

Instructor:  Shari Bookstaff
Office: 7217
Office Phone:  738-4250
Office Hours: online door card

Email: bookstaffs@smccd.edu

Welcome to Biology 150 ONLINE. Please read the document concerning the class carefully. You will have to complete an online orientation and take a quiz on the syllabus, which is due by the first Sunday of the semester, before midnight. The course site is https://smccd.mrooms.net. It will open by the first day of class.

An optional on-campus orientation will be held on the first FRIDAY of the semester. You will receive an email with details. Email me if you do not get a notice.

The course will be available on the first day of the semester. In the mean time, please read below.

Need to add? Add codes will be provided to those on the waitlist who request one. The add code is valid after the first day of the semester.

Click on the photo for information.

This section of Biology 150, Marine Biology is offered entirely online.

On-campus meeting (optional)

Weekly quizzes may be taken at any time during the assigned week, but they will close each Sunday at midnight. You will be allowed 2 attempts, and your highest score will be counted.

Two midterms and a cumulative final exam will be taken under structured conditions. Login during designated time only. These are timed, secured exams.


In this course, you will be required to download and view Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, iTunes, and Adobe Acrobat files.

If you do not have these programs installed on your computer, you can download free viewers.

Word viewer
Powerpoint viewer
PDF viewer

MS Office (Word & PPT)
PDF viewer

Read the course syllabus. If you have questions, ask them publicly in the Q & A forum. If you need to ask a private question, send me an email. Be sure to put Biology 150 S16 in the subject line.