Student Project #15

by Janice Lopez

Research Question:

What are long term effects from using exercise and/or vitamin supplements?



More people everyday are more concerned about their bodies. Whether they weigh too much or too little or just want to be in shape, people are looking for faster results by using different types of supplements. Some people use supplements to cure an illness and others use it to get the nutrients they don't get from regular food. Whatever it is, everyone is different and will use different vitamins and dosages.

Vitamins and supplements are more popular among athletes. They use supplements as energy boosts that will make them work out longer and harder. Athletes also know that many nutrient short falls arising from extreme exertion or dietary habits can threaten long-term health and hinder performance so they look for certain supplements that will replace the vitamins and minerals that are missing. (Slavin).

But what vitamins and supplements are right for you? As public and professional interest in supplements grows, there is increasing pressure on manufacturer and health officials to quickly clarify the value of a given supplement. (Roan). "In general, nutritional supplements should meet the basic nutritional and metabolic needs of a normal healthy person. Beyond that, they should meet the specific nutritional needs based upon and individuals age, gender and level of activity and state of health."


Vitamin Therapy - Vitamin Synthesis

Dietary Supplements

Pro Vitamins

Anti Vitamins


Concept 1: effects, long-term

Concept 2: supplements, vitamins

Concept 3: exercise


Encyclopedia Britannica (online) (accessed: 12/7/99)

Article: vitamins and supplements

Planet Online Catalog: Peninsula Library System (accessed: 12/2/99)

Subject: vitamins or supplements or health 5468 hits

Subject: vitamins or supplements 297 hits

InfoTrac Academic ASAP (accessed: 12/2/99)

R1: (effects or long term) 58343 hits

R2: (supplements or vitamins) 2394 hits

R3: (exercise) 7593 hits

R4: (R1 and R2 and R3) 22 hits

Proquest Direct Database (accessed: 12/2/99)

Subject: Set 1 effects or long term and

Subject: set 2 supplements or vitamins and

Subject: set 3 exercise 40hits

World Wide Web Subject Directory: Yahoo (accessed: 12/14/99)

Vitamins and supplements and health 307 hits

Vitamins and supplements and effects 334 hits

Vitamins and supplements and effects and health 312 hits

World Wide Web Search Engine: AltaVista (accessed: 12/14/99)

Vitamins and supplements 180865 hits

Vitamins and supplements and health and effects 2580 hits

Vitamins and supplements and health long term effects 45675 hits

Subject Specific World Wide Web Database: PubMed (accessed: 12/14/99)

Supplements and vitamins 2372 hits

Supplements and vitamins and health 354 hits

Supplements and vitamins and health and effects 60 hits

InvestiGator (SFSU) Online Catalog (accessed: 12/14/99)

Subject: supplements or vitamins 287 hits

Subject: supplements and vitamins and effects 9 hits

Subject: supplements and vitamins and long term 9 hits

Subject: supplements or vitamins or health 11325 hits

Wilson Web General Science (accessed: 12/14/99)

Subject: vitamins or supplements 1164 hits

Subject: vitamins and supplements 27 hits

Subject: vitamins and supplements and effects 1 hit

Nexis - Lexis (accessed: 12/21/99)

medical journals (supplements or vitamins) and effects 0

medical journals supplements and vitamins and effects 149 hits



Anderson, John J.B. Rev of Vitamania, by Rima D. Apple. Science Books and Films 33(Apr. 1997): 74

Vitamania provides the reader with interesting facts and fallacies about vitamin supplements. It is illustrated as an American love-hate affair with vitamins. As more vitamins come on the market in malls and grocery stores, Americans ask themselves if they are healthy enough and whether or not they should use such supplements. This book recognizes the market and provides a detailed understanding of the behaviors of American consumers. The reader will also learn more of the legal aspects of including vitamins and minerals in foods.

