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Copan, Honduras – Dec 2002-Jan
We took a 7 hour mini-van ride from Panahachel, Guatemala
to Copan Ruinas,
near the Honduran/Guatemalan border, in order to visit the Mayan ruins of Copan. This is the
town's central square.
The main church in Copan Ruinas at night.
Inside the Mayan ruins of Copan
In a tunnel under one of the ruins. Much of the carvings and the
temple's structure lie below ground as they have been buried slowly over
the years. I am standing next to a large carved face that was excavated.
A well preserved Estela, or statue, representing one of the Mayan gods.
Some kids sitting atop one of the ruins.
A carving on the outside of one of the ruins of Copan.