Dr. Tony Jackson
Psychology 268

Black Psychology


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Course Info


.Course Information



Course Description

This course will utilize a combination of lectures, readings from the assigned text and various articles, video and audio material, visual aids, and activities in an interactive group process. In the spirit of learning communities, active student involvement in a collaborative learning process will be extremely important. “Collaborative experiences provided lessons that no lectures or homilies can provide. Asking students to share the responsibility for each other’s learning teaches students their learning and that of their peers are inextricably intertwined and that, regardless of race, class, gender, or background, their academic interests are the same” (Tinto 1998, p. 173).


Exam Schedule:
In Class Quizzes TBA
Take Home Exams (2)
Group Presentations

To facilitate awareness and an understanding of the psychology of Americans of African descent. To develop an appreciation and understanding of the breadth, scope, and development of the field of Black Psychology. To generate an awareness of and an interest in Afrocentric theories of development and pathology as well as methodologies emerging from these theories and philosophies. To promote a high level of critical thinking about important social issues as well as issues of emotional growth and development

Group Presentations:
Final presentations will take place towards the end of the semester and should represent a culmination of knowledge gained through critical analysis of social/relational issues, self-awareness, and exposure to cultural/historical information and dialogue. These presentations will be open to the general student body, faculty and staff. Students are encouraged to organize presentations around issues or events they feel passionate about.

Class Project:
Fall semester students will focus on the initial planning and organizing of the African History Month celebration that takes place in spring semester. Students will be responsible for organizing themselves into various committees providing the framework for implementation in the spring semester. It will be incumbent on fall semester students to work collaboratively with the wider campus community (i.e. processing proper forms, making appropriate contacts) to ensure a successful spring event. Grades earned will be determined by student’s level of participation and organized effort.

Spring semester students will focus on the implementation and organizing of the African History Month celebration, which takes place during the month of February of the spring semester. Students will be responsible for organizing themselves into various working committees. It will be incumbent on spring semester students to work collaboratively with the wider campus community (i.e. processing proper forms, making appropriate contacts) to ensure a successful spring event. Grades earned will be determined by student’s level of participation and organized effort.

Attending class is extremely important and unexcused absences are taken very seriously. Quality of participation is also very important and every effort will be made to support your participation. More than 3 unexcused absences will affect your grade. Each absence beyond 3 will lower your grade by 1/2 step.

Tardiness versus Absence:
Tardiness: “behind time, late or delayed”. This is not allowed on a regular basis. If you are tardy, it is your responsibility to sign the attendance sheet before the end of the class session. Otherwise, you are considered absent.
Once you sign the attendance sheet, you are considered present if and only if you remain in class for the entire class session. Signing the sheet and leaving the classroom is not considered an attendance and will be considered an absence. If you need to leave early for an illness-related circumstance, you should notify me.
Make-up Tests (read carefully):
Make-up tests will only be offered to students who notify me the class session before the exam (2 days before the exam date). In case of illness or other circumstances taking place on the exam date, it is your responsibility to notify me that same day via e-mail or by coming to my office (Rm: 2102 Bldg 2) in order for accommodations to be made in relation to the situation at hand.
Make-up tests WILL NOT be offered (you will receive a “0”) if notification was not given prior to the exam date and time-

Integrity Policy:
1) Cheating is not allowed under any circumstances. As a consequence, the student will receive an “F” and will be dismissed permanently from the class. (See the current college catalog for further information)

2) Plagiarism: “to take from another and pass them off as one’s own” is not allowed under any circumstances. The student will receive an “F” and will be dismissed permanently from the class.

Test questions will come from both text and lectures. Due to the time limitation, it is not possible to lecture on all material, therefore it is imperative that you read the assigned chapters in order to do well on the tests. READ! READ! READ!
Electronic translation devices are NOT ALLOWED! Students may use hard copy translators and must present the translator for inspection before each exam.
All cellular phones are to remain off while in class. In case of emergency students may notify the professor in advance and only in these cases may the cell phone be placed in silent mode. At no times are cell phones to be answered or used in class for any purposes.

If you have any disability, please advise me during the first week of class. In order to provide you with the appropriate accommodations, you need to get a signed form from the Disabled Students Programs and Services (650-738-4280).

Also it is your responsibility to notify me of any circumstances that may interfere with your work in the course. If problems arise, you must notify me immediately so that appropriate assistance and consideration can be given. DO NOT wait until after the fact to reveal circumstances that may have compromised your performance in the course.

Course Outline:
Week #1 Course Intro:/ African Psychology in Historical
Aug. 21 Perspective (Chap. 1).
“Even the Rat was White”. (Reader)

Week #2 African Metapsychology of Human Personality (Chap. 2)
Aug. 26,28 Pathological Normalcy in Oppressed
Afrikans-AW (Reader)

Sep. 1 Labor Day Holiday

Week #3 Mental Health Defined Africentrically (Chap. 3)
Sep. 2,4 Group work (Black Hx Mo.)
Computer Lab
Reflection Paper #1

Week #4 Harvard Review (Reader)
Sep. 9,11 Group work (Black Hx Mo.)

Week#5 Hilliard: Discussion
Sep. 16,18 Reflection Paper #2

Week #6 The Africentric Paradigm and Af-American Psychological
Sep. 23,25 Liberation (Chap.4)
Group work (Black Hx Mo.)

Week#7 Mentacide, Genocide and National Vision:
Sep. 30/ Oct.2 The Crossroads for The Blacks of America (Chap.5)

Week #8 Melanin, the Melanin Hypothesis and the Development Oct. 7,9 and Assessment of African Infants (Chap.7)
Mid-term due: Thursday

Week# 9 Basis For Africentric Developmental and
Oct. 14,16 Educational Psychology (Chap.7)

Week#10 Integration: Dead Horse for the Race?
Oct. 21,23 (Chap.8)

Week#11 Africentric Psychotherapy-NTU (Chap.6)
Oct. 28,30

Week #12 Community Psychology and Systems Intervention (Chap.9)
Nov. 4,6 Pgs. 160 - 184
Nov. 11 Veteran’s Day Holiday

Week#13 Ancient Kemetian Cosmology: Spiritual Anatomy of
Nov. 13 A Man/Woman

Week#14 Understanding Science and Methodology
Nov. 18,20 Science and Oppression (Chap. 10)

Week#15 Reader
Nov. 25 Group Presentation Work

Nov. 27 Thanksgiving Holiday

Week#16 Reader
Dec. 2,4 Group Presentation Work

Week# 17 Group Presentations: Gallery Theater
Dec. 9,11
Dec. 16 Tuesday: Final Exams due. (11:10am – 1:40pm)


I, the instructor, may modify this course schedule at any time. Thus, it is important for you, the student, to come to class and to stay updated with the class schedule.







  • Daudi Ajani ya Azibo, “African Psychology in Historical Perspective”.
  • Randall Robinson, “The Debt”.
  • Wilson, The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness (Optional)




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Grading Information

All exams will be graded according to set criteria, which will be distributed in class. Students will be assigned various homework projects and in-class quizzes. These projects and quizzes will be graded on a scale of 1-10 points. Points are banked and once a total of 40 points has been accumulated, students may use the points to move a letter grade from a major assignment, up one full step (i.e. from “B” to “A”). This approximates a potential of 10% extra credit factored into your final grade.

  1. Mid-term exam - 30%
  2. Final exam - 30%
  3. Group Presentations- 20%
  4. Final Project - 20%