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Practise Test 1. Most of these questions apply to the material covered in class. Those that were not covered will be covered in the next section of test material. Save this test for future reference. To download a PDF version which is printed more easily, click here. In addition to this test, review these evolution and plant review sheets

Answers to Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice, Choose the best possible answer for questions 1-42. Mark the correct answer on your Scantron answer form. (2 points each)

1. Which two of the following organisms are most closely related to each other?

a. dolphin (class, Mammalia; order, Cetacea)

tiger (class, Mammalia; order, Carnivora)

b. manatee (phylum, Chordata; order Sirenia)

shark (phylum, Chordata; order, Squaliformes)

c. domestic cat (kingdom, Animalia; family, Felidae)

tiger (order, Carnivora; family, Felidae)

d. human (family, Homonidae; species, sapien)

domestic dog (family, Canidae; species, familiaris)


2. How did Darwin explain the existence of endemic species on the Galapagos Islands?

a. A population from the mainland colonized the islands and, once their, evolved into new species.

b. The endemic species were created to live on these islands.

c. These are actually the same species which were created on the mainland.

d. He could not find an explanation.


3. Bilateral symmetry is characteristic of

a. cnidarians (sea anemone). c. jellyfish.

b. sponges. d. flatworms.


4. A mineral deficiency is likely to affect older leaves more than

young leaves if the:

a. mineral is very mobile in the plant

b. mineral is very immobile in the plant

c. mineral is required for the synthesis of chlorophyll

d. soil has a long history of deficiency for that particular mineral

e. mineral is used in photosynthesis


5. Roots may help increase the availability of cationic minerals by


a. water c. Na+ d. Cl-

b. K+ e. H+


6. The cell can secrete this substance by the process of

a. passive diffusion

b. active transport

c. facilitated diffusion

d. active diffusion


7. Which of the following fish would you expect to produce the greatest volume of urine per unit time?

a. a shark living in the ocean

b. a bony fish living in fresh water

c. a bony fish living in an estuary

d. a bony fish living in the ocean


8. In which of the following species of invertebrates would you expect the greatest ability to osmoregulate?

a. a deep sea worm

b. a freshwater clam living in a large lake

c. a marine clam that tightly closes its shell when the water medium becomes too dilute

d. a crab that lives in an estuary


9. Which of the following five statements concerning natural selection is false?

a. Many more individuals are born in each generation than will survive and reproduce.

b. There is variation among individuals; they are not identical in all characteristics.

c. Adaptive changes which occur in an individual during its lifetime are passed on to its offspring.

d. At least some of the characteristics which affect survival are inheritable

e. Enormous spans of time are available for slow, gradual change


10. Geographically isolated populations of a species become separate species

a. when they have been separated for ten or more generations.

b. when their niches have become varied.

c. when they become reproductively incompatible.

d. all of the above


11. When bacteria are placed in a growth medium containing an antibiotic they will die, except for a few that might survive and grow to form antibiotic-resistant colonies. How do these colonies arise?

a. The antibiotic caused a mutation to occur that allowed the bacteria to destroy the antibiotic.

b. A few bacteria were resistant to the antibiotic before it was administered.

c. A few bacteria developed immunity by producing antibodies that destroy antibiotics.

d. Bacteria evolve more rapidly than eucaryotes because they use a Lamarckian rather than a Darwinian system.


12. An example of an adaptation is

a. a bottlenosed dolphin

b. the flies who survive a DDT-sprayed field

c. resistance to antibiotics by bacteria

d. bacteria who are resistant to antibiotics


13. The pollen grain in seed plants replaces which of the following in an evolution away from dependence on water?

a. external swimming sperm c. male gametophyte

b. spore d. sporophyte


For each of the following (14-19), mark A if it is an example of convergent evolution, B if it is an example of divergent evolution, C if it is neither.


14. Giraffe's neck; cat's neck 19. moth's wings, bird's wings

15. shark's tail; dolphin's tail

16. dolphin's echolocation ability; bat's echolocation ability

17. dog's hunting ability; wolf's hunting ability

18. cat's paw; bat's wing

20. A land existence can be advantageous to plants because

a. carbon dioxide concentration is lower.

b. light is more available.

c. oxygen concentration is lower.

d. the force of gravity is less effective than in water.


21. A gametophyte is

a. a gamete-producing plant. d. the dominant generation in the higher plants.

b. haploid. e. both a and b.

c. the plant produced by the fusion of gametes.


22. Which of the following stages in the life history of a plant are diploid?

a. gamete c. gametophyte

b. zygote d. spore


23. A city was intensively sprayed with DDT in 1953 in an effort to control houseflies. The number of flies was immediately greatly reduced. Each year thereafter the city was again sprayed with DDT but the flies gradually increased in numbers until ten years later they were almost as abundant as they were when the control program began. Which one of the following is the most likely explanation?

a. Flies from other areas moved in and replaced those killed by DDT

b. The few flies that were affected by DDT but survived developed resistance to DDT which they passed on to their descendants

c. The DDT caused new mutations to occur in the surviving flies and this resulted in resistance to DDT

d. The DDT killed susceptible flies but the few that were naturally resistant lived and reproduced and their offspring repopulated the area.


