Christine L. Case, Ed.D.
Biology Professor
Skyline College



A Medical Detective Problem


The problem: On May 23, a woman was admitted to a hospital with diarrhea and vomiting. An investigation was started to trace her contacts. During the investigation, it became apparent that the symptoms were due to a brunch shared by 32 persons on May 22 (11 a.m. to 3 p.m). Symptoms experienced by people at the brunch included:

Use the data table to answer the following questions:

  1. Which food transmitted the illness?
  2. How could this disease be prevented?
  3. Extra credit: What is the disease?
D = Diarrhea V = Vomiting
N = Nausea C = Abdominal cramps

All fresh food items were delivered to the cooking area the morning of May 22. The menu consisted of

O = Omelets. Grade A eggs from a local farm were beaten, mixed with pasteurized milk, salt, pepper, and diced onions. The egg batter was sautéed in small batches and served from warming trays heated by alcohol burners.

B = Bacon. Bacon was purchased from a meat whole seller. The bacon was fried on a large griddle and served from warming trays.

F = Fruit salad. Fresh apples, banana, and oranges were cut-up and mixed with commercially canned peaches and pears.

P = Pastries. Muffins and other breads were purchased from a bakery and served with butter.


I need a hint.

I'm ready for the answer.

Person Foods eaten Beverage Time ate, Sun Symptoms Onset of symptoms
1 OBFP CJ 1100 DVNC 2400 Sun
2 BFP MJ 1200    
3 OBFP C 1200 NC 0200 Mon
4 OBFP C 1100 DNC  
5 P T 1100    
6 B CJ 1200    
7 FP CJ 1300    
8 P CH 1300    
9 OBFP C 1100 DVNC 1100 Mon
10 P T 1200    
11 P M 1300    
12 OBFP M 1300 DNC 1400 Mon
13 P C 1200    
14 BFP CJ 1500    
15 OBP T 1500 DNC 2400 Mon
16 P MJ 1100    
17 BFP C 1100    
18 P C 1200 N 1300 Sun
19 PB T 1200 DVNC 1700 Mon
20 FP CJ 1200    
21 OB M 1300 DNC 0200 Mon
22 P M 1400 C 0800 Tue
23 P MJ 1400    
24 OBFP C 1100 DC 1500 Mon
25 OBP C 1100 VNC 0100 Mon
26 FP T 1200    
27 P T 1200    
28 OBFP C 1200 DC 0200 Mon
29 BP M 1300    
30 P CJ 1400    
31 BFP C 1100    
32 OBFP   1200 DC 1200 Mon