) When and how does Raphael Leonidas Trujillo come to lead the Dominican Republic? What is his rule like?

(7) Why does the United States initially support Trujillo's rule and why does this change later?

(8) What is the current situation in the Dominican Republic?

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