College of San Mateo

Accounting 131

Rosemary Nurre


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Chapter 4

Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis:
A Managerial Planning Tool

Learning Objectives

 1. Determine the break-even point in number of units and in total sales dollars.
2. Determine the number of units that must be sold, and the amount of revenue required, to earn a targeted profit.
3. Prepare a profit-volume graph and a cost-volume-profit graph and explain the meaning of each.
4. Apply cost-volume-profit analysis in a multiple-product setting.
5. Explain the impact of risk, uncertainty, and changing variables on cost-volume-profit analysis.

Lecture Notes

A. The Basics of Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) Analysis. Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis is a key step in many decisions. CVP analysis involves specifying a model of the relations among the prices of products, the volume or level of activity, the unit variable costs, the total fixed costs, and the mix of products sold. This model is used to predict the impact on profits of changes in those parameters.

1. Contribution Margin. Contribution margin is the amount remaining from sales revenue after variable expenses have been deducted. It contributes towards covering fixed costs and then towards profit.

2. Unit Contribution Margin. When there is a single product, the unit contribution margin can be used to predict changes in the contribution margin and in profits (assuming there is no change in fixed costs) as a result of changes in unit sales. To do this, the unit contribution margin is simply multiplied by the change in unit sales.

3. Contribution Margin Ratio. The contribution margin (CM) ratio is the ratio of the contribution margin to total sales. It shows how the contribution margin is affected by a given dollar change in total sales. Managers often find the contribution margin ratio easier to work with than the unit contribution margin, particularly when a company has multiple products. This is because the contribution margin ratio is denominated in sales dollars, which is a convenient way to express activity in multi-product firms.

B. Some Applications of CVP Concepts. CVP analysis is typically used to estimate the impact on profits of changes in selling price, variable cost per unit, sales volume, and total fixed costs. CVP analysis can be used to estimate the effect on profits of a change in any one (or any combination) of these parameters. A variety of examples of applications of CVP are provided in the text.

C. Break-Even Analysis and Target Profit Analysis. Target profit analysis is concerned with estimating the level of sales required to attain a specified target profit. Break-even analysis is as a special case of target profit analysis in which the target profit is zero.

1. Basic CVP equations. Both the equation and contribution (formula) methods of break-even and target profit analysis are based on the contribution approach to the income statement. The format of this statement can be expressed in equation form as:
Profits = Sales - Variable expenses - Fixed expenses

In CVP analysis this equation is commonly rearranged and expressed as:

Sales = Variable expenses + Fixed expenses + Profits

a. The above equation can be expressed in terms of unit sales:
Price x Unit sales = Unit variable cost x Unit sales + Fixed expenses + Profits

Unit contribution margin x Unit sales = Fixed expenses + Profits

Unit sales = (Fixed expenses + Profits) / (Unit contribution margin)

b. The basic equation can also be expressed in terms of sales dollars using the variable expense ratio:

Sales = Variable expense ratio x Sales + Fixed expenses + Profits


(1 - Variable expense ratio) x Sales = Fixed expenses + Profits


Contribution margin ratio* x Sales = Fixed expenses + Profits


Sales = (Fixed expenses + Profits) / (Contribution margin ratio)


* 1 - Variable expense ratio = 1- (Variable expenses) / (Sales)

= (Sales - Variable expenses) / Sales

= (Contribution Margin / Sales

= Contribution margin ratio

 2. Break-even point using the equation method. The break-even point is the level of sales at which profit is zero. It can also be defined as the point where total sales revenue equals total expenses or as the point where total contribution margin equals total fixed expenses. Break-even analysis can be approached either by the equation method or by the contribution margin method. The two methods are logically equivalent.

a. The Equation Method-Solving for the Break-Even Unit Sales. This method involves following the steps in section (1a) above. Simply substitute the selling price, unit variable cost and fixed expense in the first equation and set profits equal to zero. Then solve for the unit sales as indicated.

b. The Equation Method-Solving for the Break-Even Sales in Dollars. This method involves following the steps in section (1b) above. Simply substitute the variable expense ratio and fixed expenses in the first equation and set profits equal to zero. Then solve for the sales as indicated.

