ESOL 830 Practice Vocabulary Chapter 4



a cuisine



to annoy



a local

a tourist

a destination


to bargain/bargaining

to beg/begging



Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word above

1. If a person has too much caloric ________________, he or she will get fat.

2. The ______________ of France is famous for its rich sauces.

3. The _____________ people of South America often live under poor conditions.

4. Heart attacks are a ______________ problem for smokers.

5. One _______________ of affluence is the rich food can give people heart attacks!

6. If you want to _______________ someone, just run your fingernail across the blackboard.

7. Champagne and caviar are two foods that symbolize ______________ .

8. My daughter was very ___________ when she told me she was going to move in with her boyfriend no matter what I said.

9. The room was decorated in a very _______________ style for Chinese New Year: mostly Chinese but with a lot of red, white, and blue patriotic American flags and gold eagles.

10. The expensive hotel restaurant on Nob Hill is where the ___________ go to eat.

11. You can tell it's a good Chinatown restaurant because inside there are a lot more ________________________ than tourists.

12. The favorite _________________ for San Francisco tourists are the Golden Gate Bridge and Fisherman's Wharf.

13. _______________ for money downtown is one way for homeless people to get some cash.

14. The tourists were______________ for the souvenirs in the open market.