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Skyline College
BCM 201 Integration of MS Office Applications
Syllabus - Spring 2016

Instructor: Sita Motipara Phone: 650.738-4356
Office: Building 8, Room 207 E-mail:
Office Hours: View this doorcard Web Site:

Integration of MS Office Apps | 1.0 unit - 16 hours | Transfer:CSU

This class is taught entirely on the web. Microsoft Office 2010 is a collection of software programs designed to help you accomplish tasks quickly and efficiently. You will learn to use Word and Excel together to create sophisticated documents that incorporate data from both programs. You will learn to integrate objects created in Word, Excel and Access into PowerPoint presentation. Instead of recreating the same information in different programs, you create the information once in one program and then reuse it in other programs. for example you will create a report in word which embeds price list build in excel.


Upon completion of the course, students will be able to: