White pelican eating.
San Francisco Bay

Biology 240
  BIOL 240 visual lab guide   BIOL 240   My home page


M & M

M&M is a Morbidity and Mortality conference, where doctors get together, shut the doors, and talk about what went wrong. Emerging infectious diseases are those whose incidence in humans has increased within the past two decades or threatens to increase in the near future. Emergence may be due to the spread of a new agent, to the recognition of an infection that has been present in the population but has gone undetected, or to the realization that an established disease has an infectious origin. Emergence may also be used to describe the reappearance (or "reemergence") of a known infection after a decline in incidence.


  • Possible topics.
  • Work in teams of two students.
  • Sign up for your disease in lab; one team per disease.
  • Format
    • 10-minute power point presentation on your assigned disease. Both members of the team present. Guidelines
    • Use your textbook and other references ; identify these references in the proper format on the slide where the information is presented. You must use peer-reviewed articles. Encylopedias, wikis, and unreviewed websites are not acceptable (1).
    • This grading form.pdf and (one page) a copy of your slides printed in handout format (3, 6, or 9 slides per page) must be turned in at the time of your presentation. Download this page (pdf)
    • Sample




Signs and symptoms of the disease.


Describe the pathogen
Including taxonomy.


Incidence and prevalence of the disease
Geography, discovery, reasons for emergence
Mechanisms of potential worldwide spread.
Likelihood of worldwide transmission


Treatment of the disease


Prevention of the disease


Mechanisms of pathogenesis
Portal of entry/exit
Virulence factors


Q & A. You earn points by asking or answering questions.


General form & presentation


Proper citations on the slides where the information is used. All references in proper format on last slide.


Points possible


1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention <http://www.cdc.gov/>
2. National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases <http://www.niaid.nih.gov/>
3. Tortora, G., B. Funke, & C. Case. Microbiology: An Introduction, 13th ed. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings, 2019.
4. World Health Organization < http://www.who.int/en/>
5. Library reference page.