
Skyline Library Home
Using Netscape

Netscape is a graphical "browser" program that let's you access information from the World Wide Web ("WWW" or "Web") on the Internet. You can use Netscape to view, download and print (if a printer is available) information from Web "sites"--hypertext documents on the Web.

There are various ways to use Netscape to navigate Web resources:

  • Click on "links" or buttons on the document you are currently viewing (indicated when the cursor becomes a pointing finger)
  • Click on the Back and Forward buttons on the Toolbar
  • Use the Bookmarks pull-down menu to link to sites selected by our library
  • If you have the URL (Internet address) of a specific site you want to view:
    a) click in the Location or Netsite box (on the Netscape toolbar) or click the Open button on the Toolbar,
    b) type a URL (on library computers, URLs must begin with either http:// or www) and
    c) press Enter
  • Use the Go pull-down menu to return to a previous link you've viewed recently
  • In the library, click on Home on the Toolbar to go to our library home page where you can view our help pages and use our recommended links.
    • For help finding information on the Web, click on the Finding Info on the Web link near the top of the left column of our library homepage

To move through a document: use the scrollbar on the right side of the document, or the Page Down key to move down and Page Up key to move up.

To access the Skyline College Library Homepage from outside the library:
enter: in the Netsite or Location box (on the Netscape toolbar) to go to the the College homepage, then click on "Search & Index", then click on "Library"

To print a web document:

1. Before printing, it's advisable to preview what will be printed and to check the number of pages of the document. To do this, select Print preview from the File pull-down menu.

2. When you're ready to print, click on the Print icon on the tool bar.

3. To print the full document, click OK (or press Enter.) To print specific pages from the document, click Pages and then enter desired page numbers after from: and to:.

To save (download) a web document to disk:

1. Insert a 3 1/2-inch floppy disk in the disk drive. The disk must be formatted for IBM-compatible computers. It may be a double density or high density disk.

2. Pull down the File menu and select Save As

3. To save the document as a text file (so it will be readable with a word processing program): change the file name in the File name box to a name you will recognize and end the file name with .txt (example: article1.txt )*

4. Click on SAVE (or press Enter.)

* Note: To open a text file in Microsoft Word or other word processing programs, you must be sure to select "All Files" in the Open dialog box. If it is set to "Word Documents", any text files (or other types of files) will not be displayed.

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last revised: 1-14-00
by Eric Brenner, Skyline College, San Bruno, CA