Final Project Draft
Due Date: May 2, 2000
Please complete a draft of your final project, including at least
the following (if you can do more, you can get more feedback):
- Write your research question
Find at least 10 sources that you might use to do research
for a term paper on a topic of your choice and arrange them in MLA
bibliographic format. (If you have a particular reason for using a
bibliographic format other than MLA, please contact the
Include at least one of each of the following types of
- books.
- magazine or journal articles (more scholarly journals are
preferred, but this will depend on the topic.)
- article from an encyclopedia or other reference book.
- newspaper articles.
- information on your topic found on the Internet. If possible,
try to include at least 1 site with audio.
- citations for a book review article that reviews a book in
your bibliography.
- annotations of any sources you cited
- Optional: 1 e-mail discussion group may be included
(not required)
- List subject headings from the LC Subject Headings that
are related to your topic.
- Include a general search worksheet for your research
- For at least one of the following databases, complete a
pathfinder worksheet, i.e. list the the subject heading(s) or
search terms (include fields, if used) used to find books or
articles related to your topic and the number of records found for
each search:
- any Infotrac database (e.g., Academic ASAP)
- any newspaper index or database (e.g. Proquest database or
- any of the following subject periodical databases:
- WilsonWeb Omnifile, ABI/Inform, BIOSIS, ERIC, PsycInfo,
PAIS, Medline (PubMed) or other scholarly periodical
databases (from the Web or Dialog).
- any World Wide Web subject directory (e.g. Yahoo!,
Librarians' Index to the Internet, InfoMine, etc.)
- any World Wide Web search engine (e.g. NorthernLight,
AltaVista, InfoSeek, HotBot, etc.)
- any subject-specific World Wide Web database (see Databases
on the Web)
Click here to see Final Project Guidelines
for details on how to complete this assignment
Write your draft as a word processing file, preferably in
Microsoft Word. (Please let me know if you use a different word
procesing program.) Please name your file: finaldraft1 (If you use
Word, the .doc extension will automatically be added so it will be
named: finaldraft1.doc )
Please e-mail the file (as an attachment) to:

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last revised: 4-25-00 by Eric Brenner, Skyline College, San Bruno,
These materials may be used for
educational purposes if you inform and credit the author and cite the
source as: LSCI 105 Online Research. All commercial rights are
reserved. To contact the author, send comments or suggestions to:
Eric Brenner at