1. Select Ethnic Newswatch or Ethnic Newswatch Backfile from the "Newspaper Databases" menu on a computer on Table A or C at Skyline Library.

2. At the opening screen, select "Full Text Articles" for the desired year(s) to search for articles. ("Directory Database" lists publications.)

3. To change the language of search program (to English or Spanish), press F9 (Options).

4. At the main search screen, move the cursor to the desired field, e.g. "Keyword" (words in all text of all articles),"Subject" (subject headings) or "Titles" (words in article titles.)

5. Type search term(s), including any truncation or any operators, if desired. See Search Features (below) for details. Add additional terms in additional field(s) if desired.

6. To begin a search for the selected terms, press Enter. The number of articles found will then be displayed at the bottom of the screen.

7. To display a lsit of the headlines of the articles found in the last search, press the F3 key.

8. To display the full article, highlight the headline and press the F2 key.

9. Use the spacebar to move between the bibliographic citation and the full text of the article. Use the left and right arrow keys to move between records.

10. To print, press the F5 key and press Enter for "Easy Print." To print both the article citation and the full text, press Enter. To print just the citation or just the full text, press the space bar, select your choice and press Enter again.

11. To save an article to disk, press the F4 key (Actions) and then press "E" (Export). Move the cursor to the "File name" line, enter a name for the file to be saved and press Enter.

11. To quit, press F10 (Quit).


Logical Operators

OR: to search for articles with either term (to broaden search)

AND: to search for articles with both terms (to narrow search)

NOT: to search for articles with first term but not second term (to limit search)

Proximity Operators

NEARx: to search for articles containing both terms within x words of each other, in any order

ADJx: to search for articles containing both terms within x words of each other, in the entered order


* : retrieves articles containing all words beginning with same root (e.g. ECOLOG* retrives articles containing "ecology", "ecologist", "ecological", etc.)

? : matches one character (e.g. WOM?N retrives articles containing "woman" or "women")


To enter authors' names in the Author field, do not use punctuation, e.g., Bill Clinton or Clinton Bill

To enter a publication date in the Pub. Date field, use the form: MMDDYY, MMYY, e.g., >090191, <0991

last revised: 7-7-99 by Eric Brenner, Skyline College, San Bruno, CA

These materials may be used for educational purposes if you inform and credit the author and cite the source as: LSCI 105 Computerized Research. All commercial rights are reserved. To contact the author, send comments or suggestions to: Eric Brenner at