Asepsis Practice Quiz

1. Containers of sterile culture media should be held as shown in

a. figure A so they don't spill;
b. figure B to prevent airborne microorganisms from entering;
c. figure C because microorganisms are everywhere;
d. figure D to prevent contamination;
e. either A or B because microorganisms are everywhere.

2. A chemical disinfectant is used to
a. disinfect instruments prior to use;
b. sterilize glassware;
c. disinfect the lab bench;
d. sterilize plasticware;
e. All of the above.

3. Microorganisms must be eliminated from plant cell cultures because
a. plants live in an aseptic environment;
b. they will compete with the plants for nutrients;
c. they are dangerous to humans and plants;
d. they will infect the plants;
e. None of the above.

4. When working with an open culture, you should
a. work as quickly as possible, ignoring any spills;
b. work as quickly but precisely as possible;
c. work slowly to avoid contamination;
d. wear a face mask;
e. You should never have an open culture.

5. In performing a cell culture experiment, you should
a. keep your desk clear and get materials from the supply cart as needed;
b. work at the supply cart so everything will be available to you;
c. have all the materials you will need at your desk;
d. cover your desk with newspaper;
e. None of the above.

6. When using culture media, plates, tubes, and bottles should be kept
a. uncovered for a few seconds as needed;
b. covered at all times;
c. uncovered for quick and easy use;
d. in the refrigerator;
e. in the autoclave.

7. Before beginning lab work you should
a. wash your hands with disinfectant;
b. wash your hands with soap and water;
c. put on gloves;
d. wash your hands only if they are dirty;
e. None of the above.

8. For cell culture work, instruments such as scalpels and forceps are sterilized
a. by heating to red hot in a flame before and after use;
b. in sterile water;
c. in 70% alcohol;
d. in 70% alcohol & burning off the alcohol prior to and after use;
e. in 70% alcohol & rinsing with water.

9. After working with bacterial and fungal cultures, you should
a. wash your tubes, pipettes, and plates with soap and water;
b. replace tubes, pipettes, and plates on the supply cart;
c. wash glassware and place used plasticware in the trash cans;
d. place contaminated tubes, pipettes, and plates in the "To Be Autoclaved" area;
e. Tubes, pipettes, and plates are never washed.

10. Culture media are sterilized by
a. boiling to 100°C;
b. adding alcohol;
c. autoclaving;
d. flaming to red hot;
e. They can never be completely sterile.

11. If you need sterile water for an experiment, the water must be
a. autoclaved;
b. boiled;
c. distilled;
d. deionized;
e. Any of the above are okay.