3. Break-even point using the contribution method. This is a short-cut method that jumps directly to the solution, bypassing the intermediate algebraic steps.

a. The Contribution Method-Solving for the Break-Even Unit Sales. This method involves using the final formula for unit sales in section (1a) above. Simply set profits equal to zero in the formula.
Break-even unit sales = (Fixed expenses + 0) / Unit contribution margin

= Fixed expenses / Unit contribution margin

b. The Contribution Method-Solving for the Break-Even Sales in Dollars. This method involves using the final formula for sales in section (1b) above. Simply set profits equal to zero in the formula.

Break-even sales = (Fixed expenses + 0) / Contribution margin ratio

= Fixed expenses / Contribution margin ratio

4. Target profit analysis. Managers frequently desire to know the number of units that must be sold to attain a target profit. Either the equation method or the contribution margin method discussed previously can be used. In the case of the contribution margin method, the formulas are:

Unit sales to attain target profits = (Fixed expenses + Target profits) / Unit contribution margin

Sales to achieve target profits = (Fixed expenses + target profits / Contribution margin ratio

Note that these formulas are the same as the break-even formulas if the target profit is zero.

D. CVP Relationships in Graphic Form. Graphs of CVP relationships can be used to gain insight into the behavior of expenses and profits. The basic CVP graph is drawn with dollars on the vertical axis and volume in units on the horizontal axis. Total fixed expense is drawn first, then variable expense is added to the fixed expense in order to draw the total expense line. Finally, the total revenue line is drawn. The total profit (or loss) is the vertical difference between the total revenue and total expense lines.

E. Margin of Safety. The margin of safety is the excess of budgeted (or actual) sales over the break-even volume of sales. It is the amount by which sales can drop before losses begin to be incurred. The margin of safety can be computed in terms of dollars:

Margin of safety in dollars = Total sales - Break-even sales

or in percentage form:

Margin of safety percentage = Margin of safety in dollars / Total sales

F. Cost Structure. Cost structure refers to the relative proportion of fixed and variable costs in an organization. The best cost structure for a company depends on many factors, including the long-run trend in sales, year-to-year fluctuations in the level of sales, and the attitudes of owners and managers towards risk. Understanding a company's cost structure is important for decision making as well as for analysis of performance.

G. Operating Leverage. Operating leverage is a measure of how sensitive net income is to a given percentage change in sales.

1. Degree of operating leverage. The degree of operating leverage at a given level of sales is computed as follows:
Degree of operating leverage = Contribution margin / Net income

2. The math underlying the degree of operating leverage. The degree of operating leverage can be used to estimate how a given percentage change in sales volume will affect net income at a given level of sales, assuming there is no change in fixed expenses. To verify this, consider the following:

Degree of operating leverage x Percentage change in sales =

(Contribution margin/Net income) x ((New sales - Sales)/ Sales) = 

(Contribution margin/Sales) x ((New sales - Sales)/ Net Income) =

Contribution Margin ratio x ((New sales - Sales)/ Net Income) =

((CM ratio x New sales) - (CM ratio * Sales) )/ Net Income =

(New contribution margin - Contribution margin) / Net Income =

Change in net income / Net Income

= Percentage change in net income

Thus, providing that there is no change in fixed expenses and the other assumptions of CVP analysis are valid, the degree of operating leverage provides a quick way to predict the percentage effect on profits of a given percentage increase in sales. The higher the degree of operating leverage, the larger the increase in net income.

 3. Degree of operating leverage is not constant. The degree of operating leverage is not constant as the level of sales changes. For example, at the break-even point the degree of operating leverage is infinite since the denominator of the ratio is zero. Therefore, the degree of operating leverage should be used with some caution and should be recomputed for each level of starting sales.

4. Operating leverage and cost structure. Richard Lord, "Interpreting and Measuring Operating Leverage," Issues in Accounting Education, Fall 1995, pp. 316-329, points out that the relation between operating leverage and the cost structure of the company is contingent. It is difficult, for example, to infer the relative proportions of fixed and variable costs in the cost structures of any two companies just by comparing their operating leverages. We can, however, say that if two single-product companies have the same profit, the same selling price, the same unit sales, and the same total expenses, then the company with the higher operating leverage will have a higher proportion of fixed costs in its cost structure. If they do not have the same profit, the same unit sales, the same selling price, and the same total expenses, we cannot safely make this inference about their cost structure. All of the statements in the text about operating leverage and cost structure assume two companies are being compared that are identical except for the proportions of fixed and variable costs in their cost structures.

