Leather Star

Biology 215


Christine Case


The hypocotyl appears first


Oak seedling.
Where's the acorn?



plumeriaLeaves originate from the shoot apical meristem, a small mound of undifferentiated tissue at the tip of the stem. Leaf formation begins with the selection of a group of founder cells in the so-called peripheral zone at the flank of the meristem, followed by the initiation of local growth and finally morphogenesis of the resulting bulge into a differentiated leaf. Auxin produced by the first leaf flow down and cause the second leaf bud to grow, auxin from leaf 2 causes leaf 3 to grow which in turn causes leaf 4 to grow.

Glucose. The fungal enzyme, glucose oxidase, in the test strip oxidizes glucose in the sample. The released electrons react with a dye in the strip to produce the color.

Starch. Iodine combines with starch, producing a blue to black color.

Protein. Copper in Biuret reagent forms violet complexes with peptide bonds in proteins.

Lipids. If no lipids are present then the Sudan IV diffuses in the water.

Can you name the stages?