Práctica para Prueba 1

(en casa y en clase)

Propósito: The purpose of "prácticas para pruebas" is to give the students the opportunity to review the material covered for the quiz using many of the formats of evaluation used in quizzes, tests and exams throughout the semester. Drilling structures in different ways is the key to success in a language class. Knowledge of the structure, understanding of how it works in a given foreign language, memorization of the structure and application of it in appropriate situations are the necessary steps students have to deal with gradually. Hence, the visual and audio learner, after going through a series of assignments such as the following one will be able to communicate fairly well in Spanish by the end of the first semester of instruction.

 I. Complete los espacios en blanco con las palabras adecuadas:

1. ¿Cómo_________ tú? Muy_________ . ¿y ?

2. ¿_________ es su nombre?

3. Mi_____ _____ Ana.

4. ¿Cómo se__________ su apellido?

5. ¿________ está Ud. ahora?

6. ¿ _________es Ud?

7. Soy__________ California. ¿ y_________ ?(formal)

8. ___________de Asia.

9. ¿De_______ parte de Asia_________ Ud.?

10. ¿Cuál es su número de_____________?

II. Traducir las siguientes oraciones y contestarlas con respuestas completas:

1. Is Andres from California?

2. What is his age?

3. What is your phone number?

4. Is Alexis in Argentina now?

5. Where is the professor?

6. What is your last name?

7. How do you spell your last name?

8. Who is your friend in the Spanish class?

9. How old are you?

10. What is your spanish professor's last name/

11. Are we at Skyline?

 III. Traducir el párrafo a seguir :

 Good afternoon. I call myself María Sanchéz and I am ten years-old. My father's name is Pepe and he is a lawyer. My mom's name is Sandra and she is a receptionist. We are from Santiago, the capital of Chile.

*Bonus.1. ¿De dónde son las personas del texto?

2. ¿Qué hace Pepe?

3. What is Sandra's last name?

 IV. Completar los espacios en blanco con las expresiones apropiadas:

 1. _______________________________

No hay de qué.

2. _______________________________



El gusto es mío.




Regular. ¿Y Usted?



7. ________________________________



cu- u - i - te-o
