Turk's cap. Bora Bora. Photo©CLCase
Biology 240
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Choose a bacterial species and provide the following information about that organism.

Do not use Escherichia coli.

Your report must be typed. It should be about 2 pages. Refer to the Style Sheet for directions.

1. Genus and species.

2. Group in Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, 9th ed.

3. Phylum, Class, Order, Family in Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology (BMSB), 2nd ed. (See Appendix A in your textbook. Or BMSB, 2nd ed, contents on the iMac in lab; BMSB, 1st ed. in my office.)

4. Gram reaction and morphology.

5. Natural habitat.

6. Is this organism kept in the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC)? What number? (You may need to use the print ATCC catalogue, in lab.)

7. Who first identified this organism? When?

8. Aerobic, anaerobic, facultative anaerobe?

9. Key identifying tests for this genus.

10. Key tests to identify this species.

11. Describe special characteristics of this organism, e.g., pathogenesis, commercial products, unique habitat or metabolism.

12. Using PubMed, locate a recent (since 1990) article on this bacterium. Cite the article using the correct format.* (See the Style Sheet).
a. What was the purpose of the study?
b. What were the results?

*Citation example
S. Yoder, C. Argueta, A. Holtzman, T. Aronson, O. G. W. Berlin, P. Tomasek, N. Glover, S. Froman, and G. Stelma. 1999. "PCR Comparison of Mycobacterium avium Isolates Obtained from Patients and Foods." Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 265(6) 650-2653.
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