ESOL 830 Nicol Newspaper Journal Spring 2004

Name: Maria Cristina Mena-Murphy

Date: Thursday, March 4, 2004

 For your newspaper journal you will read three articles a week, at least 300 words each, cut them out (all: look for "continued p. 16"), attach one article to each of these forms, and then comment on the progress of the news event you have been following. Hints: It's much easier to follow one topic from day to day. Don't save up all your reports for the night before. The purpose of this is to get you into the habit of reading the newspaper, not learn how to stay up all night writing reports!

 newspaper journal #1 due Week 4, Wed 2/12 (2 articles)

newspaper journal #2 due Week 7, Tues 3/04 (6 articles)

newspaper journal #3 due Week 10, Thurs 3/25 (6 articles)

newspaper journal #4 due Week 14, Tues 4/22 (8 articles)


Read the article, complete this form and attach the article.

 1. Author and title (always use quotation marks (" ") for titles of articles):

 Author: Tim Weiner. Title: "Mexican ex-top cop arrested in kidnapping of leftist leader in ‘75"

2. Source: (Name the newspaper. Always underline newspaper names. Article should be 300 words or more.)

Name the newspaper:  San Francisco Chronicle.

3. Date: (= the date on the newspaper. It should be current, less than two weeks old. Each article should be from a different day, about two a week)

 Date of newspaper: Friday, February 20,2004

4. Category: (Tell what kind of article this is, for example news report (today, yesterday), feature (time not important), commentary (= opinion), column (same title and writer, daily, weekly), movie review, editorial, sports news, sports opinion)

Category:  news report

5. Vocabulary: (3 key words. Key words are words absolutely necessary to understand the article. Give me words that are new or difficult for you, not easy ones. Look up these words in a dictionary, and give the part of speech as used in the article. Define each word as it is used in the article (For example: to mitigate, v.t.= to make mild or milder). Now use each word in your summary and underline it.

to kidnap, v : to seize and keep (somebody) by force, usually for ransom.

dirty war, n : a war that is unpleasant, dishonest or dishonorable.

liaison, n : a means of communication between different groups or units.


6. Summary: 5-10 sentences. Do not copy sentences from the article, but write your own sentences in your own words, except use your three key words in your summary and underline the key words below! Start with the Ws: when , where, what, who, why, how. If the Friday 9/12 news article uses the time signal yesterday, in your summary you must start, "On Thursday, September 11, ..."

  On Wednesday, February 18, Miguel Nazar Haro, was arrested in Mexico City. He is incriminated for kidnapping and crimes against the left during the "dirty war." He served in the intelligence service and secret police, and was liaison with the CIA. This is a triumph for President Fox, who is trying to resolve those crimes, and disappearances that occurred in Mexico from the 60s to 80s.





7. Opinion/ feelings about the article (5-10 sentences)

This article is interesting because in my country, Chile, similar situations occurred against the left in these years. And the CIA was also involved. But the investigations in Chile are more advanced.