Skyline College


Lori Slicton
Native Peoples of North America


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Course Information


Course Description

Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL 836
Transfer: UC/CSU (D3).
3 Units
Introduction to the life ways of representative Native American culture groups found in different geographical areas of North America.


Tests: There will be three exams each worth one hundred points.
Book Report: Each student will be assigned questions pertaining to a biography (chosen by the instructor) of a Native American. The details of this assignment will be distributed and addressed in class.
Reflections: Ten, one-FULL page reflections on topics related to the study of North American Indians will be due over the course of the semester. The “reflections” are ungraded but are worth ten points each.

Introductory Notes



Anthropology is a new subject to many college students. Much of the material covered in the various anthropology courses at Skyline College is useful both in and out of class—concepts of race, ethnic diversity, conflict resolution, and gender roles are some of the themes covered that students find helpful in their personal and professional lives. While there are topics that overlap into other fields such as history, biology, geography, psychology, religion, et cetera, anthropology addresses these in a unique way.


In this class you're expected to:

  • Attend class regularly
    Be alert
  • Be prepared for class
    • Read and re-read assigned material before class (refer to course syllabus/course calendar)
    • Bring necessary supplies to class including your text(s), paper, pens/pencils, stylus, chisel
    • Take notes—each student should leave each class session with a minimum of a full page of notes whether they are from the lecture, discussion or film
  • Participate in Class:
    • Student participation is essential to a rich and dynamic learning environment but can only take place when students come to class prepared.
    • Ask questions and make comments germane to the topic at hand
  • Outside study:
    • Students should spend a few hours each week outside of class reading and re-reading their assignments and notes
    • Some students find it helpful to study and discuss the course material with other students from the class
  • Each student should consider and assess their own learning process and ask for help when needed.

The Learning Center (Skyline Campus, Building 5) provides a broad range of tutorial services free to students. I strongly encourage students to use this excellent resource as soon as they anticipate the need.



Required Texts:

Text: Native Nations by Bonvillain

Biography: Mabel McKay: Weaving the Dream by Sarris

Refer to the on-line Skyline Bookstore listings



Check out my Useful Links page Student Resources


Grading Information

Grading Scale: Five hundred points are available in each class.
Grade Total Semester Points %

  • A = 450-500 90-100
  • B =400-449 80-89
  • C =350-399 70-79
  • D =300-349 60-69
  • F =299 and fewer 0-59

Class Attendance and Grading:

Attendance will be taken once each class session. Lectures, class discussions, and films are as much a part of the course as are the assigned readings and this material will be included in exam questions. Regular, punctual attendance is of vital importance since there is no way of making up audiovisual materials, class discussions or lectures. Contact me if you miss a class due to illness, etcetera. Students who continue to miss classes may be dropped from the course. Also, out of courtesy to your fellow students and instructor, pagers and cell phones should be kept inaudible.

Making Up Missed Exams:

Students are expected to take all exams on scheduled dates. Make-up exams are only given in the case of a valid and documented emergency and must be made up the following week of their return during my office hour. Do not schedule routine appointments during exam times. Students who wait longer than one week will not be permitted to take the test and will receive a zero on that assignment. Extra credit is not accepted from students who have missed an exam or any assignment.

Cheating and Plagiarism:

Skyline College does not tolerate plagiarism or any form of cheating. All students should read the Student Handbook so that each of you is aware of your rights and responsibilities while attending Skyline College.