Monica Malamud
.Spanish 162


Course Information
Your grade





Course Syllabus

This course is designed to enrich and strengthen the existing language abilities of the students. Throughout the course, students are expected to improve their oral communication, reading and writing skills in Spanish.

¡Ahora sí! Expresión comunicativa para hispanohablantes, Blanco, G. M., Contreras, V. M., Márquez, J. M., Heinle & Heinle. (We will cover the second half of the book in this course.)

Class format, content and methods:
This course is conducted solely in Spanish. Class activities will focus on further developing oral communication skills, with an emphasis on communication and discussion in an academic environment. The purpose of this is to broaden students' use of Spanish to different areas of interest and to develop awareness and an ease of use of the language at various registers. While class time will be spent mostly on oral activities, this course has a very strong focus on reading and writing as well. Reading comprehension strategies will be explored; students are expected to use these strategies when preparing readings for class discussion. Likewise, writing strategies will be discussed, and students are expected to use these strategies in their written work (homework, tests, reports). In order to help students become more accurate writers, there will be a grammar and spelling review.
Cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world and regional differences of the language will be highlighted, in order to raise awareness and appreciation for the richness of the culture and language of Spanish-speakers around the world.

Attendance is required. If a student is unable to attend class for any reason, the student is still responsible for all work done during the missed class and for the adequate preparation for the following class as well. Expected daily preparation and relevant dates for reports and exams are given in the course schedule. According to college policy, a student may be withdrawn from the class if s/he misses the equivalent of two weeks of instruction.

Participation is not only strongly encouraged but also absolutely essential in order to accomplish the course objectives. Students are expected to adequately prepare for class by completing the reading and writing assignments before each class meeting. Due dates for homework will be listed in the course schedule. It is required to contribute to each of the "mini-presentations". Poor participation/lack of preparation will be reflected in the final grade.

Students will turn in a weekly journal (diario interactivo) on Fridays. The purpose of this journal is to give students an opportunity to express their opinion in writing about some of the topics discussed orally in class. The focus of the journal is on content, expression of ideas, personal opinion. Through the weekly journal, students will increase their level of confidence towards writing, without feeling the pressure of constantly having to attend to form. Ten entries (one per week) should be completed before the end of the semester.

Book reviews:
Students will choose and read two books, and write a review of each one. The books should belong to different genres, and be written by two different authors. Due dates are listed in the course schedule.

Community outreach project:
A very important component of this course is the community outreach project. This project will not only allow the student to use Spanish outside the classroom context, but also provide an excellent opportunity to:
- learn about other Spanish-speakers in the area,
- learn about the issues of interest to and the problems that affect the Spanish-speaking community,
- serve as a role model,
- provide a useful community service
Due dates for the final oral and written report of this project are listed in the course schedule.

Late assignments:
I understand that we all have busy lives and emergencies sometimes do arise. Therefore, each student will be allowed to use 5 "late days" for assignments (homework, book reviews, project report) without any penalty. These 5 "late days" can be used as needed (one at a time, all at once, etc). Once these days have been used, no late assignments will be accepted (i.e., no credit for late assignments).

There will be two quizzes and a final exam. The quizzes will cover two chapters each (7-8, 9-10), plus any additional readings assigned before each quiz. The final exam will be COMPREHENSIVE. It is the student's responsibility to inform the instructor as soon as possible if s/he will miss a quiz, and to make arrangements to take a make-up test.


Final grade:
The grade for the course will be calculated taking into account all of the class components as follows:

preparation/participation/mini-presentations 10
homework 10
quizzes (2 x 10 each) 20
diario interactivo (10 x 1 each) 10
book reviews (2 x 10 each) 20
community outreach project 15
final exam 15

The final letter grade for the class will be based on the following scale:
A: 91-100
B: 81-90
C: 71-80
D: 61-70
F: below 61


Course Schedule

(To be posted soon)


Jan. 14  
Jan. 16  
Jan. 18  


Jan. 21


No class

Jan. 23  
Jan. 25  


Jan. 28

Jan. 30  
Feb. 1  


Feb. 4

Feb. 6  
Feb. 8  


Feb. 11

Feb. 13  
Feb. 15 No class


Feb. 18


No class

Feb. 20  
Feb. 22  


Feb. 25

Feb. 27  
Mar. 1  


Mar. 4

Mar. 6  
Mar. 8  


Mar. 11

Mar. 13  
Mar. 15  


Mar. 18

Mar. 20  
Mar. 22  


Mar. 25


No class

Mar. 27 No class
Mar. 29 No class


Apr. 1

Apr. 3  
Apr. 5  


Apr. 8

Apr. 10  
Apr. 12  


Apr. 15

Apr. 17  
Apr. 19  


Apr. 22

Apr. 24  
Apr. 26  


Apr. 29

May 1  
May 3  


May 6

May 8  
May 10  


May 13



May 15  
May 17  


May 20


Final Exam: 11:10-1:40





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