24. In the scientific name of the wolverine, Gulo lusca, Gulo is a a) genus containing the species lusca; b) family with one species; c) phylum in the species lusca; d) species in the class lusca; e) none of the above.


Use the following choices to answer questions 25 - 30. Choices may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

a) Animalia d) Plantae

b) Fungi e) Protista

c) Monera


25. Kingdom containing only unicellular eucaryotic organisms.


26. Kingdom consisting primarily of eucaryotic, multicellular, ingestive chemoheterotrophs.


27. Kingdom including only eucaryotic absorptive chemoheterotrophs.


28. Kingdom to which the unicellular, photoautotrophic cyanobacteria belong.


29. Into which kingdom would you classify a unicellular organism that has chlorophyll and carries on photosynthesis; it lacks a cell wall and is highly motile?


30. Into which kingdom would you classify a large multinucleated amoeboid organism that obtains nutrients by phagocytosis (like an amoeba) and reproduces by forming thin-walled spore cases (similar to those of a fungus)?



31. All of the following nutrients enter the plant through the roots except

a. carbon d. water

b. nitrogen e. phosphorous

c. potassium


32. The blades of kelp and the leaves of a tree

a. are both the only site of photosynthesis for the organism.

b. both increase surface area for photosynthesis.

c. both absorb most of the macronutrients.

d. are an example of divergent evolution.


33. Which of the following plants would you expect to have a thicker cuticle?

a. flowering plant c. moss

b. fern d. kelp


34. How do nutrients enter root cells?

a. Active transport d. Cation exchange

b. Passive diffusion e. all of the above

c. Proton pump


35. Carnivorous plants "digest" insects for

a. nitrogen d. water

b. carbon e. phosphorous

c. glucose


36. The reproductive barrier that maintains the species boundary between horses and donkeys is

a. mechanical isolation c. hybrid inviability

b. gametic isolation d. hybrid sterility


37. The scientific name for the blue whale is

a. Balaenoptera Musculus.

b. Balaenoptera musculus.

c. Balaenoptera musculus

d. balaenoptera musculus.

e. Cetacea mammalia


38. Danger of desiccation and the need for gas exchange are two

conflicting problems that early land plants solved through the

evolution of:

a. phloem only d. both cuticles and stomates

b. stomates only e. both phloem and cuticles

c. cuticles only


39. Animals are considered:

a. multicellular prokaryotic heterotrophs

b. multicellular eukaryotic heterotrophs

c. multicellular eukaryotic autotrophs

d. unicellular eukaryotic autotrophs

e. unicellular prokaryotic heterotrophs




40. Plants solved the problems of acquiring supplies of water and food and

delivering them to all of the cells by:

a. developing leaves, roots, and an efficient conducting system.

b. developing a cuticle on the surfaces of leaves.

c. developing pores to facilitate gas exchange.

d. living in habitats that are rich in moisture.

e. developing a vascular system that could extract water and

nutrients from air


41. Sponges are often placed in a separate subkingdom (Parazoa) because they:

a. are more like plants than animals.

b. are not truly multicellular animals.

c. seem to have traveled an independent evolutionary route.

d. are sessile and do not move from the attachment site as adults.

e. have choanocytes, which are unique in the animal kingdom.


42. GIVEN:


(1) 3 dialysis bags. Each bag contains the same unknown

concentration of sucrose dissolved in water. The dialysis bags

are permeable to water but not to sucrose.

(2) A set of 3 bowls. One bowl contains a 3% sucrose solution, one

contains a 10% sucrose solution and one contains a 14% sucrose


(3) Each dialysis bag is placed in a bowl containing a different

concentration of sucrose solution and left overnight.


RESULTS: The bags in the 3% and 10% sucrose solutions gained water

and became turgid, while the bag in the 14% solution

lost water and became flaccid.


The dialysis bags, therefore, must contain what concentration of


a. less than 1% sucrose d. between 10% and 14% sucrose

b. less than 3% sucrose e. more than 14% sucrose

c. between 3% and 10% sucrose


Short Answer. Use complete sentences to answer the following questions. Be sure to answer each part of the questions.



43. Examine the following figures. (6 points)

By inspection (physical appearance) which two do you feel are most closely related?


Use the following information to answer the questions below.

The coyote is in the order Carnivora.

The whale is in the order Cetacea.

The seal is in the order Carnivora.

They all belong to the class Mammalia.


What characteristics do all three animals share? (Or, how closely related are these three?)




Which two are most closely related?


Provide an explanation for the structural similarities between the harbor seal and the killer whale and for the structural differences between the harbor seal and the coyote.










44. Endodermal cells with their (shaded) Casparian strips are shown. What are two functions of the Casparian strip? Which of these diagrams represents the pathway water and minerals must follow to get into the stele (vascular cylinder)?

(3 points)






45. What type of symmetry does a seastar exhibit? Does this mean they are most closely related to other organisms of the same symmetry? Explain your answer. (3 points)







46. Use the graph below to answer the following questions. 1. How should this graph be titled? 2. Should a line be drawn through the points or should the dots be connected? 3. What does this graph tell you? 4. Why is this relationship between metabolic rate and body weight observed? (4 points)


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