Specify your parameters

Amount of Acetylcholine:

Type of inhibitor:

Amount of inhibitor in millimoles:
Minutes Elapsed Acetylcholine Remaining Total Acetic Acid Produced

You are conducting an investigation of the enzyme acetylcholinesterasse. From the name you can tell that this enzyme works on the chemical acetylcoline. It breaks acetylcholine into aceticacid and choline. We want to investigate which is the most effective in slowing the normal action of the enzyme. This will give us valuable information on its action.

In this study you can control:

The amount of acetylcholine,
The type of inhibitor,
and the amount of inhibitor.

By comparing the structure of acetylcholine with the structure of the five inhibitors you should be able to make a hypothesis as to which of the five inhibitors will be the most effective.

Remember:  Include your knowledge of the Lock and Key Model of enzyme action.