Práctica Para el Examen Parcial

Primavera 2000

Profesora Luciana Castro


I. Traducir las siguientes oraciones del inglés al español:

1. I write with my hands.

2. I walk with my feet.

3. I brush my hair and teeth.

4. I put make-up on my face.

5. I eat with my mouth.

6. Ricardo and I have problems in the biology class.

7. We are going to see the professor this afternoon.

8. We do not like to do that.

9. Pablo likes the biology class very much.

10. I do not know Pablo very well.

11. In the afternoon I have to study biology.

12. Afterwards I have to buy soap.

13. I do not know if I am going to go to the pool.

14. Gonzalo's mother's birthday is 25/8.

15. Carmen's birthday is 3/12

16. Gonzalo's father's birthday is 18/2

17. In Caracas it is sunny many months of the year.

18. In Bogotá, it is cloudy almost every month.

19. In Buenos Aires, it rains in the fall.

20. Every morning I get up very early.

21. I take a shower.

22. My father goes to the bathroom, takes a bath but he does not shave.

23. I put my clothes on and make up on my face and eyes.

24. I brush my teeth.

25. My father knows a man who has a restaurnat and every morning we have breakfast there.

26. My father knows a lot about politics.

II. Complete los espacios en blanco con los siguientes adjetivos demostrativos: ese, esa, este, esta, aquel, aquella.

¿quién es ________ chico que está allí?

mis amigos son _________que están aquí.

¿Y aquellas chicas?


____________ que están hablando con Carlos allí.

Son Maribel y Renata. _____________señores que están allí comiendo cerca de la mesa son amigos de mis padres.


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