Biology 690

"The most important discoveries of the laws, methods and progress of nature have nearly always sprung from the examination of the smallest objects which she contains."
-Jean Baptiste Lamarck


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BIOL 695—Independent Study

Students should contact me to inquire about specific research projects in my lab. Students may receive credit for doing active research. My lab focuses on ethnobotany, cape ivy biology, and aquatic microbiology.

BIOL 695: Independent Study

(0.5-3 units). By arrangement.
Prerequisite: A Biology or Chemistry course. Student must have a project approved by a professor in the Biology department.

Projects may be done individually or by a team of students.

Working with the instructor, you will investigate a particular topic or problem beyond the scope of regularly offered courses. Provides an opportunity to undertake a laboratory investigation.


  • Experience doing an independent investigation is an important part of your education.

  • Independent research is an asset on your resume, job applications, and personal statement on college applications.

Carefully crafted and well-supervised independent studies, laboratory, and field work can be a powerful learning experience because they offer students the opportunity to work with a faculty member on a program of special reading, research, or field work beyond coursework included in the Skyline College Catalog. Students who are considering approaching a faculty member about participating in an independent study are offered the following advice:

It is important to remember that no faculty member is under any obligation to do so – the decision to take on this added responsibility is entirely up to the individual. Students who decide to approach a faculty member about sponsoring an independent study should realize that they are asking someone to take on a commitment of additional time (for which he or she will not be compensated).

Before registering for an independent study, students should be sure that they and the faculty member share a set of common expectations about faculty/student contact (its periodicity and length) and feedback (its depth and timeliness).

Syllabus | poster template.ppt | Perfect poster.pdf

Drug development news

Cape ivy Project

Aquatic insects of San Pedro Creek

