Follow the example and directions below to calculate your grade

An Example: Suppose

Let us say that, 2/3s into the semester:

You earned 80% on the first midterm and 75% on the second midterm. Furthermore, you have earned a 60% on your three homework sets thus far (there will be five by the end of the semester and each is worth 20 points).  Finally,  let us say that you are on track to earn 85% on online Aplia or Connect so far ( class is not yet over). The final exam and participation have not been scored yet.


Step one: Figure out how many POSSIBLE points, up to now, you COULD have earned if you had got them ALL .

In my example, you could have earned 200 for midterm one and 200 for midterm two. For your homework, you could have earned 60 points so far (3 x 20). Finally, ( be careful here!) for online Aplia/Connect you are on track to earn (we won’t know for sure until the END of the semester) 85% of the 210 points possible. So, so far the total number of possible points earned is:

Midterms             200 + 200

HW                                 60

Aplia/Connect                210

Total :                           670

Step two: Figure out how many points you have earned so far and divide them by the total number possible to get a % grade.

This is found by: (200 x 80%) + (200 x 75%) + (60 x 60%) + ( 210 x 85%)* = 524.5

Your percentage grade, AT THIS POINT, is found by:  524.5/670 = 78.3%

* remember that online Aplia/Connect is only an estimate (it could change by year end and you will need to include your final exam and participation points toward the end to see what you “need” to earn to get a certain grade)