Balch, James F., and Phyllis A. Balch, Prescription for Nutritional Healing. Garden City Park: Avery Publishing Group Inc., 1990.

A Prescription for Nutritional Healing is an alphabetical encyclopedia of nutritional treatments for common sicknesses, such as the cold or flu. "It guides a person on how to use vitamins, herbs, minerals and food supplements to promote healing and wellness." This is the second edition that has been released and includes new an expanded information.

"The Bookstore" WellNet. 2 Dec. 1999. 14 Dec.1999. <>.

Boyce, Nell. "Unknown Quantity." New Scientist 161.2175 (27 Feb. 1999): 18-19.

Brody, Jane E. "The Muscle-Building Secret is Out of the Bottle." New York Times 1 Sep. 1998:4 Proquest Newspaper. 2 Dec. 1999. <>.

Burgee, Rebecca C. Rev. of The Encyclopedia of Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements. School Library Journal 42 (Nov. 1996): 141.

An A to Z guide of vitamins is provided in Burgee's book, "The Encyclopedia of Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements." Readers are able to read what a certain vitamin or supplement is made of and how it will benefit your body. It enables the reader to pick an appropriate supplement for their needs according to eating habits, athletics and weight.

Chandrasekharan, N. "Promoting Vitamin A Status." Lancet 354.9172 (July 1999): 76.

"Choosing Vitamins and Minerals." Sequential Healing Health Services. 28 Jan. 1999. 2 Dec. 1999. <>.

"Is it Better to Get Vitamins From Food?" 19 Oct. 1999. 14 Dec. 1999. <,51880_1_1.asp>.

Jaret, Peter. "How to Be Super Healthy." Health 13.7 (Sept. 1999): 86-91.

Levine, Mar. "Criteria and Recommendations for Vitamin C Intake." JAMA 281.15 (21 Apr. 1999): 1415-1423. Academic ASAP. InfoTrac Search Bank. 14 Dec. 1999. <!ar_fmt?sw_aep=plan_skyline>.

Neuhouser, Marian L. "Motivation for Using Vitamin and Mineral Supplements." Journal of the American Dietetic Association 99.7 (July 1999): 1415-1423.

"Nutritional Supplement" Encyclopedia Britannica Online, 1994-1999. Encyclopedia Britannica. 7 Dec. 1999. <>.

Packer, Lester. "Nutrition and Exercise Introduction and Overview." The Journal of Nutrition Mar. 1992: 758+. Abstract. Academic ASAP. InfoTrac Search Bank. 14 Dec. 1999. <!ar_fmt?sw_aep=plan_skyline>.

"Prevention's at-a-Glance Vitamin and Mineral Guide." Prevention 51.2 (Feb. 1999): 96.

Roan, Sharon. "When is a Supplement Safe and Effective?" The Los Angeles Times 22 Sep. 1997:5. Proquest Newspapers. 2 Dec. 1999. <>.

"Safe Amounts of Vitamins." 27 Aug.1997. 14 Dec. 1999. <,2456_1_1.asp>.

Slavin, Joanne L. "Assessing Athletes' Nutritional Status: Making Part of the Sports Medicine Physical." The Physician and Sports Medicine. Nov. 1997: 79-78. Academic ASAP. InfoTrac SearchBank. 14 Dec. 1999. <!ar_fmt?sw_aep=plan_skyline>.

Utiger, Rovert D. "The Need for More Vitamin D." The New England Journal of Medicine 338.12 (19 Mar. 1998): 828-829. Abstract. Academic ASAP. InfoTrac SearchBank. 30 Nov. 1999. <!ar_fmt?sw_aep=plan_skyline>.

"Weight-loss Drug" The Lancet 8 May 1999: 353. News Library/Mednws File. Lexis-Nexis. 22 Dec. 1999.

Wentzler, Rich. The Vitamin Book. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1978.






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last revised: 12-22-99 by Eric Brenner, Skyline College, San Bruno, CA

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