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Biology 230

Journal Article


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This assignment is done individually. Each group member should use a different article in order to develop your project background.

Find a recent article in a scientific journal on your term project and anwer the questions in a one to two page report. Start with PubMed or other science databases available through the Skyline Library and search on your topic. Read the abstracts and keep a record of interesting articles. You may have to go to SFSU or UCSF to see the articles.

Choosing an article and journal. There are many appropriate scientific and medical journals from which to choose. To evaluate the appropriateness of a Journal, the following should be true:

Is the Journal associated with a professional society?
Do the articles list the author's references?
Are the articles written by the researchers, not a news reporter?
Do the articles include data in tables and graphs?
Do the articles include references cited?


After completing this assignment, you should

  1. Understand the structure of academic articles.
  2. Identify differences and similarities between popular and scholarly/academic articles.
  3. Implement specific strategies for dissecting and digesting academic articles.


Think about your hypothesis for your project to find articles related to that concept so you have an article that helps you with your project. What data were collected? How were the data analyzed?

Before beginning

Appropriate peer-reviewed articles are not found through google.

Watch this video to learn about peer-reviewed scientific journals, how to find them, and how to cite them. You can also learn how to cite journals by looking at the citations at the end of the article your choose.

Find a peer-reviewed article

that addresses one aspect of of your project. Websites, blogs, and wikis are not acceptable.

You must use an article that includes data presented in a graph.

You want articles that explain what other researchers have found in other areas of the world, not on your project. If someone's already published your study then you're not doing research.

Answer these questions from the article

Put everything in your own words, paraphrase, do not quote.


*Citation example. Refer to the Style Sheet for directions

Enjuanes, L., Zuñiga, S., Castaño-Rodriguez, C., Gutierrez-Alvarez, J., Canton, J., & Sola, I. (2016). Molecular Basis of Coronavirus Virulence and Vaccine Development. Advances in virus research, 96, 245–286. https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.aivir.2016.08.003.

(The format is: Authors. (Year). "Article title." Journal. Vol.(issue #). pp-pp, date.)