Práctica para la Prueba 4:

Capítulos preliminar, 1, 2 y 3

Instrucciones : Tomen un café, té, jugo o soda y estudien esta página para sacar una "A" en la prueba el lunes 27/3/00

I. Traducir las siguientes oraciones:

A:Well, what is your name?

B: Marta Granados.

A: Oh, Granados. How do you spell it?

B:(write down the letters in Spanish)

A: So, what do you like to do?

B: Are you a student?

A: Do you study art?

B: Do you like to read science fiction? I read a lot. I also listen to rock music and I go to rock concerts a lot. What else? Well, on weekends I go out with my friends. We dance, eat in restaurants...

A: Well, well,... let's see... would you like to receive in your home a Portuguese student?

B: Portuguese? No. I would like to have a French or Colombian one.

A: Well. Do you speak French?

B: I speak French and also a little of English

A: Very well. What else/

B: I would like to have an optimistic, nice and active person. That is all!

A: Yeah, thanks.

B: We are going to call you on the phone. What is your phone number/

A: 546-7390

B: 546-7390. Well, Marta. Lots of luck!

A: Thank you madam. Have a good day.

B: Bye, bye, Marta.