5. Automation and CVP analysis. The move toward greater automation and other trends in the economy have resulted in a shift toward greater fixed costs relative to variable costs. In turn, this shift in cost structure has had an impact on the break-even point, CM ratios, and other CVP factors. These impacts are summarized in Exhibit 6-3 in the text.

H. Structuring Sales Commissions. Students may have a tendency to overlook the importance of this section due to its brevity. You may want to discuss with your students how salespeople are ordinarily compensated (salary plus commissions based on sales) and how this can lead to lower profits. For example, would a firm make more money if its salespeople steered customers toward Model A or Model B as described below?

Model A
Model B

Price ..............$100

Price ...............$150

Variable cost ......75

Variable cost .....130

Unit CM .........$ 25

Unit CM ...........$ 20

Which model will salespeople push hardest if they are paid a commission of 10% of sales revenue?

I. Sales Mix. (The term sales mix means the relative proportions in which a company's products are sold. Most companies have a number of products with differing contribution margins. Thus, changes in the sales mix can cause variations in a company's profits. As a result, the break-even point in a multi-product company is dependent on the mix in which the various products are sold.

Different products typically have different selling prices, costs, and contribution margins.

1. Constant sales mix assumption. The assumption is usually made in CVP analysis that the sales mix will not change. Under the constant sales mix assumption, the break-even level of sales dollars can be computed using the overall contribution margin (CM) ratio. In essence, the assumption is made that the firm has only one product that consists of a basket of its various products in a specified proportion. The contribution margin ratio of this basket can be easily computed by dividing the total contribution margin of all products by total sales.
Overall CM ratio = Total contribution margin/ Total sales

2. Use of the overall CM ratio. The overall contribution margin ratio can be used in CVP analysis exactly like the contribution margin ratio for a single product firm. For a multi-product firm the formulas for break-even sales dollars and the sales required to attain a target profit are:

Break-even sales = Fixed expenses / Overall CM ratio

Sales to achieve target profits = (Fixed expenses + Target profits) / Overall CM ratio

Note that these formulas are really the same as for the single product case. The constant sales mix assumption allows us to use the same simple formulas.

3. Changes in sales mix. If the proportions in which products are sold change, then the contribution margin ratio will change. Since the sales mix is not in reality constant, the results of CVP analysis should be viewed with more caution in multi-product firms than in single product firms.

J. Limiting Assumptions in CVP Analysis. Simple CVP analysis relies on simplifying assumptions. However, if a manager knows that one of the assumptions is violated, the CVP analysis can often be easily modified to make it more realistic.

1. Selling price is constant. The assumption is that the selling price of a product will not change as the unit volume changes. This is not wholly realistic since there is usually an inverse relationship between price and unit volume. In order to increase volume it is often necessary to drop the price. However, CVP analysis can easily accommodate more realistic assumptions. A number of examples and problems in the text show how to use CVP analysis to investigate situations in which prices are changed.

2. Costs are linear and can be accurately divided into variable and fixed elements. It is assumed that the variable element is constant per unit and the fixed element is constant in total. This implies that operating conditions are stable and there are no major changes in worker efficiency. It also implies that the fixed costs are really fixed. When there are large changes in volume, this assumption becomes tenuous. However, if a manager is able to estimate the effects of a decision on fixed costs, these estimates can be explicitly taken into account in CVP analysis. Again, a number of examples and problems in the text show how to use CVP analysis when fixed costs are affected.

3. The sales mix is constant in multi-product companies. This assumption is invoked in order to use the simple break-even and target profit formulas in multi-product firms. If unit contribution margins are fairly uniform across products, violations of this assumption will not be important. However, if unit contribution margins differ a great deal, then changes in the sales mix can have a big impact on the overall contribution margin ratio and hence upon the results of CVP analysis. If a manager can predict how the sales mix will change, then a more refined CVP analysis can be performed in which the individual contribution margins of products are computed.

4. In manufacturing companies, inventories do not change. It is assumed that everything the company produces is sold in the same period. Violations of this assumption result in discrepancies between financial accounting net income and the profits calculated using the contribution approach. This topic is covered in detail in the next chapter.

