Clark's Nutcracker

Biology 101



The Nutrition Facts label is required on most foods. How much do you know about the label? Answer the following questions using the food label provided. Note that a nutritionist's Calorie (with a capital C) is actually a kilocalorie and food labels are reporting kcal. An adult requires about 2000 kcal per day. Click here to show the food label in a small window that you can view next to the questions. Click here


1. A calorie is the amount of
a. Fat in food.
b. Fat, protein, and carbohydrate in food.
c. Energy needed to raise one gram of water, 1°C.
d. Bad stuff in food.

2. How many kilocalories would you get from saturated fat if you ate one serving of this food?
a. 4.5
b. 22
c. 40.5
d. 180

3. If you ate one portion of this food, how many grams of cholesterol would you have consumed?
a. 0.03
b. 10
c. 30
d. 300

4. If you ate two portions of this food, how many grams of fiber would you consume?
a. <1
b. 1-2
c. 4
d. 23

5. What percentage of the daily value (of fiber) is this?
a. 4
b. 8
c. 17
d. 34

6. How many kilocalories would you get if you ate the entire contents of this package?
a. 0.47
b. 4.7
c. 47
d. 470

7. Approximately what percentage of Calories of the daily diet is this?
a. 10%
b. 25%
c. 50%
d. 100%

8. What percent of the total fat is saturated fat?
a. 180
b. 31
c. 22.5
d. 10

9. How many kilocalories do you get from sugar in one serving of this food?
a. 4
b. 8
c. 44
d. 176

10. In one serving, what percentage of the Calories are from sugar?
a. 8%
b. 37.5%
c. 50%
d. 100%

11. How many grams of sodium do you get from one serving of this food?
a. 23
b. 0.23
c. 0.51
d. 1020

12. What percentage of the Daily Value of sodium would you get from one serving of this food?
a. 23%
b. 46%
c. 92%

13. How many kilocalories would you get from protein if you ate one serving of this food?
a. 4
b. 8
c. 12
d. 16

14. Which term on the label tells you how much energy will be supplied by this food?
a. Calorie
b. Fat
c. Protein
d. Sugar

15. How many calories is 2000 kcal?
a. 2
b. 1000
c. 2000
d. 2,000,000

16. The joule (J) is the metric unit of energy, 1 cal = 4.184 J. How many kilojoules are in one serving of this product?
a. 112
b. 470
c. 940
d. 1966.5

17. Which term on this label is the primary component of human cell membranes?
a. Carbohydrate
b. Fat
c. Protein
d. Sodium

18. What is fiber?
a. Carbohydrate
b. Fat
c. Protein
d. Vitamin

19. What is sugar?
a. Carbohydrate
b. Fat
c. Protein
d. None of the above

20. There are three chemicals listed on the label that are not organic molecules. What are they?
a. Sugar, Vitamin A, Vitamin C
b. Cholesterol, Sodium, Saturated Fat
c. Calcium, Iron, Sodium
d. Protein, Fiber, Fat

Nutrition label


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