Plan, co-facilitate and take notes for all English meetings:
The individual meeting notes, outcomes and materials
produced are all posted on our Division Canvas site:
Spring 2020 English
meetings: in 12-1234 if avail, otherwise in 8319
Friday, Feb 7th
4:15-5:30pm Agenda:
(1) Shana Cooper is visiting us from Learning Center (20 minutes)
(2) Selecting the Spring English facilitators and activities for the March,
April and May meetings (consideration: completing the APP) (30
(3) Placement (concurrent high school placement and the ESOL Challenge
placement) (25 minutes)
Friday, March 6th
(1) Work with Pia Walawalkar and Karen Wong to
design the English 100 Informational Literacy Assessment Tool (discuss the
proposed annotated bibliography assessment)
(2) Revisiting the Information
Literacy Workshops—Michael and Pia facilitators
Friday, April 10th
(1) Check in on APP due in
April—Kathleen facilitator
(2) Norming Session: our rubrics, grading philosophies, and aligning
expectations—Michael and Rachel facilitators
Friday, May 1st
4:15-5:30pm: Off-campus event
(location TBD)
Text Share and Swap: bring 2-3 of your favorite texts
(if in electronic format, send to Rachel and she’ll make accessible in
Canvas for sharing)
Fall 2020 Schedule:
(1) Look at the draft of the fall schedule as well as
2-year rotation to make sure all classes listed will make.
(2) Look at Literature Rotation.
Continue working closely with TLC on joint projects:
(1) We invited the TLC leaders (Chelsee,
Gavin and Shanna) to kick off the first English meeting of the semester on
Friday, Feb 6th. Shanna Cooper will
be joining for the first half hour to update us on TLC services.
(2) Check in with Gavin regarding Supplemental Instruction.
Meta-Majors day:
(1) For
meta-majors preview day for visiting high school students: English needs to come up with several meta-major
events (i.e. Rob Williams ran a student/faculty poetry reading with
library—with creative writing class involved, learning communities student
panel, poetry writing workshop, black out poetry, zines)—promoting what we
do in each discipline within larger meta-major. We need to provide 1-2 options. This will
also be the topic for the March 6th Division meeting.
Collaboration between ESOL & English:
(1) Met with Erinn and Leigh Anne on 1/29 and our
Dean Chris joined us to discuss ways that the ESOL and English departments
can work together with the changes brought about by AB705. We decided to use Flex March 5th
as the day we begin that work.
(2) I emailed with Erinn and Leigh Anne on 2/3 to
book a date where we will create together the agenda for the March 5th
1:10-2:40pm and we decided on Weds, March 26th 2:30-3:30pm.
(3) I created a “Save-the-Date” flyer and asked
Erinn and Leigh Anne to give feedback. I also asked Chris and Kennya to book a
room and if there is budget for some heathy and sweet treats.
(4) Met with Leigh Anne and Erinn on 2-26-20 and
created Flex Day agenda: ESOL-ENGLFlex2020.pdf
(5) On Flex day, March 5, 2020, we held the workshop and here are the
notes: Flex workshop notes
Better Inclusion & Support for Adjunct:
(1) Met with Nina Floro on Weds 1/29 as she is
presently working to connect the Language Arts adjunct to professional
development opportunities and applying for jobs. Nina suggested the following get the adjunct
better involved:
(a) Take a survey: create
categories (social events, needs, ways to better include, etc).
(b) Plan several off-campus
social events to promote better community building
(c) Work with the CTTL so
adjunct can attend our meetings remotely.
(d) Send adjunct individual
meeting reminders and check-ins.
AB705-Related Projects:
(1) COLLECTING DATA: Talk to Katie Hern about
collecting AB705 data (required vs. recommended Engl
105 success rates). Also connect
with Zahra.
Katie on setting up 100 vs. 105 challenge process: review current
information on English website: Remove syllabus example, replace discussion of "C" grade
placement with GPA guidelines, remove references to English 846). After we revise the information, run it
by Melissa Komadino in counseling for