Jonathan Freedman
Fall 06
Click here for a printer
friendly version of the syllabus (you'll need acrobat
Course Comments:
We will cover the majority of Chapters 1 through 6, 8 and
9, as well as some supplemental
materials. We will focus on building a library of functions
and the attitude necessary to throw down with them.
For each of the functions:
– Linear
– Quadratic (and some general polynomials)
– Exponential
– Logarithmic
– Trigonometric
you will be able to take any one of the representations:
Data Table, Graph, Formula,
and use technology or algebraic manipulation to generate
and manipulate the other two.
Additionally, we will recognize and derive
the relationship between each function and
Contextual Applications relevant to that function.
We w ill use the graphing calculator
to help us analyze complex functions, derive formulas
from data, and perform various calculus–related
analyses on a function.
We will explore and anticipate the behavior
of functions through translation and
We will compose functions and invert them
and develop our intuition for the results of such
Math 222 (80572) |
Precalculus |
Jonathan Freedman |
Office: 2307 |
Fall 2006
Daily 8:10 - 9:00 |
Office Hrs: M 1:30 - 2:30
T 9:30 - 10
W 9:30 - 10, 1:30 - 2:30
9:30 - 10, 1:30 - 2:30
F 9:30 - 10
and by appointment
Bldg/Rm: 7-7102 |
Ph: 650 738–7032 |
Last day to Add this
Last day to Drop this course without a W:
Last day to Withdraw from class:
Last regular class
Final Exam (comprehensive):
Tuesday, August 29
Friday, September 8
Tuesday, November 14
9/4; 11/10; 11/23 - 11/26
Friday, December 8
Wednesday, Dec 13 8:10
- 10:40am
TI–83 graphing calculator is required for this course.
Other graphing calculators may perform the same functions
and may be acceptable but see me about this. There will
be quizzes and tests
or portions of each where you may not be allowed to use
Required Text:
![](img/book.jpg) |
Connally, Hughes-Hallett, Gleason, et al. Functions
Modeling Change. 2nd ed. New York:
John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2002..
Check out my Help
Learning Center (TLC) is an outstanding resource for
free tutoring in all of your classes.
You should visit TLC at the slightest sign of confusion
or just as a place to sit and work in a
supportive environment. The Learning Center staff is well
trained and dedicated solely to your success, so don't waste
this resource!
A tutoring service is available online through the authors
of this book and
SMARTHINKING.com . If you're interested in this service
you can check their website or I can
help you.
Tutorials for the TI-83
are available online.
If you have any interest in Mathematics, Engineering, or
Science you may wish to join MESA
and make use of their tutoring and counseling services.
MESA workshop this semester is Tuesdays from
2:00 - 3:00 in 7306.
In Coordination with the DSP&S
office, reasonable accommodations will be provided for qualified
students with disabilities. If you have an accommodation
letter, please meet with me during my office hours to discuss
your needs. For more information, please contact the DSP&S
office in building 2 at 738-4280.
Grading Information:
Homework and other assignments (25%)
Quizzes (15%)
3 – 5 Tests (40%)
Final (20%)
I will drop your worst test score (Not the final). There will
be no makeup tests. If you are late for a test you will have
only the remaining time to complete the test (so don't be
late). If you know you are going to miss a test date, contact
me at least three days in advance and we can arrange an alternate
I will omit one late assignment or if you submit all assignments
on time, I will drop your lowest score.
I will give quizzes often. I will drop your two worst quizzes.
There will be no makeup quizzes.