Group Tutoring
The Advantages of Group Tutoring
- Students benefit from helping each other
- The group benefits from a diversity of ideas and points of view
- It builds tolerance for differences in background, personality, and intellectual style
Inclusive Seating
- Arrange seating in a circle to include everyone.
Face the
- When using the blackboard, be sure everyone can see.
Students Explain
- Have students explain answers, concepts, and definition to each
Equalize the
- Make sure everyone in the group gets a chance to participate. Control vocal students
by ceding the floor to others.
- Tutor:
- We've heard your thoughts on
the previous point, Shawn, let's see if
someone else wants to suggest and idea.
- Praise students who come prepared to work.
- Tutor:
- Emerald, it's great that you did
the problem set before coming here.
It lets us make lots of progress.
- Provide opportunities for quiet students to participate.
- Tutor:
- We haven't heard from you in a
while, Ralph. What do you think of
Emerald's answer?
Summarize Everyone's
- Summarize the contributions of all students and integrate them into a whole. This
reinforces learning and helps all to see their contribution and feel included.
- Tutor:
- Great. It looks like we've finally
got it. Shawn said that mitosis was
when a cell replicates itself by dividing in two. After xeroxing it's DNA, as Emerald called it.
And Ralph added that in meiosis, there's one xeroxing that's followed by two divisions, which is
how you get a haploid cell.