You will need a user license for StatCrunch
A tablet or similar computer with the capability of reaching the internet is necessary for this course. We will have a Chromebook cart available in class and there are computers available on campus. If you do not have access to a computer at home, you will need to plan accordingly to complete assignments.
You may also want to have a scientific calculator for use on tests.
score on placement test/HS GPA or completion of Math 120 or Math190.
Required Text
The text for Math 200 is Statistical Reasoning through the Open Learning Initiative hosted by Carnegie-Mellon University. |
It is essential that you attempt and complete
all assignments in the class. In the process of working the
problems you will develop all the skills that will see you
though college.
For online resources check out my Help
Office hours. Either during my posted office
hours or by arrangement, you should come to see me for help.
The people in your class know the most about what you are
studying and therefore make the best sources of help. Please
try to find other student in the class to study with and please
come to see me if you have any questions.
Learning Center (TLC) is an outstanding resource for tutoring
in all of your classes.
You should visit TLC at the slightest sign of confusion or
just as a place to sit and work in a
supportive environment. The Learning Center staff is well
trained and dedicated solely to your success, so don't waste
this resource!
Tutorials for the TI-83 are
available in the TLC, on DVD (ask me) and online.
In coordination with the DRC office, reasonable accommodations will be provided for qualified students with disabilities. If you have an accommodation letter, please meet with me during my office hours to discuss your needs. For more information, please contact DRC (in building 5) at 738-4280.
Grading Information:
Homework, Quizzes, Projects, in–class assignments, Quizzes: (35%)
Time By Arrangement (5% { WA pre-reading assignments with online discussion)
4–5 Tests 40%)
Final (20%)
I will drop your worst test score (Not the
final). There will be no makeup tests. If you are late for
a test you will have only the remaining time to complete the
test (so don't be late). If you know you are going to miss
a test date, contact me at least three days in advance and
we can arrange an alternate test date.
I will drop your worst quiz. There will be no makeup quizzes.
I will excuse your worst homework score (or drop your lowest score if you submit all of them). I will excuse up to four late assignments provided you (1) meet with me to go over them and (2) submit them before any test covering their content.